As of 8pm 6 April 2020

Table: Confirmed cases

Cases Count
Total confirmed cases 1 2,686
New cases reported since 8pm 5 April 2020 49
People tes​ted since 8pm 5 April 20202 2,108
​People tested and excluded since 8pm 5 April 2020 2,059​
​Total cases tested 126,146​
Total cases tested and excluded 2 123,460
Total deaths 21


  1. Confirmed case count includes interstate residents in care in NSW. Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.
  2. A surge in total number of tests performed on a particular day may occur as the test results are updated in batches and new laboratories gain testing capacity.

Areas for increased testing and surveillance

  • Broken Hill
  • Byron
  • Dee Why
  • Lake Macquarie
  • Macquarie Park
  • Manly
  • Manning
  • Nowra and South Nowra
  • Port Macquarie
  • Ryde
  • Waverley
  • Woollahra

Table: Confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by age group and gender

Age group​ Female Male Total
0-9 11 13 24
10-19 44 41 85
20-29 320 260 580
30-39 225 218 443
40-49 143 194 337
50-59 207 203 410
60-69 215 202 417
70-79 131 153 284
80-89 36 48 84
90-100 10 12 22
Total 1,342 1,344 2,686

Note: Excludes cases notified without a date of birth and/or gender.

Graph: Confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by age group and gender


Table: Confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by likely source of infection

Source Cases
Overseas acquired 1,624
Locally acquired – contact of a confirmed case and/or in a known cluster 614
Locally acquired – contact not identified 406
Under investigation 42
Total 2,686

Note: Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.

Graph: Epidemiological curve of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by likely source of infection and notification date

Note: The details on source of infection are subject to change as public health investigations and case interviews are ongoing.

Active cluster investigations in NSW

Name Date of first onset LGA of event Last case within 14 days Cases 1 Local transmission?
Stanwell Tops Wedding 9 March 2020 Wollongong Yes 38 Yes
Boogie Wonderland Party 17 March 2020 Waverley Yes 34 Yes
Dorothy Henderson Lodge 24 February 2020 Ryde Yes 22 Yes
Church meeting 8 March 2020 Ryde Yes 19 Yes
Bondi Hardware Restaurant 17 March 2020 Waverley Yes 14 Yes
Rose of Sharon Childcare 18 March 2020 Blacktown Yes 6 Yes
Opal Aged Care Bankstown 22 March 2020 Canterbury- Bankstown Yes 4 Yes
Normanhurst West Public School 8 March 2020 Hornsby Yes 3 Yes
St Andrews’ Church Wedding 16 March 2020 Sydney Yes 3 Yes
Rugby tournament 15 March 2020 Camperdown Yes 2 Yes
Pokolbin Wedding 16 March 2020 Cessnock Yes 2 Yes

Airport screening

Since 2 February 2020, NSW Health been assisting the Australian Government in assessing passengers who arrive at Sydney International Airport from countries with high levels of COVID-19 community transmission. On 6 April 2020, a total of 358 passenger arrivals were screened for possible symptoms of COVID-19. 3 people were transferred to hospital for further evaluation and COVID-19 testing where clinically indicated.

To date, 48,491 passenger arrivals have been screened for possible symptoms of COVID-19. A total of 508 people have been transferred to hospital for further evaluation and COVID-19 testing where clinically indicated.

Summary of the first 200 cases in NSW

Summary of the first 200 cases in NSW includes:

  • demographics
  • age distribution of the first 200 cases
  • source of infection (overseas and within Australia)
  • epicurve by country of acquisition (latest onset 15 March 2020)
  • hospitalisation
  • profile of symptomatic patients
  • deaths.


This data includes confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference  laboratory. The details on source of infection are subject to change as public health investigations and case interviews are ongoing.

More information

Page Updated: Tuesday 7 April 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW