Current situation
The COVID-19 outbreak was declared a global pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO). Alberta declared a public health emergency.
- Get the ABTraceTogether mobile app
- Complete information for Albertans
- Updates from the Chief Medical Officer
Last updated: May 10 at 5:45 pm
Cases in Alberta
In Alberta | In Canada | |
Total cases | 6,253 (96new cases) | 68,092 |
Active cases* | 1,747 | - |
Recovered cases | 4,389 | - |
In hospital | 71 | - |
In intensive care** | 13 | - |
Deaths | 117 | 4,729 |
Completed tests | 185,293 | - |
Help prevent the spread
All Albertans have a responsibility to help prevent the spread. Take steps to protect yourself and others:
- practice physical distancing
- practice good hygiene: wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching face
- monitor for symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat
- self-isolate for the legally-required 10 days if you have any symptoms that are not related to a pre-existing illness or medical condition
- take the COVID-19 self-assessment if you're concerned about your health
- health care workers should follow guidelines for personal protective equipment (PDF, 87 KB) when caring for individuals who may have COVID-19. Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health has endorsed these guidelines (PDF, 109 KB).
Learn more ways to prevent the spread
Last updated: May 2 at 4:00 pm
Mandatory isolation requirements
Isolation can help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Under public health order, you are legally required to isolate for:
- 14 days if you returned from international travel or are a close contact of a person with COVID-19, plus an additional 10 days from the onset of symptoms, should they occur
- 10 days if you have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat that is not related to a pre-existing illness or health condition
Learn how to isolate and prepare
Last updated: April 3 at 4 pm
Restrictions on gatherings
No gathering of more than 15 people is allowed in one indoor or outdoor location.
People gathered in groups of fewer than 15 people must maintain a distance of 2 metres from one another. Gatherings must occur in a space that allows for mandated physical distancing (at least 2 metres between attendees).
View all gathering restrictions
Last updated: April 13 at 1 pm
Restrictions on businesses
Non-essential businesses are prohibited from offering services in a location accessible to the public.
Businesses that are on the essential workplaces list can remain open and have more than 15 people on a worksite as long as risk mitigation strategies are implemented and followed.
View all business restrictions
Updated: April 13 at 1:30 pm
Travellers and airline passengers
An official global travel advisory is in effect. Albertans should follow all travel recommendations.
- Avoid all non-essential travel outside Canada and all cruise ship travel.
- Canadians abroad should return home immediately.
- Returning travellers must:
- follow mandatory 14-day isolation requirements and monitor for symptoms
- check recent domestic and international flights for confirmed cases (info updated as cases are confirmed)
View all requirements for travellers
Last updated: April 3 at 3:30pm
Wearing masks
Medical masks (N95, surgical or procedure masks):
- must be kept for health care workers and people providing direct care to COVID-19 patients
Non-medical masks (cloth or homemade):
- should only be used in addition to other protective steps
- are not proven to protect the person wearing it, but may help protect others
- cover your mouth and nose to prevent respiratory droplets from contaminating other people or surfaces
- must be worn and taken on/off properly as the outside can become contaminated
Learn how to wear masks properly
Last updated: April 13 at 3:30 pm
COVID-19 symptoms can be mild and are similar to influenza and other respiratory illnesses.
- Common symptoms: cough, fever (over 38°C), shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat.
- Other symptoms can include: stuffy nose, painful swallowing, headache, chills, muscle or joint aches, feeling unwell in general, new fatigue or severe exhaustion, gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or unexplained loss of appetite), loss of sense of smell or taste, conjunctivitis (pink eye).
- Symptom of serious illness: difficulty breathing or pneumonia.
Follow instructions if you have symptoms
Last updated: May 4 at 3:30 pm
Alberta has one of the highest testing rates in the world.
Testing is now available to:
- any person exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19
- asymptomatic close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases
- asymptomatic workers and residents at outbreak sites
See symptom list and how to access testing
Last updated: May 4 at 3:30 pm
Health risks
COVID-19 can cause serious respiratory illness. Because it is a new virus with no treatment or immunity in people, it is critical for people with any symptoms to stay home and self-isolate to keep it from spreading.
