National advice hotline 1800 020 080
9 total active cases 74,604 tests conducted 54 people recovered
National advice hotline 1800 020 080 For information on coronavirus (COVID-19) call the hotline - open 24 hours, 7 days.

Current status

Latest numbers

Data last updated 11 December 2020 8:30am
Active cases are updated immediately other data updated each morning

  • 9

    active overseas
    acquired cases

  • 0

    active interstate
    acquired cases

  • 0

    active local cases

  • Clock icon


    confirmed cases

  • Health icon


    people recovered

  • Test tube icon


    tests conducted

  • Map icon


    People undertaking quarantine

  • Tick icon


    compliance checks

  • Lists icon



  • 121,573

    arrived by air
    since 17 July 2020

  • 76,971

    arrived by road
    since 17 July 2020

  • 3,456

    arrived by sea or rail
    since 17 July 2020

Date Arrivals by road Arrivals by air Arrivals by sea Arrivals by rail Total for date
28-29/03/2020 156 527 0 0 683
30/03/2020-5/4/2020 726 1333 2 0 2063
6/4/2020-12/04/2020 45 179 7 0 238
13/04/2020-19/04/2020 75 57 10 0 152
20/04/2020-26/04/2020 48 47 0 0 95
27/04/2020-3/5/2020 85 71 0 0 156
4/05/2020-10/05/2020 60 169 0 0 229
11/05/2020-17/05/2020 93 156 1 0 251
18/05/2020-24/05/2020 102 170 0 0 272
25/05/2020-31/05/2020 111 109 2 0 224
1/06/2020-7/06/2020 111 153 0 0 264
8/06/2020-14/06/2020 47 192 4 0 247
15/06/2020-21/06/2020 570 968 2 0 1542
22/06/2020-27/06/2020 287 574 0 0 861
28/06/2020-5/07/2020 373 352 0 0 725
6/07/2020-12/07/2020 242 621 0 0 863
13/07/2020-19/07/2020 340 643 0 0 983
20/07/2020-26/07/2020 16 318 0 0 334
27/07/2020-29/07/2020 90 1524 0 0 1614

National data

A quick overview of the current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in Australia is available on the Australian Government's Health Department website.

It is updated based on information supplied to the Australian Government by all states and territories at 3pm the previous day. Therefore some of the Territory statistics may vary from the content on this website. The Northern Territory Government coronavirus site is updated more regularly, and is the best source of current Territory data.

Community Transmission

Currently, there is no evidence of community transmission in the Northern Territory. States and Territories may introduce additional measures, such as enhanced testing, to control community transmission of infection if it occurs. It may be important that these additional measures are localised to a town, region, or larger geographical area depending on the circumstances.

The State or Territory Chief Health Officer will decide on these measures based on the local epidemiology of the disease.