If you have a non-medical question, email covid19info@gov.yk.ca. If you have a medical question, phone 811.
Updated: March 1, 2021, at 15:00
We update this information daily, Monday through Friday.
Case count
Confirmed cases | 72 |
Recovered cases | 71 |
Active cases | 0 |
Deceased | 1 |
Vaccines administered
1st shot | 11,169 |
2nd shot | 4,902 |
Total doses | 16,071 |
People tested
Total number of tests | 8,092 |
Total people tested | 6,654 |
Number of people with negative results | 6,571 |
Number of people with pending results | 11 |
1 person can be tested more than once for COVID-19. That's why there's a difference between these 2 sets of numbers.
Case and exposure notifications in the previous 7 days
There are no current potential COVID-19 exposure notices.
Read all Chief Medical Office of Health updates.