Most people – about 80% – recover without needing special treatment. However, it can cause serious illness in some, and there is a risk of death in severe cases.
While we are still learning about COVID-19, serious illness appears to develop more often in people who are older or have pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, cancer or diabetes.
How it spreads
COVID-19 is transmitted though tiny droplets of liquid produced by people who have the virus.
These droplets spread by:
- coughing, sneezing, talking, laughing, and singing
- touching objects or surfaces the virus has landed on and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth (bath towels, kitchen utensils, door knobs, etc.)
People who have COVID-19 can spread it to others before they start to feel sick.
COVID-19 is not airborne, which means it doesn’t stay in the air long and won’t go very far. But if you are too close to someone with COVID-19 you can get sick by breathing in air that contains droplets with the virus.
We think the virus generally only survives for a few hours on a surface or object, but it may be possible for it to survive several days under some conditions.
Last updated: May 2 at 7:30 pm
There is no vaccine or proven treatment for COVID-19 at this time. The virus is new and different, so needs its own vaccine – which researchers around the world are now working to develop.
Supportive care is being used to treat patients with COVID-19 and some medications are being tested to see if they can help severely ill patients.
Last updated: April 3 at 3:30 pm
COVID-19 vs. Influenza
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause respiratory illness in people, ranging from mild common colds to severe illnesses.
Novel coronaviruses, like COVID-19, are new strains of the virus that have not been previously identified in humans. This means people have no immunity against it, and it has no vaccine or proven treatment.
COVID-19 vs. Flu
In some ways, COVID-19 is similar to influenza (also known as the flu), but there are also key differences.
- Both cause respiratory disease.
- Both are spread by small droplets from the nose and mouth.
- Neither is spread through the air over long distances and times, unlike the measles.
- COVID-19 does not have a specific vaccine or treatment available.
- COVID-19 does not appear to transmit as efficiently as influenza:
- only people with symptoms seem to be spreading the disease, but symptoms may be very mild, so transmission is possible even if the person is feeling well
- controlling its spread is possible when people with symptoms are isolated
- COVID-19 causes severe disease and mortality in more cases than the flu. On average:
- COVID-19 has resulted in 1 to 2 deaths per 100 cases
- Flu results in 1 death in every 1,000 flu cases
Because COVID-19 can cause serious illness, it is critical to keep it from spreading by having people with symptoms follow mandatory isolation requirements.
Last updated: April 3 at 3:30 pm
Expectant parents
There is currently no evidence to suggest:
- being pregnant increases your risk of getting COVID-19 or having serious complications
- the COVID-19 virus is transmitted to your baby during pregnancy, delivery or through breastmilk
However, there is always an increased risk of preterm or stillbirth with any significant maternal illness.
Talk to your health care provider if you have questions or are worried about leaving your home to attend appointments.
If you aren’t feeling well, take the online assessment to arrange testing
For more information, read the AHS COVID-19 and Pregnancy guide.
Mental health and addiction
The COVID-19 pandemic can have a significant impact on mental health.
Online resources are available if you need advice on handling stressful situations or ways to talk to children.
- Help in Tough Times (AHS)
- Mental health and coping with COVID-19 (CDC)
- Talking with children about COVID-19 (CDC)
- COVID-19 information for young kids and students (PDF, 122 KB)
If you need to talk, call the 24-hour help lines:
- Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642
- Addiction Help Line at 1-866-332-2322
Family and sexual violence
If you or someone you know is at risk of family or sexual violence, help is available.
Family violence
- Call our 24-hour Family Violence Info Line at 310-1818 to get anonymous help in over 170 languages.
Chat live online with the Family Violence Info Line for support in English (8 am – 8 pm)
Sexual violence
- If you need help finding sexual assault support services, call, text or chat with the Alberta One Line at 1-866-403-8000 (Open 9 am to 9 pm in over 215 languages).
Other resources
Child neglect and abuse
Children are at a higher risk for neglect and abuse during times of uncertainty and crisis.
Call the 24-hour child abuse hotline at 1-800-387-KIDS (5437) if you think a child is being abused, neglected or sexually exploited.
