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Latest statistics​

As of 8pm 25 March 2020:

Cases Count
Confirmed cases (incl. interstate residents in NS​​W health care facilities) 1,219
Cases tested and excluded 72,787
Total 74,006
  • New cases reported since 8pm 24 March: 190
  • Total deaths reported: 7
  • People tested on 22 March 2020: 5,199
  • Cases in ICU: 10; 4 of whom are ventilated and 2 is on high flow oxygen

Latest press conference


COVID-19 Update Friday 27 March​​​​

New cases

There have been an additional 190 cases reported in NSW in the past 24 hours.

Age and sex breakdown of confirmed cases reported in NSW

Age group Female Male Total
0-9 4 1 5
10-19 18 13 31
20-29 137 93 230
30-39 106 101 207
40-49 76 105 181
50-59 101 101 202
60-69 99 96 195
70-79 48 63 111
80-89 16 29 45
90-100 7 4 11

Note: Excludes cases notified without a date of birth and/or gender.

Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and gender in NSW, reported up to 8pm 24 March 2020

Likely source of infection of confirmed cases reported in NSW

Source Count
Overseas acquired 647
Locally acquired – contact of a confirmed case and/or in a known cluster 221
Locally acquired – contact not identified 88
Under investigation 263
Total 1,219


Epidemiological curve of confirmed COVID-19 cases by likely source of infection and notification date in NSW, reported up to 8pm 24 March 2020

Note: The details on source of infection are subject to change as public health investigations and case interviews are ongoing.

Testing in NSW for COVID-19

Figure: Total number of COVID-19 tests by LHD in NSW, reported up to 8pm 25 March 2020

Note: Does not include tests performed on those who did not provide a full or valid address, or who supplied an interstate address.

Number of confirmed cases, tests, percent positivity, and rates of cases and tests per 100,000 residents of each LHD in NSW, reported up to 8pm 25 March 2020

LHD Cases Tests Percent positive Cases per 100,000 residents Tests per 100,000 residents
South Eastern Sydney 319 11313 2.82 33.26 1179.54
Northern Sydney 247 13130 1.88 25.84 1373.55
Central Coast 49 2620 1.87 13.89 742.5
Sydney 91 7033 1.29 13.06 1009.37
Nepean Blue Mountains 50 4147 1.21 12.79 1060.65
Hunter New England 117 5917 1.98 12.28 621.28
Illawarra Shoalhaven 44 3233 1.36 10.49 770.47
Western Sydney 98 9336 1.05 9.3 886.24
Southern NSW 19 1158 1.64 8.75 533.47
South Western Sydney 88 7695 1.14 8.47 740.95
Western NSW 22 1355 1.62 7.72 475.42
Northern NSW 22 1497 1.47 7.09 482.34
Mid North Coast 13 1408 0.92 5.76 623.93
Murrumbidgee 13 951 1.37 4.36 319.01
Far West 0 90 0 0 298.57
NSW Total 1219 74006 1.65 14.89 904.06

Note: LHD counts and rates do not include results for those who did not provide a full or valid address, or who supplied an interstate or international address.

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 across NSW as of 24 March 2020 at 8pm, by local health district (LHD)

This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory.

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 across Sydney Metropolitan region as of 25 March 2020 at 8pm, by local health district (LHD)

This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory.

Locally acquired cases and clusters in NSW

Cases without NSW postcode are not shown. LGA 2019 boundaries.

Across NSW

Cases in NSW where contact is not identified. A table of cases per Local Government Area is below.
This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. Data as of 8pm 25 March 2020

Across Sydney Metropolitan region

Cases in Sydney Metropolitan area where contact is not identified. A table of cases per Local Government Area is below.
This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. Data as of 8pm 25 March 2020

