
Queensland COVID-19 statistics

Last updated: Midday 27 November 2020

0New cases (last 24h)
1,198Total cases
1,345,299Total tests
6Total lives lost

Case summary

Cases Total
Number of cases 1,198
Last 24 hours 0
Active cases[1] 13
Recovered 1,178
Current hospitalisations 13
Patients currently in ICU 0
Deaths 6
Cases of First Nations people [2] 10
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Total cases—cumulative graph

The graph below shows the total number of cases in Queensland as they increase over time, as per the daily case number announcements.

Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Cases overview by Hospital and Health Service and region

Region Total cases Active cases[1] Total recovered Total deaths
Queensland 1,198 13 1,178 6
Cairns and Hinterland 45 0 45 0
Central Queensland 10 0 10 0
Central West 0 0 0 0
Childrens Health Queensland 0 0 0 0
Darling Downs 46 0 44 2
Gold Coast 207 6 202 0
Mackay 16 0 16 0
Mater Health Service 0 0 0 0
Metro North 344 5 333 3
Metro South 304 2 303 0
North West 0 0 0 0
South West 0 0 0 0
Sunshine Coast 100 0 99 1
Torres and Cape 0 0 0 0
Townsville 30 0 30 0
West Moreton 71 0 71 0
Wide Bay 25 0 25 0
Interstate/Other 0 0 0 0
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Cases by Hospital and Health Service

Data as at 23/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Likely source of infection

Total cases 1,198
Locally Acquired—close contact with confirmed case 239
Locally Acquired—no known contact 41
Interstate acquired 23
Overseas acquired 895
Under investigation 0
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Cases by Local Government Area and likely source of infection

Local Government Area Overseas acquired Locally acquired—contact known Locally acquired—no known contact Interstate acquired Under investigation Total
BRISBANE (C) 358 83 18 6 0 465
BUNDABERG (RC) 12 2 0 0 0 14
CAIRNS (RC) 24 7 3 1 0 35
CASSOWARY COAST (RC) 2 0 0 0 0 2
CHARTERS TOWERS (RC) 1 0 0 0 0 1
DOUGLAS (S) 2 0 0 0 0 2
FRASER COAST (RC) 8 1 1 0 0 10
GLADSTONE (RC) 0 1 0 0 0 1
GOLD COAST (C) 135 61 6 2 0 204
GYMPIE (RC) 2 2 0 0 0 4
HINCHINBROOK (S) 1 0 0 0 0 1
Interstate/Other 9 1 0 0 0 10
IPSWICH (RC) 25 34 0 0 0 59
LIVINGSTONE (S) 1 0 0 0 0 1
LOCKYER VALLEY (RC) 1 0 0 0 0 1
LOGAN (C) 32 14 5 5 0 56
MACKAY (RC) 8 2 0 0 0 10
MAREEBA (S) 2 0 0 0 0 2
MORETON BAY (RC) 88 8 2 1 0 99
NOOSA (S) 12 3 1 1 0 17
NORTH BURNETT (RC) 1 0 0 0 0 1
REDLAND (C) 18 2 2 1 0 23
ROCKHAMPTON (RC) 6 1 0 0 0 7
SCENIC RIM (RC) 4 1 0 0 0 5
SOMERSET (RC) 1 2 0 1 0 4
SOUTH BURNETT (RC) 1 0 0 1 0 2
SOUTHERN DOWNS (RC) 0 1 0 0 0 1
SUNSHINE COAST (RC) 70 5 2 2 0 79
TABLELANDS (RC) 4 0 0 0 0 4
TOOWOOMBA (RC) 33 7 0 1 0 41
TOWNSVILLE (RC) 27 0 0 1 0 28
WESTERN DOWNS (RC) 2 0 0 0 0 2
WHITSUNDAY (RC) 5 1 0 0 0 6
Total 895 239 41 23 0 1,198
C = Council, RC = Regional Council, S = Shire
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Cases by Local Government Area

Data as at 23/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Cases by Local Government Area and likely source of infection

Locally Acquired—no known contact

Data as at 23/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Overseas acquired

Data as at 23/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Locally Acquired—close contact with confirmed case

Data as at 23/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Under investigation

Data as at 23/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Interstate acquired

Data as at 23/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Age and gender of cases - table

Age group Number of COVID-19 cases
Female Male Total
0-9 11 9 20
10-19 22 24 46
20-29 162 104 266
30-39 100 96 196
40-49 78 99 177
50-59 79 87 166
60-69 95 94 189
70-79 54 66 120
80-89 4 14 18
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Age and gender of cases—graph


Region Samples tested Persons tested Tests per 100,000 persons
Total Last 24 hours Total Last 24 hours
Queensland 1,345,299 3,616 1,054,253 1,887 20,609
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Self-quarantine notices - Queensland