Caregivers support
Nearly one million Albertans act as caregivers for loved ones experiencing challenges related to illness, disability or aging. These caregivers need support too.
Caregivers can get psychosocial and other peer and community supports by calling the toll-free caregiver advisor line at 1-877-453-5088 or going online to
Renters and landlords
Protections are in place for residential and mobile homes site tenants facing financial hardship due to COVID-19:
- Rents on residential properties or mobile home sites will not increase while Alberta’s state of public health emergency remains in effect.
- Late fees cannot be applied to late rent payments until June 30 and cannot be collected retroactively for this time.
- Landlords and tenants need to work together to develop payment plans while COVID-19 is being managed.
- Landlords cannot issue a termination notice or make an application to recover possession due to non-payment of rent, unless they can demonstrate attempts to create a reasonable rent payment plan, or that the tenant failed to comply with an established payment plan.
- Landlords can still file applications and receive orders for possession if the reason for the eviction is unrelated to rent and/or utility payments, or if a tenant refused to negotiate or comply with a payment plan.
Information regarding entry
Landlords and other individuals, including prospective tenants or purchasers of a property, are not permitted to enter a property if:
- the landlord is sick, isolating or showing any symptoms
- the tenant is sick, isolating or showing any symptoms
- the prospective tenant or purchaser is sick, isolating or showing any symptoms
Landlord access is still permitted if there is an emergency.
In the event of a showing, if a landlord, current tenant and prospective tenant are all healthy, the landlord may enter the property, provided:
- strict physical distancing and sanitizing methods are maintained
- a minimal number of people are present at once
- proper notice is given to the tenant
Last updated: May 1 at 2:45 pm
Consumer protection
We’re receiving two types of complaints related to consumer exploitation resulting from COVID-19:
- retail outlet stores raising prices for high-demand products (i.e. toilet paper, hand sanitizer)
- private individuals purchasing mass quantities of supplies and reselling them at an inflated premium
The Consumer Protection Act prevents suppliers from grossly raising prices with no explanation beyond what is reasonable for goods that are readily available.
Unlike commercial sales, the act does not explicitly cover private sales. We urge all Albertans to act with consideration and caution and to find ways to help support each other in this time.
File a consumer complaint
If you see prices for products or services in Alberta skyrocket because of COVID-19, you can report it through our Report-a-Ripoff submission form or by calling 1-877-427-4088.
Cyber security
Cyber security incidents involving malware and fraudulent activities, including identity theft, are being reported across Alberta in the wake of COVID-19.
- Anyone who receives a call asking for credit card information should hang up immediately and call the non-emergency line for local law enforcement.
- Albertans are encouraged to continue to exercise caution when clicking on links or providing personal information to people and organizations that request that information, unsolicited.
Utility payment deferral
Residential customers can defer electricity and natural gas bill payments until June 18, 2020 to ensure no one will be cut off, regardless of the service provider.
- This program is available to Albertans who are experiencing financial hardship as a direct result of COVID-19, such as those who have lost their employment or had to leave work to take care of an ill family member.
- Call your utility provider directly to arrange for a deferral on all payments until June 18, 2020.
Student loan repayment deferrals
We are implementing a 6 month, interest free moratorium on Alberta student loan payments for all Albertans in the process of repaying these loans.
- Alberta Student Loan repayments will be paused for 6 months, beginning March 30, 2020.
- Interest will not accrue during this period. This mirrors the approach of the Canada Student Loans Program.
- Students do not need to apply for the repayment pause.
- Borrowers may continue making payments during this period if they choose and this will not affect their eligibility to receive the benefit.
Banks and credit unions
Alberta credit unions
- Credit union members will have access to a variety of programs and solutions designed to ease difficulties with loan payments and short-term cash flow. Contact your credit union to work out a plan for your personal situation.
ATB Financial customers
- Personal banking customers can apply for a deferral on their ATB loans, lines of credit and mortgages for up to 6 months.
Education property tax freeze
Residential education property tax rates will be frozen at last year’s level – reversing the 3.4% population and inflation increase added in Budget 2020. This will save households $55 million.
