
Current status and contact tracing alerts

Status as at 21 March 2020

Queensland has had 221 confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus.

For details of individual confirmed cases please see Department of Health media releases.

Changes to health advice

There are new self-quarantine requirements for all overseas travellers.

Australians should cancel or postpone all unnecessary travel until further notice. For more information, visit the Australian Government website.

There is new advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups.

For more information, visit the Australian Government website.

Queensland's Chief Health Officer has provided new public health directives in regard to Trading hours, Mass gatherings and Non-essential indoor gatherings.

Contact tracing

Public health alerts for contact tracing are in place for the following locations:

RegionLocation Date and time Health advice
Brisbane Friday’s Nightclub Between 6pm Friday 6 March and 11pm Monday 9 March Anyone who attended this location during this period should monitor their health for 14 days. If you become unwell, contact a doctor immediately. Call ahead and advise of your symptoms and exposure so they can prepare for your visit.
Gold CoastRick Shores restaurantBetween 12pm and 1:30pm, Friday 13 March 2020Risk of contraction is deemed very low. Anyone who attended this location during this period should monitor their health for 14 days. If you become unwell, contact a doctor immediately. Call ahead and advise of your symptoms and exposure so they can prepare for your visit.
Flight NumberAirlineOriginDestinationDate of DepartureDate of ArrivalClose Contact Rows
VA2 Virgin Los Angeles Sydney 05-March-2020 07-March-2020 Rows 26-52 (Seats A, B, C, D, F, G) (Seats H, J, K not affected)
SQ235 Singapore Airlines Singapore Brisbane 06-March-2020 07-March-2020 51,52,53, 54, 55
EY484 Etihad Abu Dhabi Brisbane 06-March-2020 07-March-2020 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
QF56 Qantas Los Angeles Brisbane 07-March-2020 09-March-2020 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
VA535 Virgin Sydney Cooloongatta 08-March-2020 08-March-2020 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
SQ265 Singapore Airlines Singapore Brisbane 08-March-2020 08-March-2020 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
QF16 Qantas Los Angeles Brisbane 08-March-2020 06-March-2020 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Cl53 China Airlines Taipei Brisbane 08-March-2020 09-March-2020 Further information pending
QF16 Qantas Los Angeles Brisbane 08-March-2020 10-March-2020 Further information pending
QF16 Qantas Los Angeles  Brisbane 08-March-2020 10-March-2020 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
QF2512 Qantas Brisbane Mackay 09-March-2020 09-March-2020 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
EY484 Etihad Abu Dhabi Brisbane 09-March-2020 10-March-2020 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
EK430 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 09-March-2020 09-March-2020 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
EK430/QF8430 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 09-March-2020 09-March-2020 37,38, 39, 40, 41
EY462 Etihad Abu Dhabi Melbourne 09-March-2020 10-March-2020 Further information pending
EY462 Etihad Abu Dhabi Melbourne 09-March-2020 10-March-2020 Further information pending
QF589 Qantas Brisbane Perth 09-March-2020 09-March-2020  
EY484 Etihad Abu Dhabi Brisbane 11-March-2020 12-March-2020 Further information pending
EY484 Etihad Abu Dhabi Brisbane 11-March-2020 12-March-2020 Further information pending
QF 52 Singapore Airlines Singapore Brisbane 11-March-2020 12-March-2020 Further information pending
QR908 Qatar Airways Doha  Sydney 11-March-2020 12-March-2020 10, 11, 12, 13
EK434 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 11-March-2020 13-March-2020 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
JQ12 Jetstar  Tokyo Brisbane 12-March-2020 13-March-2020 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
QF74 Qantas SanFrancisco Brisbane 12-March-2020 14-March-2020 Further information pending
QF52 Qantas Singapore Brisbane 12-March-2020 13-March-2020 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
QF1786 Qantas Brisbane Townsville 12-March-2020 12-March-2020 Further information pending
QF566 Qantas Perth  Sydney 12-March-2020 12-March-2020 Further information pending
QF16 Qantas  Los Angeles Brisbane 12-March-2020 14-March-2020 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
QF650 Qantas Perth  Brisbane 12-March-2020 12-March-2020 Further information pending
QF52 Qantas Singapore Brisbane 12-March-2020 13-March-2020 Further information pending
QF16 Qantas Los Angeles  Brisbane 12-March-2020 14-March-2020 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
EK430/QF8430 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 13-March-2020 13-March-2020 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
