Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update

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Current situation

Map - Total Number of COVID-19 Cases in Canada - Text Description
Areas in Canada with cases of COVID-19 as of
Province, territory or other Number of confirmed cases Number of probable cases Number of deaths
Canada 93,430 11 7,543
Newfoundland and Labrador 261 0 3
Prince Edward Island 27 0 0
Nova Scotia 1,058 0 60
New Brunswick 135 0 0
Quebec 51,884 0 4,794
Ontario 29,403 0 2,357
Manitoba 287 11 7
Saskatchewan 647 0 11
Alberta 7,076 0 145
British Columbia 2,623 0 166
Yukon 11 0 0
Northwest Territories 5 0 0
Nunavut 0 0 0
Repatriated travellers 13 0 0

Additional COVID-19 case information:


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Canada has a strong history of pandemic planning and is an international leader on this front.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (along with public health authorities at all levels of government across the country) have been working together to ensure that our preparedness and response measures are appropriate and adaptable, based on the latest science and the evolving situation.

Globally, efforts have focused on taking measures to contain the outbreak and prevent further spread.

Aside from Canada, many other countries and regions are reporting cases (listed below). An official global travel advisory and pandemic COVID-19 travel health notice are in effect: avoid non-essential travel outside Canada until further notice.

Risk to Canadians

COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving daily. The risk will vary between and within communities, but given the increasing number of cases in Canada, the risk to Canadians is considered high.

This does not mean that all Canadians will get the disease. It means that there is already a significant impact on our health care system. If we do not flatten the epidemic curve now, the increase of COVID-19 cases could impact health care resources available to Canadians.

We continue to reassess the public health risk based on the best available evidence as the situation evolves.

Who is most at risk

While COVID-19 can make anyone sick, some Canadians with specific health circumstances are at an increased risk of more severe outcomes, including individuals:

In addition, social and economic circumstances may also be a factor in identifying someone who is vulnerable to COVID-19. This includes anyone who has:

Think you might have COVID-19?
Take a self-assessment

How Canada is monitoring COVID-19

The health and safety of all Canadians is our top priority.

The Public Health Agency of Canada is working with provinces, territories and international partners, including the World Health Organization, to actively monitor the situation. Global efforts are focused on containment of the outbreak and the prevention of further spread.

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer of Canada is in close contact with provincial and territorial Chief Medical Officers of Health to ensure that any cases of COVID-19 occurring in Canada continue to be rapidly identified and managed in order to protect the health of Canadians.

Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory is performing diagnostic testing for the virus that causes COVID-19. The laboratory is working in close collaboration with provincial and territorial public health laboratories, which are now able to test for COVID-19. A summary of people tested in Canada is available and updated each week day.

National Microbiology Laboratory's summary of people tested in Canada as of June 3, 2020, 6:00 pm EDT
Total number of patients tested in Canada Total positive Total negative
1,755,850 86,213 1,668,799

This testing summary represents information collected by the laboratory and not the total reported cases in Canada. The remainder of tests not reported here are still being resolved.

Should there be any differences with the national case count compared with testing numbers reported by provincial and territorial public health officials, provincial data should be considered the most up-to-date.

For more information, visit Canada's response page.


