Situation update on coronavirus

Coronavirus COVID-19 – Latest Updates

Corona map:

The corona map is updated daily at noon. The map has information on daily numbers of confirmed cases and tested samples as well as cumulative numbers of confirmed cases and deaths. The map also shows the incidence of the disease, and the number of cases and tests by hospital district and municipality.

Updated on Wed, January 27th at 16:00

Finland’s situation in brief

  • Reported cases in total:  43,616 (+496*) 
  • Tested samples in total approx.  2,774,900 (+26,900*) 
  • By January 27th, a total of 106 cases caused by the recently described coronavirus variants have been identified in Finland. Of these, 96 are variants first detected in the UK (known as 20B/501Y.V1 or B.1.1.7) and 10 are variants first detected in South Africa (known as 20C/501Y.V2 or B.1.351).
  •  A total of 660 (+5*) deaths associated with the disease have been reported.
  • Number of patients in hospital district hospitals: 81 (+7*) 
  • Number of patients in city and healthcare center hospitals:  47 (+1*) 
  • The number of people in intensive care: 20 (-1*) 
  • Laboratories have a testing capacity of more than 26,000 samples per day. In addition, the introduction of antigen tests in some areas will further increase the capacity.
  • Information on the regional epidemic situation by hospital district:
    Regional restrictions and recommendations

    *The information was updated on Wednesday, January 27th and shows the change compared to yesterday. On the corona map, information about confirmed cases and tested specimens is updated every day. Case and sample volumes may be adjusted retrospectively as more information becomes available. The number of patients hospitalized for coronavirus and the deaths associated with the disease is based on the information reported to THL by the hospital districts. 
  • More information:

On this page

Coronavirus vaccines

THL reports vaccination progress daily on its website: COVID-19 vaccination progress (in Finnish).

The information on the number of vaccination doses administered is based on information from Finnish National Vaccination Register. There are still several problems in data transfer, so the actual number of administered vaccinations is significantly higher. The number of vaccinated persons will be specified retroactively. The vaccinations have started well in all catchment areas.

Number of received vaccine doses and estimated number of future vaccine doses in Finland

Week Vaccine doses received Vaccine doses to be received
52 - 3/2021 approx. 195,000  
4 - 6/2021   approx. 45,000/week

The table presents the total number of Pfizer-BioNTech and Modernas coronavirusvaccine doses received in the previous weeks and the number of vaccine doses estimated to be received in the next few weeks. Updated January 22nd. 

Number of vaccine doses in hospital pharmacies by special catchment area 

Catchment area Number of doses in the pharmaceutical distribution centres on 26 January 2021
Helsinki University
Hospital catchment area
Kuopio University
Hospital catchment area
Oulu University
Hospital catchment area
Tampere University
Hospital catchment area
Turku University
Hospital catchment area
In total 46,878

The table shows the number of Pfizer-BioNTechin coronavirusvaccine doses in the pharmaceutical distribution centres by special catchment area. Storage situation on January 26th 2021. Updated January 27th.

Indicators on the effectiveness of Finland's hybrid strategy

The effectiveness of Finland's hybrid strategy in combating the coronavirus epidemic is monitored using epidemiological, medical, and functional indicators.

The monitoring report by the Situational Picture and Modelling Working Group appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is published once a week on the THL website: Monitoring of the coronavirus (in Finnish).

Information by region

The regional incidence will be monitored in the situation review for 14-day monitoring periods. A comparison of 14 day monitoring periods will reflect changes in incidence and the status of the epidemic over a longer period of time.

Regional incidence has changed as follows during the last 14 days (11th January–24th January) compared to the previous 14-day monitoring period (28th December–10th January):

  • Incidence has increased in 10/21 regions compared to the previous 14 days.
  • The largest number of new cases have been recorded in the hospital districts of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, North Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, North Savo,  Vaasa, Kymenlaakso and Central Finland.
  • In other regions, there have been under a hundred new cases per region during the latest 14-day monitoring period.
  • Incidence decreased or remained the same in 11/21 hospital districts.
  • New cases were diagnosed in all regions during the most recent 14-day monitoring period.

For more information on the regional epidemic situation by hospital district:
Regional restrictions and recommendations

People hospitalised due to coronavirus and deaths associated with the disease

Catchment area In specialised health care In healthcare center hospitals In intensive
total number
Helsinki University
Hospital catchment area
48 24 11 83 447
Kuopio University
Hospital catchment area
5 8 1 14 78
Oulu University
Hospital catchment area
8 8 2 18 32
Tampere University
Hospital catchment area
13 0 1 14 52
Turku University
Hospital catchment area
+ Åland
7 7 5 19 51
Nationwide total 81 47 20 148 660

The table shows the number of patients that have been hospitalised due to COVID-19 and the number of deaths associated with the disease by catchment area. The figures are based on information reported by the hospital districts. The patient situation is reported by catchment area to ensure patient privacy. Turku University Hospital catchment area also includes data for Åland. Information has been updated on January 27th.

The graph shows the number of people in hospital care and intensive care in Finland.The graph shows the number of people in hospital care and intensive care in Finland. The figures are based on information reported by the hospital districts. The information was updated on January 27th. As of week 50, more comprehensive information on COVID-19 patients in city and health center hospitals has also been reported to THL.

About intensive care

Coronavirus-related deaths

  • The corona map has information on deaths related to COVID-19 according to the date of death, and on the age distribution of the deceased.
  • More detailed information on where the deceased had been treated immediately prior to their death has been collected from hospital districts on all 660 individuals: Of the deceased, 24 per cent were in specialised medical care, 41 per cent in primary health care units, 33 per cent in social welfare 24-hour units and 2 per cent at home or elsewhere.
  • So far, the National Infectious Diseases Register has accumulated information on 654 fatalities and more detailed information is available on these. Of them, 50 percent were men and 50 percent were women. The median age of the deceased is 84.
  • The majority (over 95 percent) of the deceased persons for whom more detailed health information is available had one or more long-term illnesses.
  • The coronavirus epidemic has not increased overall mortality in Finland. Deaths among working-age people are very rare and no deaths related to coronavirus disease in children and adolescents have been reported in Finland.
  • More information: Statistics on deaths related to COVID-19

The current status of the epidemic in other countries

  • We update the current status of the epidemic in other countries once a week on Thursday. You can look at the global situation daily from the links below.  
  • Globally, the incidence of new cases is currently highest on the American continents and in Europe. The incidence of new cases is also growing in southern Africa. In Europe, the incidence of new cases is growing especially in Ireland and Portugal. 
  • Compared to Finland, the incidence rate of new cases is considerably higher in nearly all of Finland's neighbouring states. The incidence rate is highest in Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden.
  • Number of cases in different countries (WHO)  
  • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak (WHO)
  • Numbers of cases in European countries (WHO)
  • A summary of cases diagnosed in Europe on the ECDC website.
  • COVID-19 (ECDC)

The graph shows the incidence of diagnosed COVID-19 cases in the Nordic countries, Baltic states and Russia for the two previous 14-day monitoring periods.

The graph shows the incidence of diagnosed COVID-19 cases in the Nordic countries, Baltic states and Russia for the two previous 14-day monitoring periods. The direction and colour of the arrow indicate a decrease (Green) or an increase (Red) in incidence. If the incidence has remained the same, it is shown in the graph with a green arrowhead. The graph's cases have been listed according to their reporting date based on publicly available information the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The graph is updated once a week on Thursdays for the situation update. Graph updated on Thursday, January 21st.

See also


THL is researching the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in the population and regionally. For more information on studies, see below:

Infectious diseases and vaccinations