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Arogya Setu App
  • Active Status 456071 Active Cases
  • Inactive Status 849431 Cured / Discharged Cured/ Discharged
  • Death Status 31358 Deaths
  • Inactive Status 1 Migrated
  • Advisories State Data

COVID-19 INDIA as on : 25 July 2020, 08:00 IST (GMT+5:30)

Total number of tests done during the previous day 420898
For any technical enquiry with respect to COVID-19, you may kindly email on Aarogya Setu IVRS 1921

COVID-19 Statewise Status (Click to expand)

S. No. Name of State / UT Active Cases* Cured/Discharged/Migrated* Deaths** Total Confirmed cases*
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 85 174 0 259
2 Andhra Pradesh 39990 39935 933 80858
3 Arunachal Pradesh 661 392 3 1056
4 Assam 8084 21761 76 29921
5 Bihar 11363 22343 220 33926
6 Chandigarh 275 535 13 823
7 Chhattisgarh 2128 4567 36 6731
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 301 512 2 815
9 Delhi 13681 110931 3777 128389
10 Goa 1646 2865 29 4540
11 Gujarat 12418 38849 2278 53545
12 Haryana 6420 22953 382 29755
13 Himachal Pradesh 798 1145 11 1954
14 Jammu and Kashmir 7269 9217 296 16782
15 Jharkhand 4116 3307 70 7493
16 Karnataka 52799 31347 1724 85870
17 Kerala 9379 7562 54 16995
18 Ladakh 209 1035 2 1246
19 Madhya Pradesh 7553 17866 791 26210
20 Maharashtra 144018 199967 13132 357117
21 Manipur 655 1491 0 2146
22 Meghalaya 496 87 5 588
23 Mizoram 178 183 0 361
24 Nagaland 701 537 1 1239
25 Odisha 7372 15201 120 22693
26 Puducherry 997 1483 35 2515
27 Punjab 3838 8096 282 12216
28 Rajasthan 9029 24547 602 34178
29 Sikkim 335 142 0 477
30 Tamil Nadu 53132 143297 3320 199749
31 Telangana 11677 40334 455 52466
32 Tripura 1617 2131 11 3759
33 Uttarakhand 1986 3399 60 5445
34 Uttar Pradesh 21711 37712 1348 60771
35 West Bengal 19154 33529 1290 53973
Total# 456071 849432 31358 1336861
*(Including foreign Nationals)
**( more than 70% cases due to comorbidities )
#States wise distribution is subject to further verification and reconciliation
#Our figures are being reconciled with ICMR