April 2020
  • On April 29, Canada launches a new mobile app, ArriveCAN.
  • On April 28, Canada surpasses 50,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19
  • On April 23, Canada announces more than $1 billion in support of a national medical research strategy to fight COVID-19
  • On April 23, Canada surpasses 2,000 confirmed deaths from COVID-19
  • On April 15, Canada surpasses 1,000 confirmed deaths from COVID-19
  • On April 15, Canada launches a new portal, Wellness Together Canada, dedicated to mental wellness
  • On April 15, expansion of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, to help essential workers
  • On April 11, expansion of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, to help businesses keep Canadians in their jobs
  • On April 9, Canada surpasses 20,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19
  • On April 3, Canada announces an investment of $100 million to improve access to food for Canadians facing social, economic, and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • On April 2, worldwide COVID-19 cases reach 1 million.
  • On April 2, Canada launches the Canada COVID-19 app on iOS and Android to provide Canadians with the latest information on COVID-19 and a way to check their symptoms.
  • On April 2, Canada surpasses 10,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
March 2020
  • On March 31, Canada announces new partnerships with Canadian industries, under Canada's Plan to Mobilize Industry to fight COVID-19. The Government of Canada plans to invest $2 billion to support diagnostic testing and to purchase ventilators and protective personal equipment.
  • On March 30, Canada states that all passengers flying in Canada will be subject to a health check prior to boarding.
  • On March 29, Canada introduces measures to support vulnerable Canadians to help cope with the health, social, and economic impacts of COVID-19.
  • On March 27, Canada announces support for small businesses facing impacts of the pandemic, as part of the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan.
  • On March 23, Canada announces support to quickly mobilize Canadian researchers and life sciences companies to support large-scale efforts towards countermeasures to combat COVID-19, including potential vaccines and treatments.
  • On March 23, Canada announces new measures to support local farmers and agri-food businesses in Canada facing financial hardship due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • On March 18, Canada announces financial help, through the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, for Canadians and businesses facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • On March 18, Canada implements a ban on foreign nationals from all countries, except the United States from entering Canada, Canada-U.S. border closes to all non-essential travel, and redirects international passenger flight arrivals to four airports in Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.
  • On March 16, Canada advises travellers entering Canada to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • On March 13, Canada advises Canadians to avoid all non-essential travel outside of Canada until further notice.
  • On March 11, the World Health Organization declares the global outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic.
  • On March 9, Canada confirms its first death related to COVID-19.
February 2020
  • On February 20, Canada confirms its first case related to travel outside mainland China.
  • On February 9, Canada expands COVID-19 screening requirements for travellers returning from affected areas to 10 airports across 6 provinces.
January 2020
  • On January 30, the World Health Organization declares the outbreak of COVID-19 a public health event of international concern.
  • On January 25, Canada confirms its first case of COVID-19 related to travel in Wuhan, China.
  • On January 22, Canada implements screening requirements related to COVID-19 for travellers returning from China to major airports in Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver.
  • On January 15, the Public Health Agency of Canada activates the Emergency Operation Centre to support Canada's response to COVID-19.
  • On January 7, China confirmed COVID-19.
December 2019
  • On December 31, the World Health Organization was alerted to several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China. The virus did not match any other known virus.

Contact us

For information on COVID-19, refer to our frequently asked questions. If you are looking for information on COVID-19, specific to your province, refer to our resources page.

If you have additional questions that are not answered on our website:

Note that we are currently experiencing a high volume of requests and long wait times.

Email updates

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Table : Updates
Title Date
Minister Fortier highlights government support for business, community and cultural groups in virtual town hall with Calgary Economic Development 2020-06-02
Newly modernized Enabling Accessibility Fund issues a call for proposals 2020-06-02
Minister Bains announces members of new Industry Strategy Council 2020-06-02
Government of Canada announces funding for the social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities 2020-06-01
Health Canada advises Canadians to help support the continued supply of medications 2020-06-01
Western Economic Diversification Canada working with tourism businesses to bolster the industry's recovery efforts in western Canada 2020-06-01
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer 2020-05-31
FedDev Ontario supports tourism and recovery efforts across Southern Ontario 2020-05-31
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer 2020-05-30
Minister Ng speaks with Australia's Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment 2020-05-29
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer 2020-05-29
Technical Briefing on COVID-19 in Indigenous Communities 2020-05-29
Canada Participates in Second Roundtable on the Path to International Energy Agency's Clean Energy Transitions Summit 2020-05-29
Minister Garneau announces updated measures for cruise ships and passenger vessels in Canadian waters up to October 31, 2020

