
COVID-19: State of public health emergency. Mandatory measures in effect provincewide.

Government offices are closed Dec. 24 to Jan. 3. See the list of services available.

Current situation

Stronger mandatory measures are in effect across the province as of Dec. 8 to help reduce cases and protect the health system.

Cases in Alberta

  • 93,781 Total cases
  • 1,301 Cases on Dec. 22
  • 75,070 Recovered cases
  • 890 Deaths
  • 17,821 Active cases*
  • 821 In hospital
  • 146 In intensive care**
  • 2,690,432 Total tests completed
    (19,222 on Dec. 22)
  • 1,626,216 People tested

Updated Dec. 23. Numbers are current as of end-of-day Dec. 22.
*Active cases include both community cases and hospitalizations. **ICU cases are a subset of those in hospital.

Information for Albertans

Stronger mandatory public health measures are in effect provincewide to address rising cases.
Resources are available in Arabic, 中文, हिंदी, 한국어, ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, Af-Soomaali, Español, Français, Tagalog, Tiếng Việt and Urdu.
COVID-19 testing is available to all Albertans with symptoms, close contacts and anyone linked to an outbreak.
You must isolate for 10 days if you have a core symptom, or quarantine for 14 days if you're a close contact of a confirmed case or travelled outside Canada.

Prevent the spread

  • Help prevent the spread

    All Albertans have a responsibility to help prevent the spread. Take steps to protect yourself and others:

    • practice physical distancing
    • wear a mask - they're mandatory in all indoor public spaces, workplaces and places of worship
    • practice good hygiene: wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes, and avoid touching face
    • monitor for symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat
    • isolate for the legally-required 10 days if you have any symptoms or 14 days if you're a close contact of someone with COVID-19
    • take the COVID-19 self-assessmentto get tested

    Learn more ways to prevent the spread

  • How it spreads

    COVID-19 is transmitted though tiny droplets of liquid produced by people who have the virus.

    These droplets spread by:

    • coughing, sneezing, talking, laughing, and singing
    • touching objects or surfaces the virus has landed on and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth (bath towels, kitchen utensils, door knobs, etc.)

    People who have COVID-19 can spread it to others before they start to feel sick.

    COVID-19 is not widely spread by being airborne, which means it doesn’t stay in the air long and won’t go very far. But if you are too close to someone with COVID-19 you can get sick by breathing in air that contains droplets with the virus.

    We think the virus generally only survives for a few hours on a surface or object, but it may be possible for it to survive several days under some conditions.

    Help prevent the spread


  • Get immunized to prevent influenza

    All Albertans over 6 months old should get an influenza immunization (flu shot) this year. It won't prevent COVID-19, but it will reduce your chances of getting sick with the flu or spreading it to others.

    By keeping influenza counts low, we can:

    • make sure our health care system has capacity to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
    • let health care workers focus on treating people with other illnesses and injuries
    • reduce outbreaks in care facilities

    The vaccine is available free of charge to all Albertans starting October 19.

    How to get a flu shot

Symptoms and testing

  • Monitor your symptoms

    COVID-19 symptoms can be mild and are similar to influenza and other respiratory illnesses.

    • Core symptoms: cough, fever (over 38°C), shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat.
    • Other symptoms: stuffy nose, painful swallowing, headache, chills, muscle or joint aches, feeling unwell in general, new fatigue or severe exhaustion, gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or unexplained loss of appetite), loss of sense of smell or taste, conjunctivitis (pink eye).
    • Symptom of serious illness: difficulty breathing or pneumonia.

    Get tested and isolate if you have symptoms

    Last updated: October 1

  • Get tested if sick or at risk

    Priority testing is available to:

    • any person exhibiting any symptom of COVID-19
    • all close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases
    • all workers and/or residents at specific outbreak sites

    Find out how to get tested

    Last updated: October 20

  • Isolate or quarantine if required

    Isolation can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Public health orders require you to:

    • isolate for 10 days minimum if you have tested positive for COVID-19
    • isolate for 10 days if you have any core symptom that is not related to a pre-existing illness or health condition: cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose* or sore throat*
      • isolation period is for 10 days from the start of symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever takes longer
    • proof of a negative COVID-19 test and/or a medical note is not required to return to school/work/activities once the isolation period is complete
    • quarantine for 14 days if you returned to or entered Alberta from outside Canada or are a close contact of a person with COVID-19, plus an additional 10 days from the onset of symptoms, should they occur

    *Children under 18 are exempt from mandatory isolation for runny nose or sore throat but should stay home until well.

    Learn how to isolate and quarantine

    Last updated: December 21

  • Assess your risk of severe illness

    COVID-19 can cause serious respiratory illness. Because it is a new virus with no treatment or immunity in people, it is important for people with any symptoms to stay home and isolate to keep it from spreading.

    Most people – about 80% – recover without needing special treatment. However, it can cause serious illness in some, and there is a risk of death in severe cases.

    While we are still learning about COVID-19, serious illness appears to develop more often in people who are older or have pre-existing conditions.

