
COVID-19: State of public health emergency declared. Mandatory measures are in effect.

COVID-19 Alberta statistics

Interactive aggregate data on COVID-19 cases in Alberta


COVID-19 in Alberta

Data included in the interactive data application are up-to-date as of end of day November 24, 2020.


current hospitalizations
current ICU
total deaths
active cases
active cases, Edmonton Zone
82 years
average age at death

New Cases

Figure 1: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by zone. First and second panels display new (from November 18-November 24, 2020) and active cases, respectively. Cases without a postal code or incorrect postal codes are labelled as unknown. Cases are under investigation and numbers may fluctuate as cases are resolved.

Figure 2: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group. First and second panels display new (from November 18-November 24, 2020) and active cases, respectively. Cases are under investigation and numbers may fluctuate as cases are resolved.

Figure 3: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by route of suspected acquisition. First and second panels display new (from November 18-November 24, 2020) and active cases, respectively. Cases are under investigation and numbers may fluctuate as cases are resolved.

Total Cases

Figure 4: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by day and case status. Recovered is based on the assumption that a person is recovered 14 days after a particular date (see data notes tab), if they did not experience severe outcomes (hospitalized or deceased). Cases are under investigation and numbers may fluctuate as cases are resolved. Data included up to end of day November 24, 2020.

Figure 5: Cumulative COVID-19 cases in Alberta by route of suspected acquisition. Only includes COVID-19 cases where case report forms have been received. Data included up to end of day November 24, 2020.

Figure 6: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by day and case status. Probable cases include cases where the lab confirmation is pending. Data included up to end of day November 24, 2020.


Number and rate of COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group

Figure 7: Number and rate of COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group

COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group and gender

Figure 8: COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group and gender

Table 1. COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group and gender
  Female Male Unknown All
Age Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Under 1 year 142 0 152 0 5 0 299 1
1-4 years 754 1 773 2 0 0 1,527 3
5-9 years 966 2 1,066 2 1 0 2,033 4
10-19 years 3,068 6 3,100 6 9 0 6,177 12
20-29 years 4,859 10 5,016 10 15 0 9,890 19
30-39 years 4,805 9 5,047 10 13 0 9,865 19
40-49 years 4,003 8 4,163 8 8 0 8,174 16
50-59 years 2,914 6 2,943 6 4 0 5,861 12
60-69 years 1,729 3 1,834 4 2 0 3,565 7
70-79 years 837 2 838 2 1 0 1,676 3
80+ years 1,042 2 681 1 2 0 1,725 3
Unknown 0 0 6 0 3 0 9 0
All 25,119 49 25,619 50 63 0 50,801 100

Healthcare Workers

Table 2. Healthcare workers among COVID-19 cases
Total Active Recovered Died
Calgary Zone 1540 159 1381 0
Central Zone 91 15 76 0
Edmonton Zone 1630 296 1334 0
North Zone 220 31 189 0
South Zone 196 41 155 0
Unknown 1 0 1 0
Alberta 3678 542 3136 0
Status of Healthcare workers is self-reported and might be different from other sources. Please note these are not necessarily healthcare workers who were infected at work.

Severe outcomes


  • Average age for COVID cases that died is 82 years (range: 27-106)
  • Average age for COVID cases hospitalized with an ICU stay is 61 years (range: 4-89)
  • Average age for COVID cases hospitalized is 62 years (range: 0-104)
  • Average age for COVID cases not hospitalized is 36 years (range: 0-120)

Rate of total hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths among COVID-19 cases in Alberta

Figure 9: Rate of total hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths among COVID-19 cases in Alberta

Total hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths (ever) among COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group. Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalizations.This is based on totals rather than current hospitalizations and ICU admissions.

Figure 10: Total hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths (ever) among COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group. Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalizations.This is based on totals rather than current hospitalizations and ICU admissions.

