Coronavirus (COVID-19)
COVID-19 update with NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner
27 March 2020-
28 March 2020
COVID-19 Diagnosis for Darwin man
A Darwin man in his 30s has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) after returning from South America last Sunday.
27 March 2020
13th Territorian and 14th positive case overall confirmed in the NT
A Darwin woman in her 50s who recently returned from overseas has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) this afternoon.
27 March 2020
Media release - Prime Minister - Update Coronavirus 27 March 2020
Australian governments met today as the National Cabinet to take further action to slow the spread of coronavirus to save lives, and to save livelihoods.
26 March 2020
Five COVID-19 diagnoses in the Northern Territory
Four Territorians and a Queenslander have returned positive tests for Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Northern Territory.
26 March 2020
COVID-19 diagnosis for Darwin couple
A Darwin couple who recently returned from overseas travel have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).