The current World Health Organization risk assessment for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is very high risk globally. It is advised that all countries prepare for the possibility of COVID-19 in their communities. Everyone has a role to play in getting ready and staying healthy by practicing everyday prevention measures like frequent hand washing, staying home when sick and covering coughs and sneezes. The World Health Organization has declared the current coronavirus situation as a pandemic. A pandemic is the increased and sustained transmission of a disease across many countries.
Surveillance for respiratory illness has been enhanced in collaboration with local public health partners. Persons with respiratory illness including fever and cough should call ahead and inform their health care provider of their travel history prior to attending for medical care.
This is a rapidly changing situation. Please regularly check this page for updates.
COVID-19 Dashboard
Data as of 3:00 pm 3 June 2020
Port Health Monitoring |
Number |
Quarantine with public health supervision | 209 |
COVID-19 Testing |
Total |
Total | 7679 |
Results negative | 7538 |
Results positive | 141 |
Transmission Status of Confirmed Cases |
Imported | 41 |
Local Transmission [Known contact/source] | 84 |
Local Transmission [Unknown contact/source] | 11 |
Under Investigation | 5 |
Status of Confirmed Cases |
Recovered | 113 |
Active (non-hospitalized) | 11 |
Active (hospitalized) | 8 |
Deceased | 9 |
Quarantine with public health supervision: All adults entering Bermuda are required to quarantine with public health supervision in a government quarantine facility for 14 days. These individuals will be monitored for symptoms during their time in quarantine. Exemptions allowed to self-quarantine at home for minors and for medical reasons.
Self-quarantine with public health supervision: All persons entering Bermuda from 17 March 2020 are to self-quarantine with public health supervision. Health personnel are in communication with these persons over the course of the self-quarantine period having provided a plan for self-monitoring for symptoms and clear instructions for notifying a health care provider before the person seeks health care if they develop fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.
Imported: Cases acquired outside of Bermuda.
Local transmission: Cases acquired within Bermuda
Under investigation: Type of transmission has not yet been determined. These cases are not imported and are likely the result of local transmission.
Recovered: Person has had no fever for at least 72 hours (3 days) without the use of fever-reducing medication, other symptoms have improved and at least 14 days have passed since onset of symptoms or testing date. Laboratory confirmation of at least one negative result may also be used as evidence of recovery.
Country status: Local transmission.
COVID-19 Reopening Indicators
Bermuda is monitoring critical indicators to see how we are doing in managing COVID-19 and assess our readiness to move to the next phase of our reopening plan. These indicators are updated on Mondays and Thursday.
Lead measures: 1. Face mask wearing: HealthIQ Reports on observation of mask wearing · >95% report public wearing masks · <80% report public wearing masks 2. Physical distancing: HealthIQ Reports on observation of 3 – 6ft physical distancing · >95% report public maintaining distance · <80% report public maintaining distance 3. Adoption of Technology: Number of people participating in HealthIQ or other apps (public) · >10,000 unique respondents (All time) · <5,000 unique respondents 4. Testing capacity: In stock of all lab consumables, reagents and kits plus enabling resources: staff & PPE · 3 months’ supply · 1 months’ supply 5. PPE supplies (critical): In stock of: surgical mask, N95 mask, gloves, gowns and face shields · 5 months’ supply · 3 months’ supply |
Lag measures: 6. Classification: WHO Country classification · Green: Sporadic cases · Amber: Local transmission · Community transmission 7. Transmission: Proportion of cases able to be linked to known cases or clusters · <10% unknown transmission · >20% unknown transmission 8. Reproduction rate: Real time reproduction number average over last 7 days · Rt <1.0 · Rt >1.4 9. COVID-19 cases: Number of new cases per week · <12 over last 7 days · >35 over last 7 days 10. Hospitalizations: New COVID-related hospitalizations · <7 over last 7 days · >21 over last 7 days 11. Critical care: COVID-related ICU cases · <4 concurrent per week · >7 concurrent per week |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Modelling Data - 24 April
The numbers generated through this model cannot be interpreted as predictions of what will occur during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Rather, they should be treated as estimates of what might happen, based on the assumptions used in generating these estimates and the modelling strategy used. The model aims to provide decision makers with potentially useful but heavily caveated information that will be refined as more information becomes available. The point of the model is not to predict the future, it’s to influence it, help us prepare for it and choose a good course of action. Our analyses on COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and testing can be found at the links below:Summary for modelling for Bermuda
Modelling Estimates for Bermuda and Potential impact of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIS) 24 April 2020
COVID-19 Health Screening
Welcome to the Health Department's COVID-19 health screening registration form for the Bermuda Government Molecular Diagnostic Testing Laboratory at the old White's Supermarket at Southside. Please choose and register for a timeslot that suits you for your screening. Please ensure to bring your confirmation number with you for your screening. Instructions: Please remain in your car or on your bike, with a mask on and your windows up until directed. Your results will be communicated to you by your doctor.