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COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
Nunavut COVID-19 Case Update
April 25, 2021
Total tests | Total confirmed cases | Total active cases | Total recovered cases | Deaths | Total persons followed | Current persons followed |
11,326 | 455 | 47 | 404 | 4 | 7981 | 458 |
*Please note: These numbers change frequently. Every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date and complete but it may not reflect all persons followed or tested.
** Confirmed cases include those meeting the national case definitions. Persons followed includes individuals with specific symptoms and exposures as well as others who are self-monitoring or self-isolated. Not all of these individuals have symptoms or require testing.
***There may be a delay reporting attribution and statistics from cases acquired in Southern Canada. 12 cases that were detected out of territory have been attributed to Nunavut. This includes 3 deaths. Not all NU residents with COVID-19 detected out of territory will be attributed to Nunavut.
****Total vaccine doses administered is updated as regularly as possible but might be lower than the actual count.
The Government of Nunavut is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation nationally and globally.
NU COVID-19 Case Statistics
April 25, 2021
Community | Active COVID-19 transmission | Time period | Confirmed COVID-19 cases (yesterday) | Confirmed COVID-19 cases (today) | Change in case count +/- from previous day | Total recovered | Deaths | Total active cases |
Iqaluit | Ongoing |
Since 15-Apr 2021 |
47 | 54 | 7 | 12 | 0 | 42 |
Kinngait | Ongoing | Since 19-Apr 2021 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Rankin Inlet | Ongoing |
Since 24-Apr 2021 |
2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Arviat | Over | Nov 2020 - Apr 2021 | 339 | 339 | 0 | 338 | 1 | 0 |
Whale Cove | Over |
Nov 2020 - Feb 2021 |
23 | 23 | 0 | 23 | 0 | 0 |
Rankin Inlet | Over |
Nov 2020 - Dec 2020 |
19 | 19 | 0 | 19 | 0 | 0 |
Sanikiluaq | Over | Nov 2020 - Dec 2020 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 436 | 443 | 7 | 395 | 1 | 47 |
NU COVID-19 Testing Stats
April 25, 2021
Community | Tests Positive | Tests Negative |
Iqaluit | 42 | 449 |
Kinngait | 4 | 31 |
Arviat | 339 | 2883 |
Whale Cove | 23 | 352 |
Rankin Inlet | 19 | 399 |
Sanikiluaq | 2 | 202 |
Total | 429 | 4316 |
Orders from Chief Public Health Officer of Nunavut
Click here for more information
Travel and Isolation
Click here for more information
Currently, intra-territorial travel out of Iqaluit is restricted to Nunavummiut returning to their home communities, medical travellers, critical workers and those bearing an authorization letter from the Chief Public Health Officer of Nunavut for a compassionate exemption.
Travel to Iqaluit is currently restricted to residents of Iqaluit, medical travellers, critical workers and those bearing an authorization letter from the Chief Public Health Officer of Nunavut for a compassionate exemption.
At check-in travellers must provide proof that they fall under one of the exemption categories outlined above, in addition to the regular identification necessary for travel (i.e. passeport, etc).
Critical / exempted workers: letter from the CPHO.
Travellers on compassionate exemption: letter from the CPHO.
Nunavummiut returning to their home community must have proof of residency. Proof includes a driver’s licence or a general identification card.
Medical travellers are verified through the medical travel system.
- Travellers who cannot prove they are travelling to their community of residence, critical worker status or compassionate exemption approval, will not be allowed to board the aircraft. A passport alone, will not be enough to prove residency.
- Travellers who overnight prior to their final destination must:
- go directly to where you're staying
- stay there overnight; don't go around the community; don't visit anyone you know. You can only go to the hotel and then back to the airport when it's time the next day.
- wear a mask while not inside the place you are staying.
If you have been identified as a contact and or are awaiting a COVID-19 test result, you cannot travel until you are cleared by public health. This applies to both in-territory and out of territory travel.
If you have tested COVID positive and/or are under isolation orders, you cannot travel until you have been cleared by public health. This applies to both in-territory and out of territory travel.
Any violation of this travel restriction could result in fines under the Public Health Act and may result a $575 fine for individuals; and a $2875 fine for corporations.
Nunavut’s Path: moving forward during COVID-19
On This Page:
COVID Hotline
Need to talk to someone if you have COVID-19 symptoms, or have recently travelled to or from an affected area? Do you have questions about travel to Nunavut or the isolation sites? Please call 975-8601 or 1-888-975-8601 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to speak with someone. For travel related inquiries please call between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. Please remember this line is for those who need it – and should not be used for general inquiries.
If you have questions or need help in an emergency, call your local health centre.
COVID-19 Facts
Those who are infected with COVID-19 may have little to no symptoms. You may not know you have symptoms of COVID-19 because they are similar to a cold or flu. Symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to COVID-19. This is the longest known infectious period for this disease.
Symptoms include:
- fever
- cough
- difficulty breathing
- pneumonia in both lungs requiring support for breathing.
If you become ill
If you develop symptoms and have travelled to a region with known cases of COVID-19 occurring in the community or have been in contact with someone who has:
- stay at home and avoid contact with others
- follow up with your health care professional
If you develop fever, cough or difficulty breathing in the next 14 days, call your health care provider or local public health authority and advise them of possible contact with COVID-19.
If you are ill and must visit a health care professional, call ahead or tell them when you arrive that you have a respiratory illness and if you have travelled.
What are the risks of getting COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving daily. The risk will vary between and within communities, but given the increasing number of cases in Canada, the risk to Canadians is considered high.
This does not mean that all Canadians will get the disease. It means that there is already a significant impact on our health care system. If we do not flatten the epidemic curve now, the increase of COVID-19 cases could impact health care resources available to Canadians.
The risk for COVID-19 may be increased for certain settings such as:
- cruise ships
- crowded areas (such as public transit and shopping centres)
- gatherings (spiritual and cultural settings, theatres, sports arenas, festivals and conferences)
There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians:
- aged 65 and over
- with compromised immune systems
- with underlying medical conditions
People that fall into these categories should reconsider attending gatherings. This includes large gatherings and even smaller events in crowded or enclosed settings.
If you have symptoms (cough, fever or difficulty breathing), do not attend a mass gathering, event or places where people gather. You could put someone whose health is vulnerable at risk.
Isolation and Return to Nunavut Protocol
Managing Anxiety and Stress During COVID-19
Cleaning to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19
Instructions for Making a Mask
Common Travel Area: NWT and Churchill
Know the difference: Self-Monitoring and Isolation