20 May 2020
Only one COVID-19 case remains in Northern Territory
There is now only one active case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Northern Territory, with another patient cleared from the disease today.
20 May 2020
NT Correctional Services roadmap to the new normal
Northern Territory Correctional Services is taking incremental steps towards easing the restrictions put in place due to COVID-19.
30 April 2020
The Territory’s Roadmap to the New Normal
Chief Minister Michael Gunner has today laid out the Territory’s Roadmap to the New Normal – getting the NT back in business, back to work, and back to enjoying our great Territory lifestyle.
24 April 2020
COVID-19 Compliance activity
Northern Territory Police, Environmental Health officers and Australian Defence Force continue to undertake quarantine compliance checks to ensure people are completing their 14 days quarantine.
17 April 2020
COVID-19 - Infringement Notices
Police have issued five infringement notices for failing to abide by the Chief Health Officer Directions issued under section 56 of the Public and Environmental Health Act 2011.