Helpline Number :+91-11-23978046
Toll Free : 1075
Helpline Email ID :
Arogya Setu App
  • Active Status 183022 Active Cases
  • Inactive Status 258684 Cured / Discharged Cured/ Discharged
  • Death Status 14476 Deaths
  • Inactive Status 1 Migrated
  • Advisories State Data

COVID-19 INDIA as on : 24 June 2020, 08:00 IST (GMT+5:30)

Total number of tests done during the previous day 215195
For any technical enquiry with respect to COVID-19, you may kindly email on Aarogya Setu IVRS 1921

COVID-19 Statewise Status (Click to expand)

S. No. Name of State / UT Active Cases* Cured/Discharged/Migrated* Deaths** Total Confirmed cases*
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 10 40 0 50
2 Andhra Pradesh 5284 4599 119 10002
3 Arunachal Pradesh 126 22 0 148
4 Assam 2060 3762 9 5831
5 Bihar 1993 6104 56 8153
6 Chandigarh 90 322 6 418
7 Chhattisgarh 797 1553 12 2362
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 91 29 0 120
9 Delhi 24988 39313 2301 66602
10 Goa 703 205 1 909
11 Gujarat 6148 20513 1710 28371
12 Haryana 4844 6498 178 11520
13 Himachal Pradesh 324 443 8 775
14 Jammu and Kashmir 2507 3642 87 6236
15 Jharkhand 654 1520 11 2185
16 Karnataka 3567 6004 150 9721
17 Kerala 1620 1809 22 3451
18 Ladakh 783 148 1 932
19 Madhya Pradesh 2401 9335 525 12261
20 Maharashtra 62848 69631 6531 139010
21 Manipur 663 258 0 921
22 Meghalaya 8 37 1 46
23 Mizoram 133 9 0 142
24 Nagaland 189 141 0 330
25 Odisha 1465 3988 17 5470
26 Puducherry 228 165 9 402
27 Punjab 1245 3047 105 4397
28 Rajasthan 3049 12213 365 15627
29 Sikkim 50 29 0 79
30 Tamil Nadu 28431 35339 833 64603
31 Telangana 5109 4224 220 9553
32 Tripura 451 807 1 1259
33 Uttarakhand 903 1602 30 2535
34 Uttar Pradesh 6189 12116 588 18893
35 West Bengal 4930 9218 580 14728
Cases being reassigned to states 8141 8141
Total# 183022 258685 14476 456183
*(Including foreign Nationals)
**( more than 70% cases due to comorbidities )
#States wise distribution is subject to further verification and reconciliation
#Our figures are being reconciled with ICMR
