2021-02-02: Relaxation Order January 2021
2020-12-31: Advisory for General Public on New Year's Eve
2020-12-23: Press Release on SARS-CoV-2
2020-12-07: SOP for Reopening of the State for Tourism
2020-10-28: Order - Policy of Paid Testing
2020-10-28: Protocol for the disposal of dead bodies of COVID-19
2020-10-27: Revised Protocol for Testing and Discharge in COVID-19 Cases
2020-10-23: Addendum On Health Protocol Post Relaxation of the Lockdown for Entry into Meghalaya
2020-10-19: Exemption from Payment for COVID 19 testing at entry point
2020-10-16: Resumption of training by Private Skill Training Providers
2020-10-16: Reopening of border haats and markets on the national highways
2020-10-16: Protocol for Exemption of Testing of Entrants to Meghalaya
2020-10-15: Notification on School Re-opening, 15th October
2020-10-12: ADDENDUM on Health Protocol Post Relaxation of the Lockdown for Entry into Meghalaya
2020-10-09: SoP for Puja 2020 Celebrations
2020-10-07: Reopening of Tourist Places
2020-10-06: Press Release on mechanism for testing and isolation
2020-10-06: Notification - Policy of Testing on Payment and Paid Isolation
2020-09-30: Protocol for conduct of Wedding Events during COVID-19 Pandemic
2020-09-30: Revised Discharge Policy for COVID-19
2020-09-30: MHA Order Dt. 30.9.2020 on guidelines for re-opening
2020-09-25: SoP Religious Place
2020-09-25: Helicopter Services
2020-09-23: Revised Discharge Policy for COVID-19
2020-09-22: Guidelines protocols for returnees entrants to the State
2020-09-21: The Positive Psychology Protocol for COVID-19
2020-09-17: Notification on School Re-opening
2020-09-17: Guidelines for Government Establishment in the Management of COVID-19 Cases
2020-09-07: Protocol for opening of Dhabas/Tea Stalls along the National Highway in Meghalaya
2020-09-07: Reopening of Food Outlets/Dhabas/Tea Stalls located on the highway
2020-08-28: Reopening of Ward's Lake and Elephant Falls
2020-08-25: Inter District Movement
2020-08-21: Notification - Testing, Quarantine & Discharge Policy for COVID19
2020-08-21: Closing of Entry Gates 1-7 Sept 2020
2020-08-17: SOP for operations of Cyber Cafe in the State
2020-08-14: Gyms, Cybers and Games Permission
2020-08-05: Declaration of containment area in the District
2020-08-04: Order - SOP for Micro Containment Zones
2020-07-30: Protocol for Rapid Antigen Testing for antigen testing for COVID-19 in Meghalaya
2020-07-29: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for people entering Meghalaya