The Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit helps to manage and monitor the status of health in Bermuda by:
- Regularly recording, interpreting, and reporting data that reflect the health of our community;
- Reviewing health problems and outbreaks; this includes chronic diseases, injuries, and social factors that influence health status
- Detecting and monitoring epidemics and public health emergencies.
- Providing health information upon request in a variety of formats.
International alerts:
Coronavirus (COVID-19, formerly 2019-nCoV)
Updated 9th March 2020
The World Health Organization has declared the current coronavirus situation as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
The current World Health Organization risk assessment for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is very high risk globally. It is advised that all countries prepare for the possibility of COVID-19 in their communities. Everyone has a role to play in getting ready and staying healthy by practicing everyday prevention measures like frequent hand washing, staying home when sick and covering coughs and sneezes.
Bermuda is closely monitoring the global developments through the World Health Organization (WHO) and with our regional public health partners – Public Health England, Pan-American Health Organization and Caribbean Public Health Agency.
Surveillance for respiratory illness has been enhanced in collaboration with local public health partners. Persons with respiratory illness including fever and cough should call ahead and inform their health care provider of their travel history prior to attending for medical care.
There are currently no cases of COVID-19 in Bermuda and there have been no deaths in Bermuda due to COVID-19.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Prevention Tips Poster
A message from the Chief Medical Officer about COVID-19
CITV Health and Family on the the Coronavirus
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Guidance for Religious Gatherings
Information for Travellers
Travellers from affected areas are being monitored. Affected areas include countries with reported sustained or ongoing community transmission of COVID-19 and related travel routes. These include: China, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Travelers who have been in affected areas should be prepared to self-quarantine until a risk assessment is completed by a public health officer. A public health officer will then assess what public health measures should be implemented based on the travelers’ risk level. Public health measures may include active monitoring or supervision of self-monitoring by public health authorities, or the application of movement restrictions, including isolation and quarantine, when needed to prevent the possible spread of COVID-19 in Bermuda.
Any traveler that has been to an affected area and develops fever, cough or shortness of breath, should call ahead and inform their health care provider of their travel history prior to attending for medical care.
As the situation is evolving, it is possible that travelers from other jurisdictions will be required to undergo a risk assessment and may be asked to self-quarantine, self-monitor or allow active monitoring by public health officers.
For more information:
Frequently Asked Questions
About Novel Coronavirus and Business in Bermuda
About Novel Coronavirus and Bermuda
Poster - Respiratory Hygiene (CYC).pdf
Press Release
22 January 2020 Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus Update
27 January 2020 Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus Update
29 January 2020 Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus Update
14 February 2020 Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus Update
20 February 2020 Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus Update
27 February 2020 Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus Update
2 March 2020 Premier of Bermuda Novel Coronavirus Update
3 March 2020 Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus Update
Press Statements
4 March 2020 Minister of Health Coronavirus Press Statement
Ministerial Statements
31 January 2020 Coronavirus Ministerial Statement by Minister Wilson
28 February 2020 Coronavirus Ministerial Statement by Minister Wilson
The World Health Organization has declared the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The risk of introduction to Bermuda is low. Travelers to the outbreak area should pay attention to their health during travel and for 21 days following travel; if fever or other symptoms develop, the medical care provider is to be informed of the recent travel prior to attending for medical care.
Local Alerts:
Updated 4th March 2020
The Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit has received increased reports of fever and respiratory symptoms including influenza. Residents are encouraged to ensure that all vaccinations are current.
The Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit continues to receive reports of gastroenteritis (diarrhea and vomiting illness) including campylobacter.
Disease Reporting Forms
We collect health information from various contact points in the community to monitor the health of our Island and identify any concerns. Below are forms for reporting:
- Physician Reporting Forms
- Physician Reporting Form (Example - Communicable Diseases)
- Physician Reporting Form (Example - Syndromic Surveillance)
- School and other Childcare Facilities Outbreak Form
- Reportable Diseases
- Syndrome Definitions
- CARPHA Hotel Reporting System
Disease Fact Sheets
We have prepared fact sheets on common infectious diseases, all of which are available in PDF format. Find more information about:
We developed these reports to provide help on issues that concern groups or organizations in the community.
Our reports provide in-depth review of Bermuda’s data and population health.
- Steps to a Well Bermuda Survey 2014 (PAHO Version)
- Steps to a Well Bermuda Survey 2014
- Steps to a Well Bermuda 2014 Fact Sheet
- Health in Review Report 2011
- Health in Review 2017 , 2nd Edition
- Health Survey of Adults in Bermuda 2011
- Burden of Illness Report 2012
- Well Bermuda National Health Promotion Strategy
- Health Survey of Adults and Children 2006
If you are seeking a presentation on the Island’s data and information, or there is data you are seeking, which is not available here, please complete the appropriate request form: