Helpline Number :+91-11-23978046
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Arogya Setu App
  • Active Status 259557 Active Cases
  • Inactive Status 439947 Cured / Discharged Cured/ Discharged
  • Death Status 20160 Deaths
  • Inactive Status 1 Migrated
  • Advisories State Data

COVID-19 INDIA as on : 07 July 2020, 08:00 IST (GMT+5:30)

Total number of tests done during the previous day 241430
For any technical enquiry with respect to COVID-19, you may kindly email on Aarogya Setu IVRS 1921

COVID-19 Statewise Status (Click to expand)

S. No. Name of State / UT Active Cases* Cured/Discharged/Migrated* Deaths** Total Confirmed cases*
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 67 74 0 141
2 Andhra Pradesh 10860 8920 239 20019
3 Arunachal Pradesh 176 92 2 270
4 Assam 4264 7882 14 12160
5 Bihar 3031 8997 97 12125
6 Chandigarh 82 401 6 489
7 Chhattisgarh 624 2667 14 3305
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 183 114 0 297
9 Delhi 25620 72088 3115 100823
10 Goa 745 1061 7 1813
11 Gujarat 8497 26315 1960 36772
12 Haryana 3893 13335 276 17504
13 Himachal Pradesh 303 763 11 1077
14 Jammu and Kashmir 3219 5318 138 8675
15 Jharkhand 759 2068 20 2847
16 Karnataka 14389 10527 401 25317
17 Kerala 2254 3341 27 5622
18 Ladakh 168 836 1 1005
19 Madhya Pradesh 3088 11579 617 15284
20 Maharashtra 87699 115262 9026 211987
21 Manipur 656 734 0 1390
22 Meghalaya 36 43 1 80
23 Mizoram 64 133 0 197
24 Nagaland 382 243 0 625
25 Odisha 3002 6486 38 9526
26 Puducherry 459 331 12 802
27 Punjab 1828 4494 169 6491
28 Rajasthan 3949 16278 461 20688
29 Sikkim 60 65 0 125
30 Tamil Nadu 46836 66571 1571 114978
31 Telangana 10646 14781 306 25733
32 Tripura 460 1219 1 1680
33 Uttarakhand 533 2586 42 3161
34 Uttar Pradesh 8718 19109 809 28636
35 West Bengal 6973 15235 779 22987
Cases being reassigned to states 5034 5034
Total# 259557 439948 20160 719665
*(Including foreign Nationals)
**( more than 70% cases due to comorbidities )
#States wise distribution is subject to further verification and reconciliation
#Our figures are being reconciled with ICMR
