As part of its response to COVID-19, Manitoba Families is beginning to distribute reusable masks to its clients. This will include two reusable masks for every adult in the household and for children aged five to nine. Older children are receiving their masks through their school or child care provider. In total, more than 227,000 reusable masks will be distributed across the province in the coming weeks, beginning in Winnipeg.
Public health officials have advised the following schools about possible exposures:
- Ecole Precieux-Sang in Winnipeg on Sept. 18: based on the public health investigation, the exposure was assessed to be low risk and the infection was not acquired at school.
The chief provincial public health officer strongly encourages Manitobans to focus on these fundamentals to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
- People must stay home if sick.
- Wash/sanitize your hands, cover your cough and physically distance when you are with people outside your household.
- If you cannot physically distance, you should wear a mask to help reduce your risk.
- Reduce the number of close contacts outside your household, and avoid closed-in or crowded spaces.