
Confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19 in South Australia

Positive COVID-19 Case Distribution Maps

These maps show confirmed COVID-19 cases only, based on location of usual residence, since 1 February 2020. Cases without a South Australian residential address are not shown.

Active COVID-19 Case Distribution Maps

These maps show confirmed active cases of COVID-19, based on location of usual residences. Cases without a South Australian residential address are not shown.

Latest statistics – as of 4.00pm, 16 April 2020

Latest COVID-19 Statistics
Type Number
Confirmed cases 434
Cases in ICU 2
Cases cleared of COVID-19 308
Total deaths reported 4

Latest press conference

Age and sex breakdown of confirmed cases in SA

Age and sex breakdown of confirmed cases in SA
Age Group Female Male Total
0-9 0 3 3
10-19 10 4 14
20-29 38 41 79
30-39 25 22 47
40-49 18 29 47
50-59 47 42 89
60-69 45 53 98
70-79 23 27 50
80-89 3 4 7
90-100 0 0 0
>100 0 0 0
Grand Total 209 225 434
  • Cases include 225 males (52%) and 209 females (48%)
  • The median age of cases is 53 years (range 8 months to 85 years)


  • SA Pathology has conducted 38,389 COVID-19 laboratory tests
  • SA’s metropolitan COVID-19 clinics have conducted 13,467 tests

Source of infection in confirmed cases of COVID-19 in SA

Source of infection
Source Cases
Overseas acquired 295
Locally acquired (close contact of a confirmed case) 124
Locally acquired (Interstate travel) 6
Locally acquired (contact not identified) 4
Under investigation 5

For public action

Adelaide Airport Cluster

Investigations are ongoing into the cluster of cases identified at Adelaide Airport, linked to 34 people. Further investigations have found cases in another type of airport worker.

Approximately 750 Qantas staff who have worked from Wednesday 18 March, across three specific staff areas within the Adelaide Airport, are now being requested to self-isolate at home immediately.

At this stage, no public areas are believed to have been affected, however, anyone who is sick with symptoms of COVID-19 and has been at the Adelaide Airport, including in the terminal or car park, should present for testing.

If Qantas staff have any concerns they should contact the SA Health Communicable Diseases Control Branch (CDCB) on 1300 232 272.

Barossa Cluster

There are 39 confirmed cases linked to areas within the Barossa region including Tanunda, Nuriootpa, Williamstown, Angaston and Lyndoch.

Anyone in these areas from Saturday 14 March 2020 who develops symptoms should immediately self-isolate and be tested.

Travel in or out of these towns should now be limited and any non-essential travel within the region is discouraged. Anyone attending work should adhere to social distancing guidelines and working from home is encouraged.

Information for Qantas staff at Adelaide Airport

There are a number of staff-only areas within Adelaide Airport where confirmed COVID-19 cases may have been. These locations are listed in the table below. If you have been in any of these areas since 18 March 2020 you must self-isolate immediately.

Affected staff will be contacted by SA Health Communicable Disease Control Branch (CDCB) in the next few days with more information and instructions. In addition, some staff may also be contacted by SA Pathology to facilitate COVID-19 testing. However, it will be CDCB who provide information about quarantine requirements.

SA Health are recommending testing of Qantas staff who have been in the affected areas even if they have only very mild symptoms or are asymptomatic (not showing any symptoms).

These staff will be required to be in quarantine for at least 14 days from their last exposure to the site.

SA Health are also testing these Qantas staff members prior to returning to work. It is appreciated if Qantas staff members who have only recently been on site are tested now so SA Health can quickly detect any more cases. However, Qantas staff members who are soon due to complete their 14 day quarantine period (i.e. in the next day or two) may prefer to wait for their test to avoid having two tests in quick succession.

Testing of Qantas staff is available through usual COVID-19 clinics and these clinics have been informed about testing of Qantas staff. Staff will not need a request form before attending a clinic.

For further information call the South Australia COVID-19 Information Line (8am to 8pm, seven days): 1800 253 787.

At this stage, no public areas have been identified as having been affected, however, anyone who has been to any area of Adelaide Airport (including the car park and terminal) and develops symptoms of COVID-19 must immediately self-isolate and seek testing.

Staff Areas

Adelaide Airport
Level Description of Staff Area
Level 0 All Qantas staff areas on level 0
  • Baggage services
  • Customer service team
  • Engineering areas
  • Ramp services
  • Kitchen and dining areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Qantas staff lift
  • Shared smoking room
Level 1 All Qantas staff areas on level 1
  • Engineering areas
  • Physiotherapy, gym, locker room
  • Training areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Qantas staff lift
Level 2 All Qantas staff areas on level 2
  • Check-in (Qantas staff-only areas)
  • Qantas Club (staff-only areas)
  • Qantas link
  • Admin support, return-to-work, movement control and workforce planning
  • Management offices
  • Lunch room
  • Cabin and crew areas, pilot areas
  • Situation room
  • Bathrooms
  • Qantas staff lift

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