Local COVID-19 transmission in the last two weeks
assessment Cases
- This week 81
- Last week 62
- Change trending_up 19
search Unknown source
- This week 5
- Last week 6
- Change trending_down 1
- This week 135,089
- Last week 156,914
- Change trending_down 21,825
Public health experts investigate the source of infection for each new case. Cases with an unknown source means there are some people with COVID-19 who do not know where or how they were infected. This shows there are people infected with COVID-19 in the community who have not been diagnosed and is the reason why testing is critical.
Recommendations for COVID-19 testing
Testing is very important to identify people who have been infected with COVID-19 and stop the spread of infection in the community. NSW Health urges everyone to have a COVID-19 test and isolate themselves right away if any respiratory symptoms like fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat or shortness of breath (even if very mild) appear. Testing is recommended each time symptoms develop. Read more about testing advice.
Public health experts carefully review new case information and monitor local testing rates to identify areas where infection might be spreading. Currently no specific LGAs have been identified for increased testing and surveillance.
Refer to Recent flights with confirmed cases of COVID-19 for the latest information on domestic and international flights.
All COVID-19 cases diagnosed in NSW
supervisor_account Locally acquired
- 11 Last 24 hours
- 81 This week
- 1,391 Total
transfer_within_a_station Interstate
- 0 Last 24 hours
- 2 This week
- 76 Total
flight_land Overseas
- 3 Last 24 hours
- 16 This week
- 2,012 Total
Recovery statistics
Recovery is based on self-reported information when the person is interviewed 21 days after the onset of symptoms. Cases who are within 21 days of symptom onset or with no information available on recovery are not included in this table. The time an individual takes to recover depends on many factors including age and other underlying health conditions. Cases who have been infected earlier in the outbreak have had more time to recover than cases who developed symptoms 3 weeks ago. For these reasons, recovery rates should not be directly compared between LHDs.
* Includes only COVID-19 related deaths.
** Includes cases under the care of NSW Health without a NSW residential address.
Numbers may fluctuate due to ongoing public health investigations.
More information