
Current status and contact tracing alerts — novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Status as at 25 March 2020

Queensland has had 443 confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus.

Hospital and Health Service (HHS)* Total confirmed cases to date
Cairns and Hinterland 10
Central Queensland 5
Central West 0
Darling Downs 16
Gold Coast 87
Mackay 4
Metro North 124
Metro South 104
North West 0
South West 0
Sunshine Coast 52
Torres and Cape 0
Townsville 6
West Moreton 15
Wide Bay 7
Overseas 13

* HHS level case data may include a patient’s residential address, Public Health Unit managing or location where test was ordered.  

Contact tracing is underway for the 46 new cases. Queensland Health will notify the community if any other public health alerts are required.

The majority of cases are from patients who have travelled overseas, or have had direct contact with a confirmed case who had travelled overseas.

View maps of Hospital and Health Service (HHS) boundaries.

Changes to health and travel advice

Queensland will introduce border restrictions from midnight Wednesday 25 March.

Non-essential businesses are restricted from opening from midday local time 23 March 2020.

As part of our response to increase capacity and manage the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are postponing elements of routine procedures and outpatient appointments.

There are new self-quarantine requirements for all overseas travellers.

Australians should cancel or postpone all unnecessary travel until further notice. For more information, visit the Australian Government website.

There is new advice for public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups.

Queensland's Chief Health Officer has provided new public health directives in regard to Border restrictions, Non-essential business closures, Trading hours , Mass gatherings, Local Government election and State by-elections, Aged care and Corrective services

Contact tracing

Public health alerts for contact tracing are in place for the following locations:

RegionLocation Date and time Health advice
Gold Coast Rick Shores restaurant Between 12pm and 1:30pm, Friday 13 March 2020 Risk of contraction is deemed very low. Anyone who attended this location during this period should monitor their health for 14 days. If you become unwell, contact a doctor immediately. Call ahead and advise of your symptoms and exposure so they can prepare for your visit.
Sunshine Coast Sails Restaurant, Noosa 4pm–11.15pm Wednesday 18 March and 3pm–10pm Thursday 19 March Risk of contraction is deemed very low. Anyone who attended this location during this period should monitor their health for 14 days. If you become unwell, contact a doctor immediately. Call ahead and advise of your symptoms and exposure so they can prepare for your visit.

Please note that public contact tracing alerts will be removed after 14 days as they are no longer applicable.

