This Chief Health Officer update is intended to provide clinicians and the Victorian public with information about the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victoria as well as relevant public health response activities in Victoria. Chief Health Officer Alerts will continue to be issued when there are changes to the public health advice related to coronavirus (COVID-19).


What's new?

  • Victoria has recorded one new case of coronavirus (COVID-19) since yesterday, in hotel quarantine. 
  •  This is the 26th consecutive day where Victoria has recorded no new locally acquired cases of coronavirus. 
  • The total number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases reported in Victoria is now 20,449 including those in hotel quarantine.  
  • There were no new deaths and the state’s death toll stands at 820.  
  • The number of active cases in Victoria is 21, all travellers in hotel quarantine.
  • A total of 4,467,743 test results have been received. This is an increase of 10,604 since yesterday. 
  • An indeterminant result was detected on Saturday from a man in his 30s. Following a review of clinical, epidemiological and testing evidence, this case has been rejected and deemed negative.  
  • You can find further details in today’s coronavirus (COVID-19) media release.
  • The DHHS website has full details in the interactive daily report.

Western Australia 

  • The Department of Health is continuing to monitor the situation in Western Australia (WA). A number of WA regions have entered lockdown after WA recorded a positive case of coronavirus. Domestic travel restrictions now apply under Victoria’s ‘traffic light’ travel permit system. 
  • As of 9:00pm Victorian (AEDT) time on Sunday, 31 January, the Perth metropolitan area, the Peel region and the South West region of WA have moved from a green zone to a red zone. 
  • This time aligns with the WA Government’s stay at home orders for Perth metropolitan area, Peel region and South West region of WA. Anyone who is travelling from these red zones after 9pm is in breach of the WA Government’s own stay at home directions. 
  • Last night, 1,700 text messages were sent to people who had arrived in Victoria from WA with a Green Permit between 25 January and 31 January and came from an area now designated a red zone. Travellers were advised to get tested and stay isolated until they receive a negative test result. 
  • If you have been in one of these currently listed WA red zones since 25 January, you will not be allowed to enter Victoria without an exception, exemption or permitted worker permit. 
  • The rest of Western Australia outside of the red zone areas of the Perth metropolitan area, the Peel region and the South West region remain green zones. 
  • People travelling from a green zone can apply for a permit to enter Victoria if they have not been in a currently listed red zone or orange zone since 25 January (other than for transit), have not been in close contact with a coronavirus (COVID-19) case and do not have any coronavirus (COVID19) symptoms. On arrival in Victoria, they must monitor for symptoms and abide by local directions. 
  • People who have arrived in Victoria from WA red zones between Monday, 25 January 2021 and 9:00pm on Sunday, 31 January will be required to isolate, get tested within 72 hours of arriving (or as soon as possible if they have arrived more than 72 hours ago) and remain self-isolated until they receive a negative test result. 

New Zealand travel bubble

  • The Australian Government has reinstated ‘travel bubble’ arrangements between Australia and New Zealand from 2pm on Sunday 31 January 2021.
  • This means travellers who have been in New Zealand for 14 days or more can enter Australia quarantine free.

New South Wales zone changes

  • Following continued low community transmission and exposure risk, from 6:00pm on 29 January 2021 the last red zone in New South Wales, the Local Government Area (LGA) of Cumberland, has transitioned to an orange zone.
  • All remaining orange zones have transitioned to green. Anyone with a valid permit will be able to enter Victoria from New South Wales.
  • Travel from an orange zone requires people to self-isolate, get tested within 72 hours of arrival and remain in quarantine until they receive a negative result. Travel from a green zone requires people to watch and get tested if they have any symptoms at all.
  • People can apply for an orange zone permit via the Service Victoria website.
  • All exemptions are reviewed by the Chief Health Officer, or their delegate, and take up to 48 hours to process.
  • You can apply for an exemption by calling the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 or via the online form.

Queensland zone changes

  • The Victorian Chief Health Officer has now declared all areas of Queensland to be green zones.
  • From 6:00pm on Friday 22 January 2021 a person who has been in Queensland for the last 14 days can apply for a green zone permit. You cannot enter Victoria without a green zone permit unless an exemption, exception, Specified Worker Permit or Freight Worker Permit applies.

Victoria’s Permit System

  • Victoria’s new ‘traffic light’ permit system has come into effect, for all domestic travel into Victoria.
  • All residents and travellers wishing to enter Victoria must now apply for a permit and the ‘traffic light’ permit system applies to travellers from anywhere across Australia.
  • Applications can be made through the Service Victoria portal.
  • Areas across Australia are to be designated as green, orange or red, according to their risk, and will be updated based on the latest health advice. To help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), all residents and travellers wishing to enter Victoria must now apply for a permit. The ‘traffic light’ permit system applies to travellers from anywhere across Australia.

Testing sites

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing remains one of the best ways we can keep people safe and stay open, so we're asking anyone with symptoms to come and get tested - regardless of the time of year. 
  • Testing sites are also be operating in the popular summer destinations at Torquay, Lorne, and the Mornington Peninsula.
  • Testing site details, including new and pop-up testing sites and opening hours, are available at Where to get tested.