    Assess your risk of severe illness

  • Treatment

    There is no proven treatment for COVID-19 at this time. Supportive care is being used to treat patients with COVID-19 and some medications are being tested to see if they help severely ill patients.

    Last updated: Dec. 9

  • COVID-19 vs. Influenza


    Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause respiratory illness in people, ranging from mild common colds to severe illnesses.

    Novel coronaviruses, like COVID-19, are new strains of the virus that have not been previously identified in humans. This means people have no immunity against it, and it has no vaccine or proven treatment.

    COVID-19 vs. Flu

    In some ways, COVID-19 is similar to influenza (also known as the flu), but there are also key differences.


    • Both cause respiratory disease.
    • Both are spread by small droplets from the nose and mouth.
    • Neither is spread through the air over long distances and times.


    • COVID-19 does not have a specific vaccine or treatment available.
    • COVID-19 does not appear to transmit as efficiently as influenza:
      • mainly people with symptoms seem to be spreading the disease, but asymptomatic transmission is possible and symptoms may be very mild, so transmission is possible even if the person is feeling well
      • controlling its spread is possible when people with symptoms are isolated
    • COVID-19 causes severe disease and mortality in more cases than the flu. On average:
      • COVID-19 has resulted in 1 to 2 deaths per 100 cases
      • Flu results in 1 death in every 1,000 flu cases

    Because COVID-19 can cause serious illness, it is critical to keep it from spreading by having people with symptoms follow mandatory isolation requirements.

    Last updated: July 15

Financial supports

  • Individuals and families

    Financial support programs are available to help individuals and families facing hardship because of COVID-19.

    Programs include supports for those experiencing unemployment or individuals in quarantine or isolation who require financial assistance.

    See all federal support programs

  • Businesses

    Businesses can access supports to help with COVID-19-related challenges, including:

    • avoiding layoffs, rehiring employees and creating new jobs
    • accessing financial support, loans and credit

    Supports are also available for self-employed individuals.

    See all federal support programs

  • Small- and medium-enterprise relaunch grant

    Funding is available for small- and medium-sized businesses, co-ops and non-profits impacted by COVID-19 to offset a portion of their relaunch costs.

    Recipients can use these funds as they see fit to help offset a portion of their relaunch costs, such as implementing measures to minimize the risk of virus transmission.

    Learn more

  • Education property tax freeze

    Residential education property tax rates will be frozen at last year’s level – reversing the 3.4% population and inflation increase added in Budget 2020. This will save households $55 million.

    Learn more

Get help

  • Mental health and addiction

    The COVID-19 pandemic can have a significant impact on mental health.

    Online resources are available if you need advice on handling stressful situations or ways to talk to children.

    If you need to talk, call the 24-hour help lines:

  • Family and sexual violence

    If you or someone you know is at risk of family or sexual violence, help is available.

    Family violence

    • Call our 24-hour Family Violence Info Line at 310-1818 to get anonymous help in over 170 languages.
    • Chat live online with the Family Violence Info Line for support in English (8 am – 8 pm)

    Sexual violence

    • Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence can provide assistance in finding sexual assault support services (9 am – 9 pm daily):

    Other resources

  • Child neglect and abuse

    Children are at a higher risk for neglect and abuse during times of uncertainty and crisis.

    Call the 24-hour child abuse hotline at 1-800-387-KIDS (5437) if you think a child is being abused, neglected or sexually exploited.

    Learn the signs of abuse

  • Consumer protection

    The Consumer Protection Act prevents suppliers from grossly raising prices with no explanation beyond what is reasonable for goods that are readily available. Unlike commercial sales, the act does not explicitly cover private sales. Act with consideration and caution.

    File a consumer complaint

    If you see prices for products or services skyrocket because of COVID-19, you can report it through our Report-a-Ripoff submission form or by calling 1-877-427-4088.

  • Cyber security

    Cyber security incidents involving malware and fraudulent activities, including identity theft, are being reported across Alberta in the wake of COVID-19.

    • Anyone who receives a call asking for credit card information should hang up immediately and call the non-emergency line for local law enforcement.
    • Albertans are encouraged to continue to exercise caution when clicking on links or providing personal information to people and organizations that request that information, unsolicited.

    Learn about cyber security

Info for organizations and vulnerable Albertans

  • Caregivers support

    Nearly one million Albertans act as caregivers for loved ones experiencing challenges related to illness, disability or aging. These caregivers need support too.

    Caregivers can get psychosocial and other peer and community supports by calling the toll-free caregiver advisor line at 1-877-453-5088 or going online to

  • Charities and not-for-profit organizations

    $30 million has been provided to charities, non-profits and civil society organizations to support their COVID-19 response.

    More information on emergency funding for charities and not-for-profit organizations.

    Last updated: Aug 12

  • Disability service providers

    Disability service providers play an essential role in supporting people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    For more information see COVID-19 information for disability service providers.