COVID-19 and hurricane season: Advice for Canadians abroad 2020-05-28
Statement by the Minister of Natural Resources Following a Meeting of Canada's Energy and Mines Ministers 2020-05-27
Health Canada announces another step to accelerate access to health products for COVID-19 2020-05-27
Some units of Triton Hand Sanitizer containing technical-grade ethanol sold in Canada without the necessary risk information 2020-05-27
Consumers advised to stop using Akwaton International Multipurpose Wipes 2020-05-27
Interim Order Respecting Clinical Trials for Medical Devices and Drugs Relating to COVID-19: Notice 2020-05-27
Applications for COVID-19 drug and medical device clinical trials under the Interim Order: Notice release of guidance documents 2020-05-27
Joint Statement on Clinical Trial Oversight in Canada 2020-05-27
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 27, 2020 2020-05-27
Action Committee on Court Operations in Response to COVID-19 Approves Initial Guidance Documents 2020-05-26
DND launches a call to innovative thinkers for solutions to COVID-19 challenges 2020-05-26
Government of Canada enhances Youth Employment and Skills Program to help create new positions for youth in the agriculture sector 2020-05-26
Minister Ng announces hotline to provide small businesses in need with financial planning advice amid COVID-19 2020-05-25
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer : May 24, 2020 2020-05-24
COVID-19 border measures at the International Peace Garden 2020-05-24
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 23, 2020 2020-05-23
Little Gold Creek border crossing opening delayed due to COVID-19 2020-05-22
Minister Fortier to take part in a Virtual Town Hall organized by the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce 2020-05-22
Government of Canada announces online tool, "Find financial help during COVID-19" to assist Canadians in accessing financial support 2020-05-22
Minister Fortier highlights government support for business in virtual town hall with Toronto based Francophone businesses 2020-05-21
Minister of Labour provides an update on ongoing engagement with provincial and territorial counterparts and leaders of labour and industry to keep Canadian workers safe 2020-05-21
Government of Canada announces funding to support organizations accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Canada 2020-05-20
Government announces support program for large employers is open for applications 2020-05-20
The CBSA reminds U.S. travellers of restrictions ahead of Memorial Day 2020-05-20
Government of Canada shares legislative proposals to address issues relating to legislative time limits and deadlines 2020-05-19
Ministers Champagne and Johnson Smith co-preside a second meeting with UN Member States on addressing the COVID-19 financing challenge 2020-05-19
Canada responds to humanitarian crises with funding to the world's most vulnerable 2020-05-19
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 18, 2020 2020-05-18
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 17, 2020 2020-05-17
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 16, 2020 2020-05-16
Support for Community Organizations Helping Canadians 2020-05-16
Government of Canada supports over 500 women's shelters and sexual assault centres during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-05-16
Helping the dairy sector mitigate the impact of COVID-19 2020-05-15
Temporary suspension of service at Four Falls, New Brunswick land border crossing 2020-05-15
Helping British Columbia agriculture and food businesses plan for COVID-19 recovery 2020-05-15
As North American Safe Boating Awareness Week launches, Minister Garneau reminds boaters to respect COVID-19 safety measures 2020-05-15
Update on Active COVID-19 Cases among Canadian Armed Forces Members serving in Long Term Care Facilities 2020-05-15
Government extends the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy 2020-05-15
Canada Summer Jobs start rolling out to keep young people working during COVID-19 2020-05-15
Statement on safeguarding peace during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-05-15
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 14, 2020 2020-05-14
Canada and Ontario Take Steps to Further Protect Farm Workers 2020-05-14
Government of Canada, the Meadow Lake Tribal Council and Métis Nation-Saskatchewan announce emergency support for COVID-19 response in northwestern Saskatchewan 2020-05-13
Canada Emergency Student Benefit application period to launch on May 15, 2020 2020-05-13
$962 million additional support fund now available to businesses and communities affected by the pandemic 2020-05-13
FedDev Ontario launches Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support local economies 2020-05-13
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency launches Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support local economies 2020-05-13
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency launches Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support local economies 2020-05-13
FedNor launches Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support local economies 2020-05-13