Table 3. Total Hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths (ever) among COVID-19 cases in Alberta by age group
Age Group
Count Count Case rate Pop. rate Count Case rate Pop. rate Count Case rate Pop. rate
Total 50801 1678 3.3 38.5 305 0.6 7.0 500 1.0 11.5
Under 1 year 299 8 2.7 15.4 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
1-4 years 1527 5 0.3 2.3 1 0.1 0.5 0 0.0 0.0
5-9 years 2033 1 0.0 0.4 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0
10-19 years 6177 26 0.4 5.0 5 0.1 1.0 0 0.0 0.0
20-29 years 9890 83 0.8 13.9 12 0.1 2.0 3 0.0 0.5
30-39 years 9865 150 1.5 21.2 15 0.2 2.1 4 0.0 0.6
40-49 years 8174 165 2.0 27.7 32 0.4 5.4 3 0.0 0.5
50-59 years 5861 251 4.3 45.3 53 0.9 9.6 11 0.2 2.0
60-69 years 3565 285 8.0 62.4 89 2.5 19.5 46 1.3 10.1
70-79 years 1676 352 21.0 143.2 69 4.1 28.1 107 6.4 43.5
80+ years 1725 352 20.4 258.9 29 1.7 21.3 326 18.9 239.8
Unknown 9 0 0.0 NA 0 0.0 NA 0 0.0 NA
Based on total hospitalizations and ICU admissions ever.
Row percent is out of the number of cases in each age group.
Each ICU admission is also included in the total number of hospitalization
Case rate (per 100 cases)
Population rate (per 100,000 population)

Figure 11: Number of current COVID-19 patients in hospital, ICU and non-ICU

Figure 12: Rate of new hospitalizations (7-day rolling average, average of current day and previous 6 days) by admission date, Alberta, Calgary, Edmonton and South Zones. Hospitalization in other Zones are still low.


Table 4. Number and percent of health conditions among COVID-19 deaths. Data updated (weekly) on 2020-11-22.
Condition Count Percent
Hypertension 416 87.4%
Dementia 271 56.9%
Cardio-Vascular Diseases 267 56.1%
Renal Diseases 207 43.5%
Diabetes 199 41.8%
Respiratory Diseases 186 39.1%
Cancer 116 24.4%
Stroke 98 20.6%
Liver Diseases 17 3.6%
Immuno-Deficiency Diseases 16 3.4%
One individual can have multiple conditions.

Figure 13: Percent of COVID-19 cases with no comorbidities, one comorbidity, two comorbidities, or three or more comorbidities by case severity (non-severe, hospitalized but non-ICU, ICU but not deceased, and deceased), all age groups and both sexes combined, all Alberta. Comorbitities included are: Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Cancer, Dementia, Stroke, Liver cirrhosis, Cardiovascular diseases (including IHD and Congestive heart failure), Chronic kidney disease, and Immuno-deficiency. Data updated (weekly) on 2020-11-22.

Table 5. Number and percent of COVID-19 cases with no comorbidities, one comorbidity, two comorbidities, or three or more comorbidities by case severity (non-severe, hospitalized but non-ICU, ICU but not deceased, and deceased), all age groups and both sexes combined, Alberta. Comorbitities included are: Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Cancer, Dementia, Stroke, Liver cirrhosis, Cardiovascular diseases (including IHD and Congestive heart failure), Chronic kidney disease, and Immuno-deficiency. Data updated (weekly) on 2020-11-22.
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
No comorbidity 31606 67.9% 279 24.2% 35 15.2% 11 2.3%
With 1 condition 9401 20.2% 222 19.3% 48 20.9% 25 5.3%
With 2 conditions 3090 6.6% 199 17.3% 68 29.6% 77 16.2%
With 3 or more conditions 2466 5.3% 452 39.2% 79 34.3% 363 76.3%


Figure 14: Cumulative COVID-19 cases in Alberta by zone and date reported to Alberta Health. Cases without a postal code or incorrect postal codes are labelled as unknown.