No. of persons subject to notice
Self-quarantine notices issued 125,133
Active self-quarantine notices 4,991
Completed self-quarantine notices 120,142
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Self-quarantine notices

Region Total self-quarantine notices
No. of persons subject to notice
Active self-quarantine notices
No. of persons subject to notice
Queensland 125,133 4,991
Cairns and Hinterland 4,652 289
Central Queensland 1,805 85
Darling Downs 2,592 5
Gold Coast 22,402 944
Mackay 1,532 3
Metro North 44,927 3,069
Metro South 22,664 393
Sunshine Coast 6,824 36
Townsville 2,330 29
West Moreton 4,266 53
Wide Bay 2,036 67
Interstate/Other 9,103 18
Data as at 27/11/2020. Refer to data caveats.

Data caveats

Every effort is made to ensure the data is accurate at time of publication. It is point-in-time data. Data is subject to change as additional information is obtained.

There may be a lag in public reporting of particular data due to data quality assurance activities, ongoing maintenance and updating of notification details.

Daily case data:

Data presented in this report are updated daily where possible but should be considered with caution because they may change.

Daily case counts may vary over time due to ongoing investigations and case review.

Not all cases or active cases have required hospitalisation. To ensure privacy and confidentiality is maintained, hospitalisation data has been reported at a state level only.

Queensland’s case numbers include cases who are located in Queensland at the time of notification but normally reside overseas or in another State/Territory in Australia.

Total case numbers include both confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases as per the national case definition. Probable cases are based on serology results as well as clinical and epidemiological criteria and indicates a previous infection. Accordingly, a probable case could be included in the total case numbers but not be reported as a new case in the last 24 hours or as an active case. Probable cases may be recorded as a recovered case, but there may be a lag in this.

Each day, total cases may not equal active plus recovered plus deaths, as information for some cases is still pending and will be updated in due course.


Each day, total cases may not equal active plus recovered plus deaths, as information for some cases is still pending and will be updated in due course. In addition, active cases may be reported by Hospital and Health Service of treatment, or by a patient’s usual place of residence.

Therefore, some active cases may be reported as active in a particular HHS but may not be reported in that HHS’s case total.


Information about the death of a case with COVID-19 is made available by a clinician when a death certificate is completed. There may be a delay in obtaining and reporting this information. Therefore, the completeness, or any other attributes of COVID-related death data, should be interpreted with caution.

Recovered cases:

Recovered cases are cases reported as recovered by the responsible Public Health Unit plus cases that have a notification date of 30 days or more.

Interstate cases:

On 18 May 2020, the reporting requirements for cases of COVID-19 were revised nationally so that cases are consistently reported based on the jurisdiction where first diagnosed and treated, not their usual place of residence. This change may result in minor adjustments to which jurisdiction cases are reported in.

Prior to 18 May 2020, cases who normally reside in another State/Territory in Australia but were located in Queensland at the time of notification, were not included in Queensland’s case numbers.

Cases of First Nations people:

Total number of cases who have identified as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.

Case data by Hospital and Health Service (HHS) and Local Government Area (LGA):

Location data (by HHS or by LGA) should be interpreted with caution.

In most cases the HHSs and LGAs are derived using the residential address when that case was notified but may alternatively have been derived from the location of the Public Health Unit managing the case, or the location where the test was ordered.

It does not necessarily reflect the current location of a case or where the infection was acquired.

To ensure privacy and confidentiality is maintained, data has been reported at an HHS level and at an LGA level and not at lower levels of geography.

These data also include temporary residential addresses for overseas or interstate visitors located in Queensland at the time of notification.

The HHS data do not reflect hospital admissions in each HHS. Not all cases with COVID-19 have required hospitalisation.

The LGA data are cumulative (total) notified case numbers.


Data represented in the maps above are cumulative (total) notified case numbers. The maps should not be interpreted to reflect only current, notified active cases.

Likely source of infection:

Likely source of infection data are subject to change as public health investigations and case interviews are ongoing.


Testing data is reported based on the best available data at the time of reporting. Data is subject to change, due to occasional data lags, data quality assurance activities, ongoing maintenance and as additional information is obtained.

Due to variances in reporting processes amongst different laboratory service providers in both public and private settings, data may include variances at the time of the data extraction and should be interpreted with caution.

Individuals may have multiple tests performed over time, by different laboratory service providers in public and private settings. The number of tests performed should therefore be interpreted with caution.

22 June 2020 - Queensland Health is today adding another 38,500 negative tests from a private pathology provider to its COVID-19 testing numbers. The remaining increase in total testing numbers is from our usual overnight reporting as well as ongoing data maintenance.