Confirmed cases across NSW by Local Government Area

Local Government Area Confirmed cases
Albury 1-4
Ballina 1-4
Blayney 1-4
Burwood 1-4
Cabonne 1-4
Clarence Valley 1-4
Coffs Harbour 1-4
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional 1-4
Dubbo Regional 1-4
Dungog 1-4
Eurobodalla 1-4
Federation 1-4
Glen Innes Severn 1-4
Greater Hume Shire 1-4
Griffith 1-4
Inverell 1-4
Kempsey 1-4
Kiama 1-4
Lismore 1-4
Lithgow 1-4
Liverpool Plains 1-4
Mid-Western Regional 1-4
Nambucca 1-4
Narrabri 1-4
Singleton 1-4
Snowy Monaro Regional 1-4
Strathfield 1-4
Tenterfield 1-4
Upper Hunter Shire 1-4
Wagga Wagga 1-4
Warrumbungle Shire 1-4
Weddin 1-4
Wollondilly 1-4
Bega Valley 5
Byron 5
Goulburn Mulwaree 5
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional 5
Bathurst Regional 6
Canada Bay 6
Fairfield 6
Orange 6
Hunters Hill 7
Shoalhaven 7
Tamworth Regional 7
Port Macquarie-Hastings 8
Tweed 8
Cessnock 9
Port Stephens 9
Georges River 10
Maitland 10
Shellharbour 10
Blue Mountains 12
Campbelltown 12
Hawkesbury 12
Willoughby 13
Wingecarribee 13
Camden 15
Bayside 16
Liverpool 17
Mid-Coast 18
Lane Cove 19
Lake Macquarie 20
North Sydney 20
Mosman 23
Cumberland 24
The Hills Shire 24
Wollongong 24
Parramatta 25
Penrith 25
Newcastle 26
Ku-ring-gai 28
Inner West 29
Blacktown 30
Hornsby 31
Randwick 32
Ryde 33
Sutherland Shire 35
Canterbury-Bankstown 41
Central Coast 44
Woollahra 66
Northern Beaches 68
Sydney 69
Waverley 105
Total 1219
The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. Data as of 8pm 25 March 2020

Locally acquired COVID-19 cases in NSW with an unknown source of infection

Across NSW

This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence) where source of likely infection is: Locally acquired – contact not identified. Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. Data as of 8pm 25 March 2020

Across Sydney Metropolitan region

This map shows confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence) where source of likely infection is: Locally acquired – contact not identified. Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. Data as of 8pm 25 March 2020

Locally acquired COVID-19 cases in NSW with an unknown source of infection by Local Government Area

Local Government Area Cases locally acquired – Contact not identified
Bayside 1-4
Campbelltown 1-4
Canterbury-Bankstown 1-4
Central Coast 1-4
Cessnock 1-4
Cumberland 1-4
Georges River 1-4
Goulburn Mulwaree 1-4
Hawkesbury 1-4
Hunters Hill 1-4
Inner West 1-4
Lake Macquarie 1-4
Liverpool 1-4
Mid-Coast 1-4
Mid-Western Regional 1-4
Mosman 1-4
Newcastle 1-4
Northern Beaches 1-4
Orange 1-4
Parramatta 1-4
Penrith 1-4
Port Macquarie-Hastings 1-4
Randwick 1-4
Shoalhaven 1-4
Sutherland Shire 1-4
Tenterfield 1-4
The Hills Shire 1-4
Tweed 1-4
Willoughby 1-4
Wollondilly 1-4
Wollongong 1-4
Woollahra 1-4
Ku-ring-gai 5
Ryde 5
Sydney 5
Hornsby 8
Waverley 8
Total 88

The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. Data as of 8pm 25 March 2020.


ID Date of first onset LGA of event Last case within 14 days Cases * Local transmission
1 16 March 2020 Cessnock Yes 2 Yes
2 15 March 2020 Camperdown Yes 2 Yes
3 9 March 2020 Wollongong Yes 34 Yes
4 8 March 2020 Ryde Yes 15 Yes
5 17 March 2020 Waverley Yes 19 Yes
6 17 March 2020 Waverley Yes 16 Yes
7 24 February 2020 Ryde Yes 19 Yes
8 8 March 2020 Hornsby Yes 2 Yes

* Number of associated cases as at 12pm 25 March 2020, resident in NSW.

Airport screening

Since 2 February 2020, NSW Health been assisting the Australian Government in assessing passengers who arrive at Sydney International Airport from countries with high levels of COVID-19 community transmission. On 25 March 2020, a total of 1,870 passenger arrivals were screened for possible symptoms of COVID-19. 19 people were transferred to hospital for further evaluation and COVID-19 testing where clinically indicated.

Public Health Orders

More information

NSW Health


Page Updated: Friday 27 March 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW