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Find the facts about COVID-19

The latest case numbers and statistics on coronavirus disease in NSW.

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NSW COVID-19 statistics*

* Source: NSW Health.

Help slow the spread of COVID-19

We must all help slow the spread of the coronavirus, save lives and protect our health workers. 

Anyone can catch and spread it without knowing, putting everyone at risk, particularly those with weakened immune systems, ongoing medical conditions and people over 60. 

Come forward and get tested even if you only have mild symptoms like a cough. You can help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

Heat map: COVID-19 in NSW by postcode


The heatmap presents data on cases (by notification date) and the number of tests carried out for the last 14 days.
For cases, the postcode is based on the location of usual residence, not necessarily where the virus was contracted.
The postcode of people tested is based on the address they reported at the time of the test.
Cases and tests carried out without a valid address are not shown.
Information on the total number of cases and tests carried out is displayed by selecting the ‘Total’ radio button.
Information on active cases** or tests carried out recently (i.e. in the last 14 days) is displayed by selecting the ‘Recent’ radio button.
** Active cases are locally acquired COVID-19 cases with onset in the last four weeks. This is based on the date the person first developed symptoms.
When no date of symptom onset is available (it is either under investigation by public health staff or the person tested positive without showing symptoms), the date of the positive test is used. Infections are not always acquired in the place of residence as people often travel outside their area for many reasons (e.g. work, school and shopping).

Please note:
From 5 June, this heatmap will report on the number of tests notified instead of the number of people tested.
From 24 June, this heatmap reporting of active cases has changed to locally acquired COVID-19 cases with onset in the last 4 weeks.

Data Source: Confirmed COVID-19 cases and number of people tested - NSW Ministry of Health, Population Data - Australian Bureau of Statistics

To provide feedback or make an inquiry or complaint about the Heatmap, please contact

Cases by notification date, age group and gender

Cumulative number of cases of COVID-19 by notification date


Cases by Age Group and Gender


Number of new cases of COVID-19 by notification date


Lives lost by Age Group and Gender


Note: The definition of a confirmed case is a person who tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test or has the virus identified by electron microscopy or viral culture, at a reference laboratory. Data reported at 8pm daily. Case counts reported for a particular notification date may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.

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