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COVID-19 - Testing results

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These pages were last updated on 3 April 2020 at 13:00 hrs.

COVID19 Banner

The above image provides contact details for the different service areas that will be able to answer your questions. If you have any clinical questions regarding the coronavirus please call the dedicated helpline on 01481 756938 or 01481 756969. These two numbers will be manned between 8am and 10pm every day by trained call handlers from the Joint Emergency Services Contact Centre (JESCC).

Testing undertaken by Public Health Services in Guernsey

On 9 March 2020, The Director of Public Health, Dr Nicola Brink, announced the first positive case of COVID-19, in the island. See the pdf icon media release [437kb] for more details.

Number of samples testedPositive resultsNegative resultsAwaiting resultsNumber of deathsNumber Recovered

The positive results are a result of infections acquired in UK, France, Tenerife, Mainland Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Jersey and Guernsey.

Hospital cases

There are currently 2 patients being managed within the PEH with COVID-19. No patients are currently requiring intensive care or ventilatory support.

Using modelling from other jurisdictions we would expect in the region of 8 - 15% of total infected cases require hospital care.

The next 7 - 14 days will be critical as we determine if the cases introduced to Guernsey have resulted in secondary cases that have affected the more vulnerable in our community.


2 COVID-19 deaths reported.


This number records the number of those who received a positive COVID-19 test result who have now received a negative result and their compulsory self-isolation order has been lifted.

To date 13 cases have recovered.

Contact Tracing

Contact tracing is on-going for the contacts of the cases identified. This occurs on a daily basis and on into the evening. This is progressing well and at least two of the new cases were identified through the contact tracing process.

Compulsory Self-Isolation

It is estimated there are 1,439 islanders under compulsory self-isolation, which equates to 2.2% of the island's population.

Case Linking

Among 10 cases we have identified 4 clusters:

Welfare Calls

From Wednesday 1st April, welfare calls for those who have been directed to self-isolate will not be carried out by Public Health Services. This is as a result of the fantastic community response, with support services now available through the third sector, enabling Public Health Services to direct their efforts elsewhere. More information is available at

How is COVID-19 testing carried out in Guernsey?

This information is correct as of 1st April, based on our current capacity. It is likely to change as more reagent, the chemicals needed to run the test, arrives on-island which will increase our capacity to test the samples locally.

The on-Island testing facility was commissioned for use at the end of March and has the capacity to process 40 samples per day. The laboratory in Colindale has also agreed to process 35 samples a day.

Initially testing was limited to those who had returned to the Bailiwick from an affected area who showed symptoms of COVID-19. This has now been extended to the following groups as a result of on-island testing:

Testing for those people who return to the Bailiwick who are symptomatic (fever, cough or shortness of breath) is still available, and for those who are identified as symptomatic contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19. These tests are carried out at a drive-through testing facility at the harbour.


Media Release - An update on Testing - 1 April 2020 Facts and Useful Information Factos e informação úteis (Portuguese) Fakti un noderīga informācija (Latvian) Fakty i użyteczne informacje (Polish)

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