Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

Contact Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free) if you're experiencing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus.

Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.

Current Situation

NEW Last updated: March 20, 2020

Public health officials advise the number of lab-confirmed positive and presumptive positive cases in Manitoba remains at 17 at this time.

At this time, the public health orders apply to public places, not workplaces. However, workplaces should still follow good social distancing practices as recommended by public health, including:

  • minimizing prolonged (more than 10 minutes), close (less than two meters/six feet) contact between other individuals in public;
  • avoiding greetings that involve touching such as handshakes;
  • disinfecting frequently used surfaces;
  • following public health advice related to self-monitoring and self-isolation if you have travelled or have been exposed to someone ill with the virus; and
  • avoiding travel, crowded places and events, especially if you are at higher risk (e.g. seniors and those with underlying medical conditions).

Surgery programs across Manitoba will begin suspending elective (non-urgent) surgical procedures starting Monday. This will help ensure staff, beds, equipment and supplies remain available and flexible for COVID-19 response.

Hospitals across the province will continue with scheduled surgeries for cancer, trauma and other surgeries that can’t be delayed. Time-sensitive orthopedic, obstetrical, gynecology and ophthalmology surgeries will also continue. Surgery slates will be examined to ensure proper patient care continues and any affected patients will be contacted about changes to their care.

A new community testing site opened in Steinbach this morning. Located at 365 Reimer Ave., the site will operate as a drive-thru, with daily hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. The 11th testing site, and third drive-thru location will open at 15 Barnes St. in Winnipeg (at the Manitoba Public Insurance Bison Drive Service Centre) Saturday March 21 and operate daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Other sites are located in Winnipeg, Brandon, Selkirk, Thompson, The Pas and Flin Flon. These locations are not walk-in clinics. Patients must receive a referral prior to arriving at these sites.

More locations are expected to open in the coming days, including a new drive-thru location in south Winnipeg. 

NEW March 20, 2020 - COVID-19 Bulletin #24

NEW March 20, 2020 - COVID-19 Bulletin #23

NEW March 20, 2020 - Manitoba Implementing $27.6-Million Plan to Support Child Care for Essential Workers

NEW March 20, 2020 - Manitoba Government Declares State of Emergency to Protect the Public, Reduce Spread of COVID-19

NEW March 20, 2020 - Orders under section 67 of The Public Health Act pdf

View all news releases

News Conferences

March 20, 2020 11:00 a.m.

COVID-19 (coronavirus) update

Testing in Manitoba

NEW Last updated: March 19, 2020

As of March 19, 3,534 tests for COVID-19 have been completed.

Total Number of Confirmed and Presumptive Positive Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases by Health Region (of residence)::





Prairie Mountain

Southern Health



Confirmed Positive *








Presumptive Positive **
















  • * A confirmed positive case has tested positive at both Cadham Provincial Laboratory and the National Microbiology Laboratory.
  • ** A presumptive positive case has tested positive at Cadham Provincial Laboratory and is awaiting confirmatory testing results from the National Microbiology Laboratory.

Canadian Situation

As of March 20, 2020 (8:00 am), 846 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Canada. Cases have been reported in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Probable cases have also been reported in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador and Saskatchewan. For the most current numbers, see Public Health Agency of Canada's COVID-19: Outbreak update website.

Worldwide Reported Cases

For a complete list of countries reporting COVID-19 cases see the most current WHO Coronavirus Disease situation report or click on the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Case map dashboard.

(click on map image below for most current case numbers)

click on map image for most current case numbers