Local COVID-19 transmission in the last two weeks

assessment Cases

  • This week 27
  • Last week 77
  • Change trending_down 50

group Known source

  • This week 20
  • Last week 71
  • Change trending_down 51

search Unknown source

  • This week 7
  • Last week 6
  • Change trending_up 1


  • This week 127,313
  • Last week 151,065
  • Change trending_down 23,752

This week includes data for the 7 days ending 8pm 21 Aug 2020, last week includes data to the week ending 8pm 14 Aug 2020.

Public health experts investigate the source of infection for each new case. Cases with an unknown source means there are some people with COVID-19 who do not know where or how they were infected. This shows there are people infected with COVID-19 in the community who have not been diagnosed and is the reason why testing is critical.

Recommendations for COVID-19 testing

Testing is very important to identify people who have been infected with COVID-19 and stop the spread of infection in the community. NSW Health urges everyone to have a COVID-19 test and isolate themselves right away if any respiratory symptoms like fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat or shortness of breath (even if very mild) appear. Testing is recommended each time symptoms develop. Read more about testing advice.

Public health experts carefully review new case information and monitor local testing rates to identify areas where infection might be spreading. Currently no specific LGAs have been identified for increased testing and surveillance.

Refer to Recent flights with confirmed cases of COVID-19 for the latest information on domestic and international flights.

All COVID-19 cases diagnosed in NSW

supervisor_account Locally acquired

  • 9 Last 24 hours
  • 27 This week
  • 1,644 Total

transfer_within_a_station Interstate

  • 0 Last 24 hours
  • 1 This week
  • 89 Total

flight_land Overseas

  • 0 Last 24 hours
  • 5 This week
  • 2,059 Total

Based on date of notification to NSW Health, up to 8pm 21 Aug 2020. The total NSW case count excludes 189 crew members who tested positive while on board a ship docked in NSW at the time of diagnosis.

Recovery statistics

NSW Health undertook a time-limited survey to measure the recovery status of patients with COVID-19 three weeks after the onset of illness, by interviewing the case. Cases reporting resolution of all COVID-19 symptoms were considered to have recovered. Cases who had not recovered at three weeks were called in the following weeks until recovery. By the week ending 11 July 2020, approximately 85% of cases had recovered see: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/covid-19-surveillance-report_160720.pdf. NSW Health has suspended this survey while focussing on the recent increase in community transmission of COVID-19.

Page Updated: Saturday 22 August 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW