What's new?
- As of 15 September 2020, 42 new cases have been diagnosed since yesterday, with a total number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Victoria is 19,911.
- The overall total has increased by 39 due to three cases being reclassified.
- Today’s 14 daily average case number for metropolitan Melbourne is 52.9 and regional Victoria is 3.6.
- Within Victoria, 27 of the new cases are linked to outbreaks or complex cases and 15 are under investigation.
- There have been no new deaths reported since yesterday. This is the first time Victoria has not recorded any COVID-19 deaths in the previous 24-hour period since 13 July.
- To date, 729 people have died from coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victoria.
- There are 4,282 cases that may indicate community transmission, a decrease of nine since yesterday.
- There are 1,040 cases currently active in Victoria. 18,079 people have recovered.
- 118 people are in hospital. This includes 11 patients in intensive care.
- A total of 2,506,513 test results have been received. This is an increase of 8,803 since yesterday.
- You can find further details in today’s coronavirus (COVID-19) media release.
- The DHHS website has full details in the interactive daily report.
- Lower than usual presentation rates at Victorian emergency departments indicate people are putting off urgent medical care. It is important that while we remain vigilant against coronavirus (COVID-19) we don’t neglect our other health needs. Victorian hospitals are safe to attend, and people are urged not to defer seeking medical care if you have symptoms of concern – it may save your life.
Current advice to clinicians
- DHHS has been collecting stocktake and utilisation data on key personal protective equipment (PPE) and swabs for public health services to support early identification of potential stock shortages.
- The state supply chain has moved to a needs-based allocation method for N95 respirators. Allocations will include a mix of brands and model including BYD, Detmold, and 3M. No BSN respirators have been allocated this week due to low stock levels.
- Viral fragments of coronavirus have been detected in wastewater taken from the sewer network at Apollo Bay. While the preliminary result may not mean there are currently active cases of COVID-19 in the local community, people from Apollo Bay and nearby communities who have even the mildest of symptoms are urged to get tested and isolate as they await their result. The Great Ocean Road Health–Otway Health testing clinic on McLachlan St, Apollo Bay, is open from 9am to 4pm seven days a week.
- Notifications to the department of a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus (COVID-19) can be done online. You can submit an online form to our public health team, rather than calling us, saving you time and resolving your case load more efficiently.
- Personal protective equipment and advice from the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Taskforce can be found in the Guide to the conventional use of PPE (Word) on our website.
- How to manage clinical waste from coronavirus (COVID-19) is now online.
- Protecting our healthcare workers (PDF) sets out the very latest in our understanding of coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it can spread within healthcare settings – both hospitals and aged care facilities. More information can be found online.
COVID-19 Testing Criteria
- Practitioners should test any patients who meet the clinical criteria below:
Fever OR chills in the absence of an alternative diagnosis that explains the clinical presentation*
Acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, or loss or change in sense of smell or taste)
Note: testing is also recommended for people with new onset of other clinical symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19)** AND who are from the following cohorts: close contacts of a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19); those who have returned from overseas in the past 14 days; or those who are healthcare or aged care workers. Testing is recommended for those cohorts with onset of other clinical symptoms**. Asymptomatic testing is not recommended at this stage except for targeted programs
*Clinical discretion applies including consideration of the potential for co-infection (e.g. concurrent infection with SARS-CoV-2 and influenza)
**headache, myalgia, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea - If referring your patients for coronavirus (COVID-19) testing, a list of testing locations can be found on the getting tested for coronavirus page.
Victoria's restriction levels
- Victoria’s roadmap for reopening Victoria’s roadmap for reopening is a long-term plan to provide safe, steady and sustainable steps for our path out of restrictions into COVID Normal. The easing of restrictions will be subject to public health advice and meeting specific 14-day average case numbers. There are separate roadmaps for metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria. First step toward easing restrictions was introduced from 11:59pm 13 September 2020.
- Victoria’s State of Emergency and State of Disaster declarations have been extended from Sunday 13 September until 11.59pm on Sunday 11 October 2020.
- Victorians must wear a face mask and covering when leaving home, unless a lawful exception applies.
Key messages for the community
- Testing is a critical help to driving numbers down so it’s extremely important that if people have symptoms, however mild, they get tested. Go home straight after your test and isolate while you wait for the results. Go to the testing map for locations.
- Six COVIDSafe principles apply across Victoria.
- Wear a face mask or covering when you leave home.
- Don't go to work if you feel unwell.
- Maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres.
- Cough and sneeze into tissue or your elbow.
- Perform good hand hygiene.
- Outdoor activities carry less risk than indoor activities.
- Keep your home as safe and clean as possible against the virus. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Home Safety Plan is available for download at www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/covid-19-home-safety-plan with hardcopy and translated versions available shortly.
- Many Victorians are feeling fatigued, isolated or lonely. If you are in need of support for your mental health there are mental health resources you can access on our website.
- Victorians can leave their home if they are not safe and seek help and support at an Orange Door or other family violence support service. If you or someone you know is at risk or experiencing family violence, call 000 in an emergency or safe steps 24/7 crisis service on 1800 015 188.
- The Partners in Wellbeing hotline (1300 375 330) is available for referrals from people who identify as LGBTIQ, multicultural, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, veterans and people experiencing homelessness.
Clinical information
Latest coronavirus (COVID-19) information for Victorian health services and general practice.
Latest information about providing immunisation services during Coronavirus Pandemic.
Consumer information
Financial support – for coronavirus (COVID-19)
Translated resources in over 50 languages
Victoria's current restrictions
Latest coronavirus information from the World Health Organization
Latest travel advice from Smartraveller
Medical practitioners needing clinical information or to notify confirmed cases can contact the Department of Health and Human Services Communicable Diseases Section on 1300 651 160 (24 hours).
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