Face masks

  • From 11:59pm on Sunday 17 January 2021, face masks will no longer be required in offices.
  • Masks remain mandatory on all Victorian domestic flights, at airports, in hospitals, on public transport, in taxis or ride share vehicles, in large retail stores (over 2000 sqm), such as department stores, electronics stores, furniture stores or hardware stores or supermarkets, and inside shopping centres, including the retail stores inside shopping centres, such as clothing stores.
  • You must always carry a face mask with you when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.
  • Wearing a face mask is strongly recommended whenever you can’t keep 1.5 metres distance from others.

Wastewater monitoring continues in more than 60 locations

  • Viral fragments of coronavirus (COVID-19) have been detected in wastewater samples taken on 27 January from Castlemaine, Cowes and Pakenham.
  • Anyone who lives in or has visited these areas from 25 to 27 January is urged to get tested for coronavirus (COVID-19) if they have any symptoms, however mild.
  • Weak detections of the virus at each of these locations have been confirmed by further analysis. They may be due to an active infectious case or to people who have recovered from COVID-19 continuing to shed the virus.
  • Viral fragments have been detected in wastewater samples recently taken from Gisborne, Hamilton and Leongatha.
  • Anyone who lives in or has visited Gisborne from 24 to 26 January 2021, Hamilton from 25 to 27 January 2021 or Leongatha from 17 to 19 January 2021, is urged to get tested if they have any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild.
  • Victoria’s wastewater surveillance program has now expanded to 95 sites which are regularly tested for early-warning of coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • As always, it remains vitally important that any Victorians with any coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, no matter how mild, stay home and get tested.

Current advice to clinicians

  • Clinicians should be asking patients if they are from or if they have been in New South Wales, Queensland or New Zealand and if so, to check the areas of risk defined by the NSW, QLD and NZ governments and recommended actions.
  • Statement on Rapid Antigen Testing for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) diagnosis in symptomatic persons.
  • Notifications to the department of a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus (COVID-19) can be done online. You can submit an online form to our public health team, rather than calling us, saving you time and resolving your case load more efficiently.

COVID-19 testing criteria

  • Practitioners should test any patients who meet the clinical criteria below:
    • Fever OR chills in the absence of an alternative diagnosis that explains the clinical presentation* OR
    • Acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, or loss or changes in sense of smell or taste)
    • Note: testing is also recommended for people with new onset of other clinical symptoms consistent with coronavirus (COVID-19)** AND who are from the following cohorts: close contacts of a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19); those who have returned from overseas in the past 14 days; or those who are healthcare or aged care workers. Testing is recommended for those cohorts with onset of other clinical symptoms**. Asymptomatic testing is not recommended at this stage except for targeted programs
    • *Clinical discretion applies including consideration of the potential for co-infection (e.g. concurrent infection with SARS-CoV-2 and influenza)
    • **headache, myalgia, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
  • If referring your patients for coronavirus (COVID-19) testing, a list of testing locations can be found on the getting tested for coronavirus page.
  • If a symptomatic patient that presents for testing, confirms exposure to a known coronavirus (COVID-19) case within the past 14 days, and the outbreak definition is met, the test sample is to be treated as an ‘outbreak sample’.

Victoria’s restriction levels

  • The State of Emergency has been extended until Friday 26 February 2021 to allow the Chief Health Officer’s directions to remain in force.
  • From 11:59pm 22 January 2021 (Victorian AEDT) the number of visitors to your home can be increased from 15 to 30.

Key messages for the community

  • Testing is a critical help to keep numbers down so it’s extremely important that if people have symptoms, however mild, they get tested. Go home straight after your test and isolate while you wait for the results. Go to the testing map for locations.
  • COVIDSafe principles apply across Victoria:
    • You must carry a face mask with you when you leave home. You must wear your face mask on public transport, while in taxis or ride share vehicles, or when going to large retail venues, including shopping centres, supermarkets and department stores.
    • Wearing a face mask is strongly recommended in all other situations when you can’t keep 1.5 metres distance from other people. Don't go to work if you feel unwell.
    • Maintain a physical distance of 1.5 metres.
    • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
    • Wash hands with soap or use hand sanitiser regularly.
  • The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Home Safety Plan (PDF) is available for download which tells you what you need to know to help you, your family and friends stay safe and well.
  • Many Victorians are feeling fatigued, isolated or lonely. If you are in need of support for your mental health there are mental health resources you can access on our website.
  • If Victorians are not safe at home, they can seek help and support at an Orange Door or other family violence support service. If you or someone you know is at risk or experiencing family violence, call 000 in an emergency or safe steps 24/7 crisis service on 1800 015 188.
  • The Partners in Wellbeing hotline (1300 375 330) is available for referrals from people who identify as LGBTIQ, multicultural, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, veterans and people experiencing homelessness.

Clinical information

Online resources

Consumer information


Medical practitioners needing clinical information or to notify confirmed cases can contact the Department of Health and Human Services Communicable Diseases Section on 1300 651 160 (24 hours).

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