#RestartMB Pandemic Response System

Provincial Response Level: CAUTION

COVID-19 is still a threat across Manitoba, however transmission levels are low. The Chief Provincial Public Health Officer has set the response level to yellow.

Learn more about current public health orders, restrictions and guidance.

COVID-19 Screening Tool - Experiencing symptoms?

Current Situation

NEW Last updated: September 9, 2020 as of 5:45 p.m.

Public health officials are advising that a confirmed case of COVID-19 attended Churchill High School, 510 Hay St, Winnipeg and used Winnipeg Transit on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

The student, in grade seven, room 20, was a case identified earlier today in bulletin #182 and attended school for a limited time while asymptomatic. The school and cohort are being notified and cleaning protocols have commenced out of an abundance of caution.

The risk is deemed low as physical distancing was maintained while at school and a mask was worn on the bus and in school the entire time. There are no close contacts connected to the case and public health has not advised anyone to self-isolate. Others who were at the sites on Monday do not need to self-isolate, but should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.

Times of exposures and the bus route are listed online and can be found at manitoba.ca/covid19/updates/flights.html#event.

The public health investigation indicates that transmission was not acquired at school.

Public health does not advise individuals go for asymptomatic testing. If people develop symptoms, they should self-isolate and visit www.manitoba.ca/covid19/ to use the online screening tool, or call Health Links-Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll-free at 1-888-315-9257 for health guidance on how to seek testing.

If you are waiting for test results, it is important to self isolate until you receive your results. Information on self isolation can be found here manitoba.ca/asset_library/en/covid/factsheet-isolation-selfmonitoring-recoveringhome.pdf

The site is not being elevated according to the Pandemic Response System given the low risk and lack of close contacts.

NEW September 9, 2020 - COVID-19 Bulletin #183

NEW Last updated: September 9, 2020 as of 1:00 p.m.

Public health officials advise the current five-day COVID-19 test positivity rate is 1.3 per cent and 16 new cases of the virus have been identified as of 9:30 a.m. today. This brings the total number of cases in Manitoba to 1,365.

The data shows:

  • one case in the Prairie Mountain Health region;
  • one case in the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region; and
  • 14 cases in the Winnipeg health region.

The data also shows:

  • 404 active cases and 945 individuals have recovered from COVID-19;
  • there are 12 people in hospital and three people in intensive care; and
  • the number of deaths due to COVID-19 is 16.

Preliminary investigations indicate that several of today’s Winnipeg cases are close contacts of known cases and are not linked to any current outbreaks. Case investigations continue and if a public health risk is identified, the public will be notified.

Confirmed laboratory testing numbers show 653 tests were completed on Tuesday, bringing the total number of lab tests completed since early February to 149,188.

Public health is advising of a possible exposure to COVID-19 may have occurred on Sept 2. to 5 at the Tim Horton’s, 3296 Portage Ave. Times of exposures are listed online and can be found at manitoba.ca/covid19/updates/flights.html#event

The Keystone Center Specimen Collection Site in Brandon will close permanently after Sept. 12.  Those seeking testing are advised to visit the Brandon Town Center site. For all testing site locations visit manitoba.ca/covid19/updates/testing.html

NEW September 9, 2020 - COVID-19 Bulletin #182