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions launches the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support local economies 2020-05-13
Western Economic Diversification Canada launches Regional Relief and Recovery Fund to support local economy 2020-05-13
Chief Mountain border crossing opening delayed due to COVID-19 2020-05-12
Minister of Foreign Affairs continues to coordinate with international counterparts on COVID-19 2020-05-12
Temporary suspension of service at select Canadian border services locations 2020-05-12
Statement from Health Canada on COVID-19 Serological Tests 2020-05-12
The National Research Council of Canada and CanSino Biologics Inc. announce collaboration to advance vaccine against COVID-19 2020-05-12
The National Research Council of Canada and USask's VIDO-InterVac collaborate to advance development of vaccine against COVID-19 2020-05-12
The NFB greenlights 16 projects for production. New documentary, animation and interactive works from across Canada, including projects to come on COVID-19 2020-05-11
Important safety information for certain respirator masks 2020-05-11
Indigenous Services Canada providing direct air transportation to serve fly-in First Nations communities 2020-05-10
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 10, 2020 2020-05-10
Canada and Ontario Take Additional Steps to Protect Agri-Food Workers During COVID-19 2020-05-08
Employee training supports for agri-businesses 2020-05-08
Chief Justice of Canada and Minister of Justice Launch Action Committee on Court Operations in Response to COVID-19 2020-05-08
Minister Bains announces new Industry Strategy Council 2020-05-08
Joint statement from Minister Qualtrough, Minister Morneau and Minister Duclos 2020-05-08
Update on Canadian Armed Forces' response to COVID-19 pandemic 2020-05-07
Unauthorized test kits claiming to diagnose or detect COVID-19 put your health at risk 2020-05-07
Competition Bureau cracking down on deceptive marketing claims about COVID-19 prevention or treatment 2020-05-06
Statement on Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Promoting Gender-Responsiveness in the COVID-19 Crisis 2020-05-06
Protect yourself and your family from poisonings 2020-05-05
COVID-19 related death of an inmate 2020-05-05
Statement on joint collaboration by APEC members amid COVID-19 pandemic 2020-05-05
Statement on support for women's shelters and centres for victims of sexual and domestic violence in Quebec during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-05-04
Government of Canada creates COVID-19 supply council in support of Canada's response and recovery 2020-05-03
Minister Bains announces investment in antibody discovery technology to help treat COVID-19 2020-05-03
Statement on joint action plan to facilitate flow of goods, services and personnel amid COVID-19 2020-05-02
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer: May 2, 2020 2020-05-02
Clinical trial looking at the potential use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19 2020-05-01
Government of Canada introduces new digital initiatives to its suite of virtual tools for COVID-19 2020-04-30
International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) statement on COVID-19 2020-04-29
Expedited access to cleaning products used in the workplace to help fight COVID-19 2020-04-27
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on COVID-19 2020-04-26
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can have serious side effects 2020-04-25
Foreign ministers from 13 countries agree on key principles to keep transportation links and supply chains open 2020-04-17
New measures introduced for non-medical masks or face coverings in the Canadian transportation system 2020-04-17
Health Canada's decision to temporarily allow technical grade ethanol for the manufacture of hand sanitizers - Notice to industry 2020-04-15
Government of Canada connects Canadians with mental wellness supports during COVID-19 2020-04-15
Government of Canada updates mandatory requirements for travellers entering Canada 2020-04-14
Government of Canada further facilitates enforcement of the Federal Quarantine Act 2020-04-14
Fraudulent and unauthorized N95 respirators may not protect consumers against COVID-19 2020-04-14
Public Health Agency of Canada releases interim guidance for infection prevention and control of COVID-19 for long-term care homes 2020-04-13
Keeping Canadians and workers in the food supply chain safe 2020-04-13
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on COVID-19 2020-04-12
COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No. 2 receives Royal Assent to help businesses keep Canadians in their jobs 2020-04-11
Government Introduces COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No. 2 to Help Businesses Keep Canadians in their Jobs 2020-04-11
Additional Details on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy 2020-04-11
Statement by Minister Qualtrough on Canada's Disability-Inclusive approach to its COVID-19 pandemic response 2020-04-10
Statement in support of global ceasefire 2020-04-10
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on the release of national modelling on the COVID-19 epidemic in Canada 2020-04-09
Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health Communication: Use of Non-Medical Masks (or Facial Coverings) by the Public 2020-04-07