  • Expectant parents

    Currently, evidence does not suggest:

    • being pregnant increases your risk of getting COVID-19 or having serious complications
    • COVID-19 is transmitted to your baby during pregnancy, delivery or through breastmilk

    However, there is always an increased risk of preterm or stillbirth with any significant maternal illness.

    Talk to your health care provider if you have questions or are worried about leaving your home to attend appointments.

    If you aren’t feeling well, take the online assessment to arrange testing

    For more information, read the AHS COVID-19 and Pregnancy guide.

  • Faith-based organizations

    New restrictions are in effect for places of worship in communities on the enhanced list. Learn more.

    Last updated: Nov. 24

  • Homeless shelters and service providers

    Shelters and temporary or transitional housing facilities provide an essential service in Alberta during this time.

    We are working with community-based organizations, homeless shelters and women’s shelters to:

    • update pandemic plans with guidelines and information specific to COVID-19
    • expand shelter capacity and help current service providers to maintain physical distancing practices by finding additional space to house people

    $30 million has been committed to adult homeless shelters and women’s emergency shelters to support their COVID-19 response.

    Last updated: Aug 12

  • Seniors and congregate care residents

    Government issued public health orders to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, among seniors and vulnerable groups for the following settings:

    • Long-term care facilities
    • Licensed supportive living facilities, including seniors lodges and group homes
    • Licensed residential addiction treatment centres (under the Mental Health Services Protection Act)

    Find updated guidelines and standards

    Last updated: April 15 at 5:35 pm

  • Volunteers

    Volunteers play many important roles in communities across our province.

    Volunteers and volunteer organizations must follow all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to protect themselves and those they help.

    • Volunteers and employees may work together at distances of less than 2 metres, where unavoidable.
    • Volunteer organizations must take actions to prevent the transmission of infection among employees, volunteers and the people they are helping.
    • Proper hygiene and cleaning practices must be followed within the volunteer organization.
    • Any employee or volunteer with symptoms, including cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat, is required by law to isolate and may not participate in volunteer or workplace activities.

    Information for non-health care volunteers (PDF, 43 KB)

Government response

  • Public health actions

    Alberta’s public health officials are carefully monitoring the situation in Canada and around the world. They are:

    • working closely with federal, provincial and territorial partners to share information and assess potential health risks
    • ensuring our health system is responding effectively
    • ensuring front-line health professionals have information about the virus so they can:
      • take recommended actions
      • promptly report potential cases to public health officials
    • updating isolation and self-monitoring recommendations for returning travellers as required
    • tracing all close contacts of confirmed cases, testing and isolating those who are symptomatic, and asking even those who feel well to isolate for 14 days after their last contact with the case
    • granting law enforcement the authority to enforce public health orders and issue fines to anyone violating a public health order
    • protecting Albertans in congregate care facilities by updating standards and guidelines
    • making testing available to all Albertans with COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat)

    View all public health orders

    Updated: April 15 at 11 am

  • COVID Care Teams

    We are working with the cities of Calgary and Edmonton to access local agencies and organizations to provide on-the-ground support to communities experiencing a high number of cases of COVID-19, compared to other areas across the province.

    Residents in these communities may face barriers that could contribute to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission:

    • employment in public-facing, higher risk jobs – e.g. front-line health care, maintenance, transportation
    • live in higher density, multi-family or multi-generational homes
    • are a newcomer to Alberta and may not have supports in place
    • have English language barriers
    • earn a lower than average income

    To help address these barriers, COVID Care Teams will:

    • distribute care packages with masks, sanitizers and translated resources
    • refer people to 811 for additional information in multiple languages
    • inform residents of the nearest COVID-19 assessment and testing centres
    • connect people to transportation to COVID-19 testing facilities, if needed
    • refer people to AHS for self-isolation options for people unable to safely do so at home
    • provide information about financial supports for people who need to isolate

    News: Outreach will help Albertans connect to COVID-related resources (December 15, 2020)

  • Support the Alberta Bits and Pieces Program

    Submit your offers of products or services to the Alberta Bits and Pieces Program if you're interested in supporting the COVID-19 response.

    If there is a requirement for your product or service, you will be contacted directly.

    The program is named after the “bits and pieces program” established by Canada’s Minister of Munitions and Supply during the Second World War, C. D. Howe. The program coordinated innovative production and procurement efforts from across the Canadian economy to support the war effort.

Chief medical officer updates

Regular updates from Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health.

Protecting families and the economy

Mandatory, provincewide restrictions are in effect to protect the health system and slow the spread of COVID-19.
Eligible international travellers returning to Alberta may be able to participate in a pilot program that is safely exploring reduced quarantine periods.
Workplace guidance and supports to help businesses and non-profits affected by COVID-19 operate safely and support their recovery.
Parents and students can learn how to attend school safely and what to do if a student shows symptoms of illness.

COVID-19 regional status map

Find out the number of active cases in your area and sign up to be notified if your region changes to watch or enhanced status.

View the map  Sign up for notifications

A close up of the status map
COVID-19 Information posters
