Malling Skole lukker midlertidigt efter to tilfælde af coronasmitte Malling School is temporarily closing after two cases of coronary infection

COVID-19-smittet var til fredagsbar på Panum Instituttet i København fredag 6. marts The COVID-19 infection was at a Friday bar at the Panum Institute in Copenhagen on Friday 6 March

COVID-19-smittet har opholdt sig på Søpavillonen i København torsdag 5. marts The COVID-19 infection stayed at the Søpavillonen in Copenhagen on Thursday 5 March

Rysensteen Gymnasium lukker midlertidigt pga. to tilfælde af coronasmitte Rysensteen Gymnasium closes temporarily due to two cases of coronary infection

COVID-19 påvist hos patient indlagt på Nordsjællands Hospital Hillerød COVID-19 detected in patient admitted to North Zealand Hospital Hillerød

Ingen verificerede smittetilfælde i Danmark, der ikke kan relateres tilbage til udlandet No verified cases of infection in Denmark that cannot be related back to abroad

Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed suspenderer tilsyn pga. COVID-19 The Patient Safety Board suspends supervision due to COVID-19

Sådan foregår smitteopsporing af COVID-19 (ny coronavirus) How to detect COVID-19 (new coronavirus) infection

Læs fakta, råd og vejledning om ny coronavirus Read facts, advice and guidance on new coronavirus

Seneste tal for COVID-19 Latest COVID-19 figures

Hotline om karantæne Quarantine hotline

Hotline om COVID-19 COVID-19 Hotline

Rapportér en utilsigtet hændelse Report an accidental incident

Meld en bekymring Report a concern

Søg autorisation Seek authorization

Søg en sundhedsperson Seek a health professional