As of 8pm 23 April 2020

Latest surveillance report

Surveillance report - 23 April 2020​

Table: Confirmed cases

Cases Count
Total confirmed cases 1 2,982
New cases reported since 8pm 21 April 2020 1 7
People tested since 8pm 21 April 2020 1, 2 7,352
People tested and excluded since 8pm 21 April 2020 1, 2 7,345
Total people tested 1, 2 188,416
Total people tested and excluded 1, 2 185,434
Total deaths 3 34
​Recovered 2,164​


  1. Confirmed case count includes interstate residents in care in NSW. Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review. Excludes crew members of cruise ships who were diagnosed offshore  are not in the care of NSW Health.
  2. A surge in total number of tests performed on a particular day may occur as the test results are updated in batches and new laboratories gain testing capacity. Low test counts may also be due to a delay in importation or receipt of negative results from various laboratories.​
  3. This count includes two Queensland residents who died in NSW.

​​​Recovery status for COVID-19 cases outcomes at 3 weeks after onset of illness

In NSW, recovery status for COVID-19 is assessed at 3 weeks after the onset of illness by interviewing the case. Cases reporting resolution of all COVID-19 symptoms are considered to have recovered. The time an individual takes to recover is dependent on many factors including age and other underlying health conditions. Cases who have been infected earlier in the outbreak have had more time to recover than cases who developed symptoms 3 weeks ago. To date, 2,164 are known to have recovered.  

Areas for increased testing and surveillance

Find your Local Government Area by suburb.

Table: Confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by age group and gender

Age group Female Male Total Percentage of total​
0-9 14 16 30 1​
10-19 48 44 92 3​
20-29 352 282 634 21​
30-39 248 247 495 17​
40-49 162 212 374 13​
50-59 223 220 443 15​
60-69 237
229 466 16​
70-79 147 167 314 11​
80-89 46 51 97 3​
90-100 22 15 37 1​
​Total 1,499 1,483 2,982 100​

Note: Excludes cases notified without a date of birth and/or gender.

Graph: Confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by age group and gender


Table: Confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by likely source of infection

Source Cases
Overseas acquired 1,740
Interstate acquired 72
Locally acquired – contact of a confirmed case and/or in a known cluster 804
Locally acquired – contact not identified 360
Under investigation 6
Total 2,982

Note: Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.

Graph: Epidemiological curve of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NSW by likely source of infection and onset date

Note: The details on source of infection are subject to change as public health investigations and case interviews are ongoing.

Current COVID-19 clusters in NSW

This list includes locally-acquired clusters only; where a cluster represents 2 or more confirmed COVID-19 cases associated in location and time.

Cluster Date of first positive lab test LGA Last case within
14 days
Number of cases*
Workplace in Lidcombe 11 April 2020 Parramatta Yes 1-10
Anglicare Newmarch House 10 April 2020 Penrith Yes 21-30
Workplace in Wolli Creek 2 April 2020 Bayside Yes 11-20
Waverly Area Cluster 2 April 2020 Waverley Council Yes 1-10
QF66 Johannesburg/Sydney
arriving 27 March
1 April 2020 N/A Yes 1-10
Workplace in Prestons 29 March 2020 Liverpool Yes 11-20
QF28 Santiago/Sydney
arriving 29 March
26 March 2020 N/A Yes 31-40
Hunter Valley Event 26 March 2020 Cessnock Yes 1-10
Gosford Hospital 25 March 2020 Gosford Yes 11-20
Opal Aged Care Bankstown 22 March 2020 Canterbury- Bankstown Yes 1-10
Chilean Navy 21 March 2020 Sydney Yes 20-30
Rose of Sharon Childcare Centre 16 March 2020 Blacktown Yes 21-30

Notes: *represents the total number cases associated with the cluster diagnosed in NSW as at 10am 17 April 2020, presented in ranges of 1-10, 11-20 etc.

Airport screening

Since 2 February 2020, NSW Health been assisting the Australian Government in assessing passengers who arrive at Sydney International Airport from countries with high levels of COVID-19 community transmission. On 23 April 2020, a total of 212 passenger arrivals were screened for possible symptoms of COVID-19. 1 person required transfer to hospital for further evaluation and COVID-19 testing.

To date, 54,414 passenger arrivals have been screened for possible symptoms of COVID-19. A total of 582 people have been transferred to hospital for further evaluation and COVID-19 testing where clinically indicated.

Summary of the first 200 cases in NSW

Summary of the first 200 cases in NSW includes:

  • demographics
  • age distribution of the first 200 cases
  • source of infection (overseas and within Australia)
  • epicurve by country of acquisition (latest onset 15 March 2020)
  • hospitalisation
  • profile of symptomatic patients
  • deaths.


This data includes confirmed COVID-19 cases only (based on location of usual residence). Cases without a NSW residential address are not shown. The case definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. The details on source of infection are subject to change as public health investigations and case interviews are ongoing. Case counts reported for a particular day may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review. Recovery is based on self-reported symptoms, and is different from release from isolation criteria in the control guideline. Only those who had onset of symptoms more than 3 weeks ago are included as recovered. Some people in "Alive - less than 3 weeks from symptom onset/recovery data not available" may have already recovered.

More information

Page Updated: Wednesday 22 April 2020
Contact page owner: Health Protection NSW