Federal government programs
Albertans may be eligible for financial supports through the federal government:
- Employment Insurance sickness benefits: Provides up to 15 weeks of income replacement if unable to work due to illness, injury or quarantine.
- Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB): Provides up to $2,000 a month for 4 months.
- AISH and Income Support recipients can exempt a portion without affecting their benefits
- Canada Child Benefit: Eligible parents will receive $300 more per child with their May payment.
- GST Rebate increase: Provides a one-time special payment in May of up to $400 for single people and $600 for couples.
- Eased rules for Registered Retirement Income Funds
Info for vulnerable Albertans and other organizations
Disability service providers
Disability service providers play an essential role in supporting people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, for more information see COVID-19 information for disability service providers.
Seniors and other vulnerable groups
Government issued public health orders to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, among seniors and vulnerable groups for the following settings:
- Long-term care facilities
- Licensed supportive living facilities, including seniors lodges and group homes
- Licensed residential addiction treatment centres (under the Mental Health Services Protection Act)
Find updated guidelines and standards
Last updated: April 15 at 5:35 pm
Homeless shelters and service providers
On March 30, the Chief Medical Officer of Health recognized operators of shelters and temporary or transitional housing facilities provide an essential service in Alberta during this time of emergency.
- These facilities are exempt from the mass gathering public health order and may provide shelter to more than 15 people – as long as risk mitigation strategies are followed, including maintaining a minimum of 2 metres distance from one another. Read the exemption letter for more information.
- All non-essential gatherings inside or outside these facilities must include no more than 15 people.
- Shelter guidance: preventing and controlling and managing COVID-19 (AHS) (PDF, 764 KB)
We are working with community-based organizations, homeless shelters and women’s shelters to:
- update pandemic plans with guidelines and information specific to COVID-19
- expand shelter capacity and help current service providers to maintain physical distancing practices by finding additional space to house people
$30 million has been committed to adult homeless shelters and women’s emergency shelters to support their COVID-19 response.
Last updated: May 1 at 10:15 am
Charities and not-for-profit organizations
$30 million has been committed to charities, non-profits and civil society organizations to support their COVID-19 response.
More information on emergency funding for charities and not-for-profit organizations.
Last updated: March 30 at 11:00 am
Volunteers play many important roles in communities across our province.
Volunteers and volunteer organizations must follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to protect themselves and those they help.
- Volunteer organizations may have more than 15 volunteers and/or employees in one location.
- Volunteers and employees may work together at distances of less than 2 metres, where unavoidable.
- Volunteer organizations must take actions to prevent the transmission of infection among employees, volunteers and the people they are helping.
- Proper hygiene and cleaning practices must be followed within the volunteer organization.
- Any employee or volunteer with symptoms, including cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat, is required by law to isolate and may not participate in volunteer or workplace activities.
Information for non-health care volunteers (PDF, 43 KB)
Faith-based organizations
We recognize Albertans need a place to worship together in their various religious traditions, in a way that doesn’t put people at risk of spreading or contracting COVID-19.
Gatherings with over 15 people are strictly prohibited, but faith-based organizations can find other ways to worship, including:
- live streaming activities instead of in-person events, whenever possible
- gatherings with fewer than 15 people can happen as long as proper mitigation measures are followed:
- people who are sick with a fever or cough must not attend
- anyone at high risk of severe disease should not attend
- practice physical distancing and maintain 2 metres between each person
- stagger arrivals and departures to maintain physical distancing
- increase access to handwashing stations or alcohol-based sanitizer
- frequently clean surfaces that are touched often
- remove activities that require physical contact between participants or puts people at risk of infection, including singing
- singing in groups is a high risk activity as it promotes the transmission of the virus through respiratory droplets
For more information, see:
Last updated: May 2 at 7:30 pm
Schools and daycares
Child care
- Licensed child care facilities are closed to the general public at this time.
- Select licensed child care centres have reopened to provide child care for essential service workers.
- Home-based child care with 6 or fewer children (not including the caregiver’s own children) can continue operating as long as safety measures are in place.
Child care programs will be able to reopen to the public as early as May 14. We are working with health officials to put new conditions and guidelines in place for the relaunch of child care programs.
