
Confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19 in South Australia

Positive COVID-19 Case Distribution Maps

These maps show confirmed COVID-19 cases only, based on location of usual residence, since 1 February 2020. Cases without a South Australian residential address are not shown.

Active COVID-19 Case Distribution Maps

These maps show confirmed active cases of COVID-19, based on location of usual residences. Cases without a South Australian residential address are not shown.

Latest statistics – as of 4pm, 10 April 2020

Type Number

Confirmed cases


Cases in ICU


Cases cleared of COVID-19


Total deaths reported


Latest press conference

Age and sex breakdown of confirmed cases in SA

Age and sex breakdown of confirmed cases in SA
Age Group Female Male Total
0-9 0 3 3
10-19 10 4 14
20-29 35 40 75
30-39 25 22 47
40-49 17 29 46
50-59 46 41 87
60-69 46 53 99
70-79 23 27 50
80-89 3 4 7
90-100 0 0 0
>100 0 0 0
Grand Total 205 223 428

  • Cases include 223 males (52%) and 205 females (48%)
  • The median age of cases is 56 years (range 8 months to 85 years)


  • SA Pathology has conducted close to 36,000 COVID-19 laboratory tests

 Source of infection in confirmed cases of COVID-19 in SA

Source Cases

Overseas acquired


Locally acquired (close contact of a confirmed case)


Locally acquired (Interstate travel)


Locally acquired (contact not identified)


Under investigation




For public action

Adelaide Airport cluster

Investigations are ongoing into the cluster of 33 cases identified at Adelaide Airport.

Anyone who is sick with symptoms of COVID-19 and has been at the Adelaide Airport, including in the terminal or car park, since Tuesday 17 March should present for testing.

Barossa cluster

There are 39 confirmed cases linked to areas within the Barossa region including Tanunda, Nuriootpa, Williamstown, Angaston and Lyndoch.

Anyone in these areas from Saturday 14 March 2020 who develops symptoms should immediately self-isolate and be tested.

Travel in or out of these towns should now be limited and any non-essential travel within the region is discouraged. Anyone attending work should adhere to social distancing guidelines and working from home is encouraged.

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