Flight NumberAirlineOriginDestinationDate of arrival
JQ408Jetstar SydneyGold Coast 23-Mar-20
AC033Air CanadaVancouverBrisbane22-Mar-20
CI53China AirlinesTaipeiBrisbane22-Mar-20
QF52 QantasSingaporeBrisbane22-Mar-20
EK434EmiratesDubai Brisbane21-Mar-20
EY484EtihadAbu DhabiBrisbane21-Mar-20
VA08Virgin AustraliaLos AngelesBrisbane21-Mar-20
EK434EmiratesDubai Brisbane20-Mar-20
QF16QantasLos AngelesBrisbane20-Mar-20
SQ255     Singapore airlinesSingaporeBrisbane20-Mar-20
EY484EtihadAbu DhabiBrisbane19-Mar-20
JQ420Jetstar Sydney Coolangatta 19-Mar-20
JQ58Jetstar Denpasar BaliBrisbane19-Mar-20
JQ814Jetstar SydneyBrisbane19-Mar-20
QF16 Qantas  Los Angeles  Brisbane 19-Mar-20
VA08Virgin AustraliaLos AngelesBrisbane19-Mar-20
VA7123Virgin AustraliaAbu DhabiBrisbane19-Mar-20
VA8Virgin AustraliaLos AngelesBrisbane19-Mar-20
VA935Virgin Airlines SydneyBrisbane19-Mar-20
VA951Virgin Airlines SydneyBrisbane19-Mar-20
EY484EtihadAbu DhabiBrisbane18-Mar-20
JQ403Jetstar Gold Coast Sydney18-Mar-20
JQ424Jetstar SydneyGold Coast 18-Mar-20
JQ812Jetstar Sydney Brisbane 18-Mar-20
QF16QantasLos AngelesBrisbane18-Mar-20
QF2378QantasBrisbaneHervey Bay18-Mar-20
QF52QantasSingapore Brisbane18-Mar-20
QF56QantasLos AngelesBrisbane18-Mar-20
SQ245 Singapore AirlinesSingaporeBrisbane18-Mar-20
VA931Virgin Airlines SydneyBrisbane18-Mar-20
AC53Air CanadaVancouverBrisbane17-Mar-20
BI9Royal Brunei  AirlinesBrunei Brisbane17-Mar-20
EK434 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 17-Mar-20
EY484EtihadAbu DhabiBrisbane17-Mar-20
LX9018/ SQ235Swiss Air/Singapore AirlinesSingaporeBrisbane17-Mar-20
QF16QantasLos AngelesBrisbane17-Mar-20
QF52 Qantas Singapore  Brisbane 17-Mar-20
QF594QantasPerth Brisbane17-Mar-20
QF60 Qantas San Francisco Brisbane 17-Mar-20
QF98 Qantas Hong Kong Brisbane 17-Mar-20
SQ319 Singapore Airlines London  Singapore  17-Mar-20
VA471Virgin AirlinesPerthBrisbane17-Mar-20
VA8Virgin AustraliaLos AngelesBrisbane17-Mar-20
B10009Royal Brunei AirlinesBruneiBrisbane16-Mar-20
BA15 British Airways Singapore Sydney 16-Mar-20
D7200Air AsiaKuala LumpurGold Coast16-Mar-20
DL41 Delta Airlines Los Angeles Sydney  16-Mar-20
EY450 Etihad Abu Dhabi Sydney 16-Mar-20
FQ235Singapore AirlinesLondonBrisbane16-Mar-20
HA443Hawaii AirlinesHawaiiBrisbane16-Mar-20
MZ135 Air New ZealandAuckland Brisbane16-Mar-20
QF52Qantas SingaporeBrisbane 16-Mar-20
SQ235Singapore AirlinesSingaporeBrisbane16-Mar-20
VA931Virgin Airlines SydneyBrisbane16-Mar-20
VA939Virgin Airlines SydneyBrisbane16-Mar-20
CX157FinnairHong KongBrisbane15-Mar-20
EY0032 Etihad Paris Abu Dhabi  15-Mar-20
EY460 Etihad Abu Dhabi Melbourne 15-Mar-20
EY484EtihadAbu DhabiBrisbane15-Mar-20
MH135 Malaysia Airlines Kuala Lumpur Brisbane 15-Mar-20
PR221 Philippine Airlines Manila Brisbane 15-Mar-20
QF 98Qantas Hong KongBrisbane 15-Mar-20
QF866QantasSydneyHamilton Island15-Mar-20
SQ235Singapore AirlinesSingaporeBrisbane15-Mar-20
VA0997Virgin Airlines SydneyBrisbane15-Mar-20
VA1497Virgin Airlines BrisbaneHamilton Island15-Mar-20
VA357Virgin Airlines MelbourneBrisbane15-Mar-20
DL2272 Delta Airlines Salt Lake City  Los Angeles  14-Mar-20
HA443Hawaiian AirlinesHonaluluBrisbane14-Mar-20
QF126Qantas Auckland Brisbane 14-Mar-20
QF16QantasLos AngelesBrisbane14-Mar-20
QF52QantasSingapore Brisbane14-Mar-20
QF74 Qantas San Francisco Brisbane 14-Mar-20
SQ245Singapore AirlinesSingaporeBrisbane14-Mar-20
EK430/ QF8430 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 13-Mar-20
EK434 Emirates Dubai Brisbane 13-Mar-20
JQ12 Jetstar  Tokyo Brisbane 13-Mar-20
QF632 Qantas Melbourne  Brisbane 13-Mar-20
VA799Virgin Airlines BrisbaneCairns13-Mar-20
EY484 Etihad Abu Dhabi Brisbane 12-Mar-20
QF 52 Singapore Airlines Singapore Brisbane 12-Mar-20
QF1786 Qantas Brisbane Townsville 12-Mar-20
QF556 Qantas Sydney Brisbane 12-Mar-20
QF650 Qantas Perth  Brisbane 12-Mar-20
QR908 Qatar Airways Doha  Sydney 12-Mar-20

Advice for passengers on domestic flights with a confirmed case of COVID-19 arriving after midnight Wednesday 25 March 2020

All travellers arriving from interstate from midnight Wednesday 25 March 2020 are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days. This applies to all travellers, even if you have no symptoms. Please follow the advice provided to you at the airport.

Advice for passengers on international flights with a confirmed case of COVID-19 arriving after midnight Monday 16 March 2020

All travellers arriving from overseas from midnight Monday, 16 March 2020, are advised to self-quarantine for 14 days. This applies to all travellers, even if you have no symptoms. Please follow the advice provided to you at the airport.

If you develop symptoms

If you develop symptoms, you must call your GP or 13HEALTH on 13 43 25 84.

For severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath at rest or difficulty breathing, dial 000.

For more information refer to

Symptoms and testing

If you have been overseas in the last 14 days and are feeling unwell, see a doctor immediately. Before your appointment, call ahead and advise of your symptoms and recent travel so they can prepare for your visit.

Common symptoms of COVID-19 coronavirus include:

  • fever
  • a cough
  • sore throat
  • fatigue
  • shortness of breath.

See a doctor immediately if you have these symptoms and have travelled overseas in the past 14 days or have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 coronavirus. Before your appointment, call ahead and advise of your symptoms and recent travel so necessary precautions can be taken.

For information on COVID-19 coronavirus, contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit

Testing update

As at 25 March 2020 Samples tested
Tests pending (not included in total above)1,183

Read more about testing including current testing criteria.

Travel advice

The Australian government has implemented border control measures and travel advice to help contain the spread of the virus. These measures are regularly updated so we recommend checking the latest statements on the COVID-19 coronavirus situation.