Learn more about child care during COVID-19
- COVID-19 information for young kids and students (PDF, 122 KB)
Last updated: May 1 at 2:30 pm
K-12 Schools
- All classes in K to 12 schools are cancelled for the 2019-20 school year
- All Grade 6 and 9 provincial achievement tests and Grade 12 diploma exams are cancelled through to the end of June
- School authorities will offer at-home learning opportunities for all kindergarten to Grade 12 students
- Each student will get final grades and a report card appropriate to their grade level
- High school students on track to receive 100 or more credits will still be eligible to graduate
We created a help line and email for parents of students, particularly those with disabilities during COVID 19 and at home learning:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-6548
Toll free: 310-0000, before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: studentsupport@gov.ab.caStudent learning during COVID-19
- Record of decision by the chief medical officer of health (March 16, 2020)
- COVID-19 information for young kids and students (PDF, 122 KB)
Last updated: May 6 at 12 pm
Post-secondary institutions
Effective immediately, in-person classes at post-secondary institutions are cancelled until further notice. Campuses remain open.
We are working with post-secondary institutions to ensure that these extraordinary circumstances do not prevent students from being eligible for admission to post-secondary studies for the upcoming school year.
- Record of decision by the chief medical officer of health (March 16, 2020)
Last updated: March 15 at 5 pm
Support the Alberta Bits and Pieces Program
Submit your offers of products or services to the Alberta Bits and Pieces Program if you're interested in supporting the COVID-19 response.
If there is a requirement for your product or service, you will be contacted by a representative of the Government of Alberta.
The program is named after the “bits and pieces program” established by Canada’s Minister of Munitions and Supply during the Second World War, C. D. Howe. The program coordinated innovative production and procurement efforts from across the Canadian economy to support the war effort.
Alberta government action plan
The Alberta government is taking action to protect the safety, security and economic interests of Albertans amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
See the weekly overview of the COVID-19 action plan (May 3-May 9)
Last updated: May 10 at 1:15 pm
Public health actions
Alberta’s public health officials are carefully monitoring the situation in Canada and around the world. They are:
- working closely with federal, provincial and territorial partners to share information and assess potential health risks
- ensuring our health system is responding effectively
- ensuring front-line health professionals have information about the virus so they can:
- take recommended actions
- promptly report potential cases to public health officials
- updating isolation and self-monitoring recommendations for returning travellers as required
- tracing all close contacts of confirmed cases, testing and isolating those who are symptomatic, and asking even those who feel well to isolate for 14 days after their last contact with the case
- granting law enforcement the authority to enforce public health orders and issue fines to anyone violating a public health order
- protecting Albertans in congregate care facilities by updating standards and guidelines
- making testing available to all Albertans with COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat)
Updated: April 15 at 11 am
Government service changes
Temporary office closures
Some Alberta government office locations have temporarily closed to the public.
To find out how to access affected government services, visit the program's web page or call Alberta Connect at 310-4455 from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday.
Registry services
Registry agents are providing select services by phone, secure email, fax or mail to reduce the number of Albertans who need to visit in person.
As of April 28, the following registry services are available through alternative delivery methods:
- All corporate registry services (available by fax or email)
- All personal property registry services (available by fax or email)
- Select motor vehicles services (available by telephone, fax, mail or email with secure encryption)
- Driver’s licence services:
- Renewal (one year with existing photo)
- Replacement
- Re-class
- Exchange (address change)
- Condition Code maintenance
- Cancellation
- Provide audit control number (barcode number on the licence – sometimes required to access services online that require identification)
- Vehicle registration services:
- Renewal
- Duplicate registration certificate
- Replacement validation tab (expiry date sticker on licence plate)
- Exchange licence plate
- Transfer registration to a new vehicle
- Cancellation
- Specialty plate order (Support our Troops, Calgary Flames, Edmonton Oilers)
- Other:
- Driver’s abstract
- Vehicle Information Report
- Payment on account, including fine payments
- In-transit permits
- Appeal applications for Alberta Transportation Safety Board
- Driver’s licence services:
Last updated: April 28 at 11 am
Driver’s licence and vehicle registration extension
Expiry dates for Alberta drivers’ licences, identification cards, vehicle registrations, other permits and certificates is extended until May 15.
