Current situation
Alberta is now in Stage 2 of relaunch. Continue acting responsibly and follow all public health measures.
Cases in Alberta
Total cases | 19,211 (276 on Oct. 5) |
Active cases* | 1,900 |
Recovered cases | 17,030 |
In hospital | 61 |
In intensive care** | 13 |
Deaths | 281 |
Completed tests | 1,442,603 (17,654 on Oct. 5) |
People tested | 1,078,066 |
View cases, projections and outbreaks Go to the interactive data app
COVID-19 status map
As Alberta reopens, some regions may need to put additional measures in place to address local outbreaks. Learn more about the regional relaunch status in your area and sign up to be notified if there is a change in your area.
Info for vulnerable Albertans and other organizations
Schools and daycares
Chief medical officer updates
Article: How to vacation during COVID (August 12, 2020)
Regular updates from Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health.
Protecting families and the economy
COVID-19 posters and information sheets
Alberta Health Services (AHS) COVID-19 updates
World Health Organization COVID-19 updates
Government of Canada COVID-19 updates:
Situation updates
- Update 128: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (October 5)
- Update 127: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (October 1)
- Update 126: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 28)
- Update 125: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 24)
- Update 124: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 21)
- Update 123: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 17)
- Update 122: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 14)
- Update 121: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 11)
- Update 120: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 10)
- Update 119: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 9)
- Update 118: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (September 8)
News releases
- Putting Alberta on the front lines fighting COVID-19 (September 28)
- Opioid surveillance report: Associate Minister Luan (September 23)
- COVID-19 scheduled surgery backlog cut by 88 per cent (September 11)
- UPDATE: Federal education funding for COVID-19 (September 2)
- Update on PPE for schools: Minister Allard and Minister LaGrange (August 28)
- Expanding COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic Albertans | Un plus grand nombre de tests de dépistage de la COVID-19 pour les Albertains et Albertaines asymptomatiques (August 18)
- Masks for schools procurement: Minister LaGrange (August 8)
- COVID-19 funding for First Nations colleges (August 7)
- Alberta to provide additional COVID-19 homelessness supports (August 5)