QF619 Qantas Brisbane Melbourne 13-March-2020 13-March-2020 Further information pending
QF632 Qantas Melbourne  Brisbane 13-March-2020 13-March-2020 Further information pending
SQ245 Singapore Airlines Singapore  Brisbane  13-March-2020 14-March-2020 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 
SQ245 Singapore Airlines Singapore  Brisbane  13-March-2020 14-March-2020 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 
SQ235 Singapore Airlines Singapore Brisbane 14-March-2020 15-March-2020 66,67,68, 69, 70
DL41 Delta Los Angeles  Sydney 14-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
DL41 Delta Los Angeles  Sydney 14-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
EY460 Etihad Abu Dhabi Melbourne 14-March-2020 15-March-2020 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
DL41 Delta Los Angeles  Sydney 14-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
QF52 Qantas Singapore Brisbane 14-March-2020 15-March-2020 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
PR221 Philippine Airlines Manila Brisbane 14-March-2020 15-March-2020 Further information pending
EK434 Emirates Madrid Brisbane 14-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
MH135 Malaysia Airlines Kuala Lumpur Brisbane 14-March-2020 15-March-2020 Further information pending
EY0032 Etihad Paris Abu Dhabi  14-March-2020 15-March-2020 Further information pending
DL2272 Delta Airlines Salt Lake City  Los Angeles  14-March-2020 14-March-2020 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
DL41 Delta Airlines Los Angeles Sydney  14-March-2020 16-March-2020 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
QF60 Qantas San Francisco Brisbane 15-March-2020 17-March-2020 Further information pending
B10009  Royal Brunei Airlines Brunei  Brisbane 15-March-2020 16-March-2020 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
VA357 Virgin Melbourne Brisbane 15-March-2020 15-March-2020 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
BA15 British AirwaysLondon Singapore Sydney 15-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
EY450 Etihad Abu Dhabi Sydney 15-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
EK434 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 15-March-2020 17-March-2020 48, 49, 50, 51
EY484 Etihad Abu Dhabi Brisbane  15-March-2020 15-March-2020 34, 35, 36, 37
VA931 Virgin Sydney Brisbane 16-March-2020 16-March-2020 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
EK434 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 16-March-2020 17-March-2020 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
QF520 Qantas Sydney Brisbane 16-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
QF520 Qantas Sydney Brisbane 16-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
VA939 Qantas Sydney Brisbane 16-March-2020 16-March-2020 Further information pending
EK434 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 16-March-2020 18-March-2020 Further information pending
QF98 Qantas Hong Kong Brisbane 16-March-2020 17-March-2020 Further information pending
SQ319 Singapore Airlines London  Singapore  16-March-2020 17-March-2020 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
VA931 Virgin Airlines  Sydney  Brisbane  16-March-2020 16-March-2020 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
QF52 Qantas Singapore  Brisbane 17-March-2020 17-March-2020 Further information pending
QF16 Qantas  Los Angeles  Brisbane 18-March-2020 19-March-2020 46, 47, 48

Advice for passengers on flights with a confirmed case of COVID-19

All travellers returning or arriving from overseas must self-isolate for 14 days. This applies to everyone, even if you have no symptoms.

If you develop symptoms

If you develop symptoms, you must call your GP or 13HEALTH on 13 43 25 84.

For severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath at rest or difficulty breathing, dial 000.

For more information refer to

Symptoms and testing

If you have been overseas in the last 14 days and are feeling unwell, see a doctor immediately. Before your appointment, call ahead and advise of your symptoms and recent travel so they can prepare for your visit.

Common symptoms of COVID-19 coronavirus include:

  • fever
  • a cough
  • sore throat
  • fatigue
  • shortness of breath.

See a doctor immediately if you have these symptoms and have travelled overseas in the past 14 days or have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 coronavirus. Before your appointment, call ahead and advise of your symptoms and recent travel so necessary precautions can be taken.

For information on COVID-19 coronavirus, contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit

Testing update

As at 21 March 2020 Samples tested
Tests pending (not included in total above)1,442

Read more about testing including current testing criteria.

Travel advice

The Australian government has implemented border control measures and travel advice to help contain the spread of the virus. These measures are regularly updated so we recommend checking the latest statements on the COVID-19 coronavirus situation.