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Latest statistics

As of 11am 16 March 2020:

Cases Count
Confirmed cases​ 1711
Deaths​ 42
Cases under investigation 1,282
Cases tested and excluded 25,511
  1. 1 confirmed case is a Victorian resident, hospitalised in NSW.
  2. 1 confirmed case is a Queensland resident, who passed away in a NSW hospital.

Latest press conference

New cases

Since 10pm Sunday 15 March 2020, there have been 5 additional cases, bringing the total to 171.

Of the new cases, 1 was male and 4 were female, median age 37 (range: 20-51).

The most likely source of infection for all 5 new cases is still under investigation.

Age and sex breakdown of additional cases reported in NSW

Ag​e group Female Male Total
10-19 0 0 0
20-29 1 0 1
30-39​ 1 1 2
40-49 1 0 1
50-59 1 0 1
60-69 0 0 0
70-79​ 0 0 0
90-100 0 0 0
Total 4 1 5

Airport screening

Total for Sunday, 15 March 2020

  • 471 passenger arrivals screened
  • 8 transferred to hospital for further evaluation/testing

Cumulative up to Sunday, 15 March 2020

  • 27,284 passenger arrivals screened
  • 221 transferred to hospital for further evaluation/testing

Age and sex breakdown of confirmed cases reported in NSW

Ag​e group Female Percentage female M1ale Percentage male Total
10-20 5 45 6 55 11
20-30 14 61 9 39 23
30-40 21 50 21 50 42
40-50 16 57 12 43 28
50-60 16 53 14 47 30
60-70 10 40 15 60 25
70-80 2 33 4 67 6
80-90 1 33 2 67 3
90-100 3 100 0 0 3
Total 88 51 83 49 171

Likely source of infection of confirmed cases reported in NSW

Bar graph of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW, by likely source of infection. Text alternative follows iamge. 

Source Number of cases
Overseas acquired 67
Epi link (contact of confirmed case) 44
Under investigat​ion 43
Unknown 17
Total 171

Local Government Area (LGA) of residence for confirmed cases of COVID-19 with unknown source of infection

Local Government Area Number of cases
Botany Bay 1
Central Coast 1
Georges River​ 1
Hornsby 2
Ku-ring-gai 1
Liverpool 1
Parramatta 1
Ryde 3
Sydney 2
The Hills Shire 1
Woollahra 3
Total 17

More information

NSW Health


Page Updated: Monday 16 March 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW