Learn more about COVID-19 in Saskatchewan.  New information for businesses and workers available.

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Cases and Risk of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan

COVID-19 Daily Map April 5 2020



As of April 5, there are eighteen (18) new confirmed cases, bringing the total to 249 reported cases of COVID‐19 in Saskatchewan.

  • Two (2) were Saskatchewan residents tested in out-of-province laboratories
  • 249 cases are confirmed and no (0) cases are presumptive
  • Eleven (11) of the cases are individuals in the zero to 19-year-old category; all others are adults, with 54% of the cases are males and 46% are females
  • 109 cases are travel-related, 71 are either contacts or linked to a mass gathering event, 14 have no known exposures and 55 are under investigation by local public health
  • A total of four (4) individuals are hospitalized; including two (2) inpatient hospitalizations and two (2) ICU hospitalizations
  • Three (3) Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died
  • A total of sixty-seven (67) individuals have recovered
  • To date, 13,528 COVID-19 tests have been performed in Saskatchewan

Summary of Persons with COVID-19 in Saskatchewan (as of April 5, 2020)
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Region Total Cases Confirmed Cases** Inpatient Hospitalizations ICU Hospitalizations Recovered* Deaths
Far North 3 3 0 0 2 0
North 47 47 0 0 21 1
Central (excluding Saskatoon) 10 10 0 0 1 1
Saskatoon 123 123 2 1 28 1
South (excluding Regina) 15 15 0 0 2 0
Regina 51 51 0 1 13 0
Total Saskatchewan 249 249 2 2 67 3
*There may be more recovered cases yet to be reported to Public Health.
**Includes two new cases tested in out-of-province laboratories, bringing the total to six.
Source: PHB notifications and RRPL Daily Test Count Table.
NOTE: Boundaries were changed. As a result, the count distribution has changed from the March 25th summary. Far North – AHA, fKYHR, fMCHR; North - fPNHR, fKTHR, fPAPHR; Central - fHHR, fSHR; Saskatoon - fSkHR; South - fCHR, fFHHR, fSCHR; Regina - fRQHR

Summary of Persons with COVID-19 in Saskatchewan by Age (as of April 5, 2020)

Total Cases Age 19 and Under Age 20 to 44 Ages 45 to 64 Age 65+
249 11 108 88 42


Number of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases (as of April 5, 2020)

Number of COVID-19 Confirmed and Presumptive Cases April 5 2020 


COVID-19 Laboratory Testing Summary for Saskatchewan
Cumulative counts as of April 4, 2020

Total Tests Performed: 13,528 (a person may have multiple tests performed)


Summary of Persons Tested for COVID-19 in former RHAs (as of April 5, 2020)
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Region # of Patients with Tests Ordered
# Patients Presumptive Positive # Patients Confirmed Positive # Patients Confirmed Negative Total # of Tests Performed
Far North 257 0 3 254 273
North 1,800 0 47 1,757 1,849
Central (excluding Saskatoon) 852 0 10 842 875
Saskatoon 5,441 0 123 5,320 5,635
South (excluding Regina) 1,335 0 15 1,320 1,382
Regina 3,331 0 51 3,280 3,472
Total 13,055 0 249 12,812 13,528

Source: RRPL Daily Test Count Table by former RHA

NOTE: Boundaries were changed. As a result, the count distribution has changed from the March 25th summary. Far North – AHA, fKYHR, fMCHR; North - fPNHR, fKTHR, fPAPHR; Central - fHHR, fSHR; Saskatoon - fSkHR; South - fCHR, fFHHR, fSCHR; Regina - fRQHR.

As the geographic locations for some people tested are unknown, numbers in the columns may not add up to the total number.


Summary of Persons Tested for COVID-19 by week (as of April 5, 2020)

Number of Persons Tested April 5 2020 

Source: RRPL Daily Test Count Table

COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving daily. The Public Health Agency of Canada is monitoring the situation and providing updates on the risk to Canadians.

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