Canadians can now apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit 2020-04-06
Canada's support for international efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-04-05
The Government of Canada announces new measures for ferries and commercial passenger vessels capable of carrying more than 12 passengers 2020-04-05
Canada announces support to those experiencing homelessness and women fleeing gender-based violence during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic 2020-04-04
Government of Canada partners with Amazon to help get personal protective equipment to front-line healthcare workers 2020-04-03
Government announces details of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to help businesses keep Canadians in their jobs 2020-04-01
3D printing and other unconventional manufacturing of personal protective equipment in response to COVID-19 2020-03-31
Considerations in the use of homemade masks to protect against COVID-19 2020-03-26
New Order Makes Self-Isolation Mandatory for Individuals Entering Canada 2020-03-25
Prime Minister announces efforts to bring Canadians home from abroad 2020-03-21
No scientific evidence that ibuprofen worsens COVID-19 symptoms 2020-03-20
Government of Canada funds 49 additional COVID-19 research projects 2020-03-19
Expedited access to disinfectants, hand sanitizers and personal protective equipment to help limit the spread of COVID-19, as well as swabs for testing 2020-03-18
Health Canada expedites access to COVID-19 diagnostic laboratory test kits and other medical devices 2020-03-18
Prime Minister announces more support for workers and businesses through Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan 2020-03-18
Canadian Food Inspection Agency update regarding COVID-19 2020-03-17
First Ministers discuss collective efforts to address the impact of COVID-19 2020-03-13
Government of Canada advises Canadians to avoid non-essential travel abroad 2020-03-13
Prime Minister speaks with National Indigenous Leaders on efforts to address the impact of COVID-19 2020-03-13
Statement on a case of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in a passenger from the Grand Princess 2020-03-11
Prime Minister outlines Canada's COVID-19 response 2020-03-11
Government of Canada repatriates Canadians from Grand Princess cruise ship 2020-03-10
Government of Canada evacuating Canadians on board Grand Princess cruise ship 2020-03-08
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of repatriated Canadians from quarantine following 14-day stay at the NAV CENTRE 2020-03-06
Prime Minister creates committee on COVID-19 2020-03-04
Update: special immigration measures expanded to applicants in Iran and South Korea affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) 2020-02-29
Update #6: Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of selected individuals from quarantine for the 2019 novel coronavirus 2020-02-26
Update: Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of repatriated Canadians from quarantine following 14-day stay at CFB Trenton 2020-02-25
Update #5: Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of selected individuals from quarantine for the 2019 novel coronavirus 2020-02-23
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of repatriated Canadians from quarantine following 14-day stay at CFB Trenton 2020-02-21
Government of Canada repatriates Canadians and their families from Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan 2020-02-21
Government of Canada evacuating Canadians on board Diamond Princess cruise ship 2020-02-15
Update #4: Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of selected individuals from quarantine for the 2019 novel coronavirus 2020-02-15
Update #3: Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of selected individuals from quarantine for the 2019 novel coronavirus 2020-02-12
Government of Canada repatriates more Canadians and their families from Wuhan, China 2020-02-11
Update #2: Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of selected individuals from quarantine for the 2019 novel coronavirus 2020-02-10
Community Safety a Top Priority in 2019-nCoV Repatriation Efforts 2020-02-10
Update: Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer on the release of selected individuals from quarantine for the 2019 novel coronavirus 2020-02-10
Canada supports China's ongoing response to novel coronavirus outbreak 2020-02-09
Statement from the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada on the release of selected individuals from quarantine for 2019 novel coronavirus 2020-02-09
Government of Canada repatriates Canadians and their families from the epicentre of the 2019-nCoV outbreak in China 2020-02-08
Government of Canada evacuating Canadians from Wuhan, China 2020-02-02
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau convenes the Incident Response Group for an update on the coronavirus situation 2020-02-02
Statement by Foreign Affairs Minister on travel to Hubei Province in China 2020-01-26
Statement by the Minister of Health on the First Presumptive Confirmed Travelled-Related Case of New Coronavirus in Canada 2020-01-25

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