Before calling 811 use this self-assessment tool to help determine whether you should be tested for COVID-19. You can complete this assessment for yourself or on behalf of someone else, if they are not able.
If you have symptoms:
- Please do not visit a hospital, physician’s office, lab or healthcare facility without consulting 811 first.
- If you are having difficulty breathing or experiencing other severe symptoms, call 911 immediately. Advise them of your symptoms and travel history.
Cases and testing
Last updated: March 25, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
For the latest Canadian updates, visit the Public Health Agency of Canada website.
Number of individuals
Negative test**
Confirmed Case****
As of March 23, 2020: Laboratory testing is done by the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
Actions being taken
New Brunswick’s public health officials are carefully monitoring the situation in Canada, and around the world, and are ready to respond.
They are:
- working closely with federal, provincial and territorial partners to share information and assess potential health risks
- ensuring our health system is ready to respond effectively if needed
- ensuring front-line health professionals have information about the virus so they can:
- take recommended actions
- promptly report suspected cases to public health officials
- investigate of persons who may have been exposed and are potentially at risk of developing illness to help prevent spread