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Latest statistics

As of 8pm 23 March 2020:

Cases Count
Confirmed cases (incl. interstate residents in NSW health care facilities) 818
Cases tested and excluded 61,030
Total 61,848
  • New cases reported since 8pm 23 March: 149
  • Total deaths reported: 7

Latest press conference


COVID-19 Update - Tuesday 24 March​​

New cases

There have been an additional 149 cases reported in NSW in the past 24 hours.

Age and sex breakdown of confirmed cases reported in NSW

Age group Female Male Total
10-19 18 9 27
20-29 84 66 150
30-39 76 73 149
40-49 52 72 124
50-59 60 72 132
60-69 69 64 133
70-79 29 42 71
80-89 7 15 22
90-100 7 2 9
Total 402 416 818

Likely source of infection of confirmed cases reported in NSW

Source Cases
Overseas acquired 425
Locally acquired - contact of a confirmed case 174
Local acquired – contact not identified 72
Under investigation 147
Total 818

Confirmed cases by local health district (LHD)

Across NSW

NSW rural and regional LHD map showing confirmed cases in different LHDs. Hunter New England LHD has 21-40 cases. Northern NSW, Mid North Coast and Western NSW have 6-10 cases each. Southern NSW LHD has 1-5 confirmed cases. 

This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory.

Across Sydney Metropolitan region

NSW metropolitan LHD map showing confirmed cases in different LHDs. South Eastern Sydney LHD has 81-160 cases. Northern Sydney has 41-80 cases. Western Sydney, Sydney and South Western LHDs have 21-40 cases. Nepean Blue Mountains and Central Coast LHDs have 11-20 cases each. 

This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory.

Airport screening

Since 2 February 2020, NSW Health been assisting the Australian Government in assessing passengers who arrive at Sydney International Airport from countries with high levels of COVID-19 community transmission. On 23 March 2020, a total of 1,259 passenger arrivals were screened for possible symptoms of COVID-19. 25 people were transferred to hospital for further evaluation and COVID-19 testing where clinically indicated.

Public Health Orders

More information

NSW Health


Page Updated: Tuesday 24 March 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW