Dear Citizens,
In these challenging times, I want to thank each and every citizen of Meghalaya for their role in preventing the spread of COVID-19. The State today standsamongst the lowest ranked in the country in terms of COVID-19 cases.
This is a matter of great pride for the State and highlights how the Government, and the community have come together to tackle this unprecedented crisis. A large part of the success has been due to the adaptive and decentralised leadership model of the Health and Family Department and the District Administration working with the Headmen and the local community,which has helped us resolve issues in a timely and far more effective manner.The community quarantine centres, which have been duly recognised at the national level is one of the best examples of our communitarian culture.
In such critical times we have put in place enhanced measures for the health & safety of our community. Now that we are gradually opening up, I urge upon everyone to practice the highest standards of hygiene at home, at their workplace and in public spaces. This is not a time to be complacent.
I would once again like to express my deepest gratitude to all the front-line workers, first responders, healthcare workers, police personnel, sanitation workers, the District Administration and everyone who have worked tirelessly. I also thank everyonewho has generously contributed towards to Chief Ministers’ Relief Fund. This fund has been used in strengthening the healthcare system across the State.
I am certain that we will succeed in our fight against the pandemic!
Thank you | Khublei | Mitela | Jai Hind