Helpline Number :+91-11-23978046
Toll Free : 1075
Helpline Email ID :
Arogya Setu App
  • Active Status 163248 Active Cases
  • Inactive Status 204710 Cured / Discharged Cured/ Discharged
  • Death Status 12573 Deaths
  • Inactive Status 1 Migrated
  • Advisories State Data

COVID-19 INDIA as on : 19 June 2020, 08:00 IST (GMT+5:30)

Total number of tests done during the previous day 176959
For any technical enquiry with respect to COVID-19, you may kindly email on Aarogya Setu IVRS 1921

COVID-19 Statewise Status (Click to expand)

S. No. Name of State / UT Active Cases* Cured/Discharged/Migrated* Deaths** Total Confirmed cases*
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 11 33 0 44
2 Andhra Pradesh 3637 3789 92 7518
3 Arunachal Pradesh 93 10 0 103
4 Assam 2114 2654 9 4777
5 Bihar 1925 5056 44 7025
6 Chandigarh 62 306 6 374
7 Chhattisgarh 708 1228 10 1946
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 45 13 0 58
9 Delhi 26669 21341 1969 49979
10 Goa 596 109 0 705
11 Gujarat 6191 17819 1591 25601
12 Haryana 4528 4556 134 9218
13 Himachal Pradesh 205 382 8 595
14 Jammu and Kashmir 2340 3144 71 5555
15 Jharkhand 711 1198 11 1920
16 Karnataka 2847 4983 114 7944
17 Kerala 1358 1415 21 2794
18 Ladakh 591 95 1 687
19 Madhya Pradesh 2308 8632 486 11426
20 Maharashtra 53915 60838 5751 120504
21 Manipur 407 199 0 606
22 Meghalaya 13 30 1 44
23 Mizoram 129 1 0 130
24 Nagaland 90 103 0 193
25 Odisha 1357 3144 11 4512
26 Puducherry 155 109 7 271
27 Punjab 962 2570 83 3615
28 Rajasthan 2792 10742 323 13857
29 Sikkim 65 5 0 70
30 Tamil Nadu 23068 28641 625 52334
31 Telangana 2531 3301 195 6027
32 Tripura 515 639 1 1155
33 Uttarakhand 690 1386 26 2102
34 Uttar Pradesh 5477 9239 465 15181
35 West Bengal 5216 7001 518 12735
Cases being reassigned to states 8927 8927
Total# 163248 204711 12573 380532
*(Including foreign Nationals)
**( more than 70% cases due to comorbidities )
#States wise distribution is subject to further verification and reconciliation
#Our figures are being reconciled with ICMR
