Helpline Number :+91-11-23978046
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Arogya Setu App
  • Active Status 264944 Active Cases
  • Inactive Status 456830 Cured / Discharged Cured/ Discharged
  • Death Status 20642 Deaths
  • Inactive Status 1 Migrated
  • Advisories State Data

COVID-19 INDIA as on : 08 July 2020, 08:00 IST (GMT+5:30)

Total number of tests done during the previous day 262679
For any technical enquiry with respect to COVID-19, you may kindly email on Aarogya Setu IVRS 1921

COVID-19 Statewise Status (Click to expand)

S. No. Name of State / UT Active Cases* Cured/Discharged/Migrated* Deaths** Total Confirmed cases*
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 72 75 0 147
2 Andhra Pradesh 11200 9745 252 21197
3 Arunachal Pradesh 169 105 2 276
4 Assam 4179 8329 14 12522
5 Bihar 3182 9284 104 12570
6 Chandigarh 86 401 7 494
7 Chhattisgarh 650 2751 14 3415
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 222 183 0 405
9 Delhi 25449 74217 3165 102831
10 Goa 739 1156 8 1903
11 Gujarat 8853 26720 1977 37550
12 Haryana 4075 13645 279 17999
13 Himachal Pradesh 282 790 11 1083
14 Jammu and Kashmir 3389 5399 143 8931
15 Jharkhand 870 2104 22 2996
16 Karnataka 15301 11098 416 26815
17 Kerala 2415 3452 27 5894
18 Ladakh 204 836 1 1041
19 Madhya Pradesh 3237 11768 622 15627
20 Maharashtra 89313 118558 9250 217121
21 Manipur 659 771 0 1430
22 Meghalaya 36 43 1 80
23 Mizoram 64 133 0 197
24 Nagaland 382 243 0 625
25 Odisha 3352 6703 42 10097
26 Puducherry 482 434 14 930
27 Punjab 2020 4554 175 6749
28 Rajasthan 4357 16575 472 21404
29 Sikkim 55 70 0 125
30 Tamil Nadu 45842 71116 1636 118594
31 Telangana 11012 16287 313 27612
32 Tripura 455 1248 1 1704
33 Uttarakhand 566 2621 43 3230
34 Uttar Pradesh 9514 19627 827 29968
35 West Bengal 7243 15790 804 23837
Cases being reassigned to states 5018 5018
Total# 264944 456831 20642 742417
*(Including foreign Nationals)
**( more than 70% cases due to comorbidities )
#States wise distribution is subject to further verification and reconciliation
#Our figures are being reconciled with ICMR