Driver's licences and ID cards
Drivers' licences and ID cards expire on the holder’s birthday in the year noted on the card.
- Albertans who have birthdays from March 17 through May 14 and whose cards expire this year, now have until May 15, 2020 to renew.
- Expiry dates can be found on your card and Albertans with birthdays from March 17 through May 14 are encouraged to confirm whether they need to renew this year.
Vehicle registration
Vehicle registrations expire on an assigned month based on the registrant’s surname or a company name.
- Albertans and companies with registrations expiring in March and April (including those whose last names begin with B, D, G, Y) will now have until May 15, 2020 to renew their vehicle registrations.
Driver road tests
Driver road tests are suspended until the public health emergency ends.
Cancelled road tests can be rebooked online at no additional charge once it is safe to resume testing.
Updated: April 14 at 5 pm
Medical exam changes
Medical evaluations
Drivers who require a medical evaluation to apply or renew their licence now have 90 days from the date of renewal or issuance to provide their completed medical form.
This will reduce the current strain on the healthcare system. Medically, high risk drivers will still be required to present their medical evaluation at the time of their application or renewal.
See Medical conditions and driving for more information.
Corporate Registry changes
Corporate Registry changes
In keeping with public gathering restrictions, deadlines are suspended for corporations, partnerships, cooperatives and non-profit organizations to hold annual general meetings and file their annual returns
These groups will remain active in Alberta, and will not have their corporations, partnerships, cooperatives or non-profit organizations dissolved due to failing to file annual returns.
Court and justice services changes
The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, the Provincial Court of Alberta and the Alberta Court of Appeal are limiting services to essential and urgent functions.
Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench
There are changes at the court because of COVID-19. Read more at Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench information.
Provincial Court of Alberta
There are changes at the court because of COVID-19. Read more at Provincial Court of Alberta information.
Alberta Court of Appeal
There are changes at the court because of COVID-19. Read more at Alberta Court of Appeal information.
Chief medical officer updates
Regular updates from Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health.
Protecting families and the economy


Alberta COVID-19 Information sheets (PDF):
- English | French | Arabic | Traditional Chinese | Simplified Chinese | Hindi | Korean | Punjabi | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Urdu | Vietnamese |
- Guide for people with disabilities (PDF, 115 KB)
- Information for young kids and students (PDF, 122 KB)
Government of Canada COVID-19 updates:
Situation updates
- Update 58: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 10)
- Update 57: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 9)
- Update 56: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 8)
- Update 55: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 7)
- Update 54: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 6)
- Update 53: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 5)
- Update 52: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 4)
- Update 51: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 3)
- Update 50: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 2)
- Update 49: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (May 1)
- Update 48: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 30)
- Update 47: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 29)
- Update 46: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 28)
- Update 45: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 27)
- Update 44: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 26)
- Update 43: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 25)
- Update 42: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 24)
- Update 41: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 23)
- Update 40: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 22)
- Update 39: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 21)
- Update 38: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (April 20)
News releases
- Calgary business charged with price gouging (May 8, 2020)
- Supporting Alberta’s agriculture industry (May 7, 2020)
- New equipment to double COVID-19 testing capacity (May 5, 2020)
- Albertans rally to support charities during COVID-19 (May 5, 2020)
- Resuming non-urgent surgeries and allied health services (May 4, 2020)
- Technology to support COVID-19 response (May 1, 2020)
- Protecting safety at Cargill (April 30, 2020)
- Alberta’s safely staged COVID-19 relaunch (April 30, 2020)
- COVID-19 modelling data update (April 28, 2020)
- Supporting vulnerable Albertans during COVID-19 (April 26, 2020)
- Family violence during COVID-19 pandemic: Joint statement (April 25, 2020)
- #MuseumFromHome highlights Alberta’s rich history (April 25, 2020)
- Rent relief for Alberta’s small businesses (April 24, 2020)
- Call to action for COVID-19 volunteers (April 22, 2020)
- Relief coming for continuing care pressures (April 20, 2020)
- Federal energy stimulus package: Premier Kenney (April 17, 2020)