海南疫情分布实时统计(更新时间:2020-04-02 12:00) Hainan epidemic distribution of real-time statistics (Updated: 2020-04-02 12:00)
确诊人数 Number of diagnoses
168 168
今日新增确诊 New diagnoses added today
0 0
住院人数 Number of hospitalizations
0 0
重症人数 Number of severe cases
0 0
出院人数 Discharged
162 162
死亡人数 death toll
6 6
市县:三沙 确诊人数:0 Cities and counties: Sansha Number of confirmed patients: 0 死亡人数:0 Number of deaths: 0 出院人数:0 Discharged: 0 最后确诊:无 距离现在:0天 Final diagnosis: None Distance now: 0 days
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