This Chief Health Officer update is intended to provide clinicians and the Victorian public with information about the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victoria as well as relevant public health response activities in Victoria. Chief Health Officer Alerts will continue to be issued when there are changes to the public health advice related to coronavirus (COVID-19) .


What's new?

  • As of 4 July 2020, the total number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Victoria is 2,469, a net increase of 101 since yesterday’s report.
  • 108 new cases have been reported. Of the new cases, 14 are linked to outbreaks, 25 were identified through routine testing and 69 remain under investigation. Seven previous cases have been reclassified.
  • 389 cases have been acquired in Australia where the source of infection is unknown.
  • 25 people are in hospital, including three patients in intensive care. 20 people have died, no increase since yesterday’s report. 1,938 people have recovered.
  • Of the total 2,469 cases, there have been 2,119 in metropolitan Melbourne and 256 in regional Victoria. Several cases remain under investigation.
  • More than 906,000 test results have been received by the department since 1 January 2020.
  • Further details can be found in today’s coronavirus (COVID-19) media release.
  • Up-to-date epidemiological data is available on our website.

Restricted postcodes 

Given the increasing numbers of coronavirus (COVID-19) in particular locations and the heightened risk of transmission, additional restrictions have come into effect in certain postcodes.  

Residents of any of these restricted postcodes must follow Stay at Home Directions. There are four reasons that these residents can leave home: 

  • shopping for food or other essential items 
  • work or study, if they cannot work or study from home 
  • to provide care giving, for compassionate reasons or seek medical treatment 
  • for exercise (outdoor exercise only, with only one other person or members of their household). 

There are now 12 restricted postcodes:

  • 3012 – includes: Brooklyn, Kingsville, Maidstone, Tottenham, West Footscray  
  • 3021 – includes: Albanvale, Kealba, Kings Park, St Albans
  • 3031 – includes: Kensington, Flemington
  • 3032 – includes: Ascot Vale, Highpoint City, Maribyrnong, Travancore  
  • 3038 – includes: Keilor Downs, Keilor Lodge, Taylors Lakes, Watergardens  
  • 3042 – includes: Airport West, Keilor Park, Niddrie, Niddrie North 
  • 3046 – includes: Glenroy, Hadfield, Oak Park  
  • 3047 – includes: Broadmeadows, Dallas, Jacana
  • 3051 – includes: North Melbourne, Hotham Hill
  • 3055 – includes: Brunswick South, Brunswick West, Moonee Vale, Moreland West 
  • 3060 – includes: Fawkner  
  • 3064 – includes: Craigieburn, Donnybrook, Mickleham, Roxburgh Park, Kalkallo.  

If you live in one of these suburbs you must follow Stay at Home Directions.

More information is available on the Restrictions: restricted postcodes page.

Queries can be made to the Department of Health and Human Services coronavirus hotline: 1800 675 398

Current advice to clinicians

  • Practitioners should test any patients who meet the clinical criteria below

    Fever OR chills in the absence of an alternative diagnosis that explains the clinical presentation*
    Acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, anosmia or loss of smell or loss of taste)

    Note: In addition, testing is recommended for people with new onset of other clinical symptoms consistent with COVID-19** AND who are close contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19; who have returned from overseas in the past 14 days; or who are healthcare or aged care workers.

    *Clinical discretion applies including consideration of the potential for co-infection (e.g. concurrent infection with SARS-CoV-2 and influenza)

    **headache, myalgia, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea
  • If referring your patients for coronavirus (COVID-19) testing, a list of testing locations can be found on the getting tested for coronavirus page.
  • Any coronavirus (COVID-19) test reported by a laboratory as having detected SARS-CoV-2 on PCR will be treated as positive for the purposes of public health actions, regardless of repeat testing of the sample. It is not appropriate to advise a patient that a test is a false positive. Current processing time for coronavirus (COVID-19) tests is one to three days.
  • Practitioners are encouraged to also consider testing for other infectious diseases as warranted by the patient’s clinical presentation and history, including travel history. Test for influenza in patients presenting with compatible respiratory symptoms and request a stool culture in patients presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms.

Key messages for the community

  • A targeted blitz was launched across 10 priority suburbs to zero-in on community transmission with a fleet of mobile vans. If you live in one of the priority suburbs you can receive free testing – with or without symptoms. 
  • Residents of these suburbs and in the restricted postcodes will receive free testing – with or without symptoms. For more information go to the Response to outbreaks page.
  • People getting tested in hotspots who are asymptomatic and awaiting test results do not need to self-isolate. In line with existing guidance, if people feel unwell or have any of the coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms they should self-isolate.
  • People getting tested in hotspots who are asymptomatic and awaiting test results do not need to self-isolate. In line with existing guidance, if people feel unwell or have any of the coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms they should self-isolate.
  • If you feel unwell with any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, you should stay home and get tested. If you have any fever, chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, and loss of sense of smell or taste – stay home, don’t go in to work and don’t visit friends and family. Get tested and stay at home until you get the result. Go to the DHHS testing map for locations.
  • From 28 June 2020, all returned travellers in hotel quarantine must participate in testing for coronavirus on day 11 to be eligible for release after 14 days. Those who refuse to be tested will be required to remain in quarantine for an additional 10 days – 24 in total – to ensure they pose no risk of introducing coronavirus to the Victorian community.
  • Victoria commenced limited saliva testing in hotspots as part of department-led enhanced surveillance activities. Nasopharyngeal swabs collected by trained healthcare workers remains the gold standard test.

More information

Clinical information

Latest coronavirus information for Victorian health services and general practice

Consumer information

Translated resources in over 50 languages

Victoria's current restrictions

COVID-19 suburban testing blitz - hotspots

Latest coronavirus information from the World Health Organization

Latest travel advice from Smartraveller


Medical practitioners needing clinical information or to notify confirmed cases can contact the Department of Health and Human Services Communicable Diseases Section on 1300 651 160 (24 hours).

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