Figure 15: Rate of COVID-19 cases (per 100,000 population) in Alberta and by zone

View the COVID-19 status map

Table 6. COVID-19 cases in Alberta by zone
Zone Count Percent
Calgary Zone 21,053 41
Central Zone 2,262 4
Edmonton Zone 20,252 40
North Zone 3,446 7
South Zone 3,614 7
Unknown 174 0
All 50,801 100

Geographies can be displayed by municipality or local geographic area (LGA). When viewing by municipality, regions are defined by metropolitan areas, cities, urban service areas, rural areas, and towns with approximately 10,000 or more people; smaller regions (i.e. villages, and reserves) are incorporated into the corresponding rural area. Cases without a postal code or incorrect postal codes are not included. Location information missing/invalid for: 276 case(s).

Laboratory testing

Figure 16: People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by day. Tests performed for the same person are counted once.

Figure 17: Tests performed for COVID-19 in Alberta by day. Tests can be performed for the same person multiple times.

Table 7. COVID-19 testing in Alberta
Number (n)
Test volume 2,157,044
People tested 1,432,857

Table 8. Number of people tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by zone
Zone Count Percent
Calgary Zone 579,017 40
Central Zone 123,093 9
Edmonton Zone 478,939 33
North Zone 136,414 10
South Zone 92,204 6
Unknown 23,190 2
All 1,432,857 100

People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by age group and gender.

Figure 18: People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by age group and gender.

Table 9. People tested for COVID-19 in Alberta by age group and gender
  Female Male Unknown All
Age Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Under 1 year 4,009 0 4,620 0 18 0 8,647 1
1-4 years 29,394 2 32,902 2 39 0 62,335 4
5-9 years 49,173 3 54,457 4 67 0 103,697 7
10-19 years 90,631 6 91,750 6 140 0 182,521 13
20-29 years 119,291 8 94,370 7 224 0 213,885 15
30-39 years 146,842 10 116,899 8 229 0 263,970 18
40-49 years 115,863 8 89,428 6 128 0 205,419 14
50-59 years 93,739 7 69,482 5 96 0 163,317 11
60-69 years 66,479 5 54,317 4 65 0 120,861 8
70-79 years 32,089 2 28,226 2 19 0 60,334 4
80+ years 29,508 2 17,846 1 36 0 47,390 3
Unknown 147 0 176 0 149 0 472 0
All 777,171 54 654,474 46 1,212 0 1,432,857 100
Count represents the number of people tested

Figure 19: Cumulative and daily test positivity rate for COVID-19 in Alberta.

Figure 20: Positivity rate for COVID-19 in Alberta by zone.

Data export

Data are subject to change. Fluctuations are expected as cases are investigated and updated. Data included up to end of day November 24, 2020. Data are provided for export in excel and csv formats.

Data notes

Data sources

The Provincial Surveillance Information system (PSI) is a laboratory surveillance system which receives positive results for all Notifiable Diseases and diseases under laboratory surveillance from Alberta Precision Labs (APL). The system also receives negative results for a subset of organisms such as COVID-19. The system contains basic information on characteristics and demographics such as age, zone and gender. The Communicable Disease Reporting System (CDRS) at Alberta Health and the Communicable Disease Outbreak Management (CDOM) system at Alberta Health Services contains information on COVID-19 cases. Data Integration and Measurement Reporting (DIMR) database at Alberta Health Services contains up to date information on people admitted and discharged from hospital in Alberta.

Active and recovered status is a surveillance definition to try to understand the number of active cases in the population. It is not related to clinical management of cases. It is based on the assumption that a case is recovered 14 days after a particular date. For confirmed cases, specimen collected date is used and for probable cases date reported to Alberta Health is used. If a case is hospitalized, the recovered date is when their symptoms have resolved based on case follow-up, or 10 days after being discharged.

Information such as hospitalizations and ICU admissions are received through enhanced case report forms sent by Alberta Health Services (AHS).


The following comorbitities are included in respective analyses: Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Cancer, Dementia, Stroke, Liver cirrhosis, Cardiovascular diseases (including IHD and Congestive heart failure), Chronic kidney disease, and Immuno-deficiency.


The content and format of this report are subject to change. Cases are under investigation and numbers may fluctuate as cases are resolved. Data included in the interactive data application are up-to-date as of end of day November 24, 2020.