COVID-19 Bulletins: CLICK HERE
Shortlisted Candidates for Viva Voce for the post of Staff Nurse (GNM)
Instruction: Viva voce/interview will be held through Zoom Meeting App from 10:00 AM onwards on 9th December, 2020. The link will be shared with the candidates through their contact numbers given in the above lists.
- Result of DMLT 2020-21 Selected candidates
- Result of Junior Specialists
- Result of Medical Officers
- Result of Research Scientists and Laboratory Technicians for BSL Labs
The latest SOPs/Guidelines currently followed:
- Revised SOP for Returnees and Travelers entering Nagaland (25th November, 2020)
- Revised Discharge Policy (10th September, 2020)
- Revised Testing Policy for COVID-19 (10th September, 2020)
Step by step instructions for Home Isolation of the asymptomatic/mild COVID-19 positive patients
COVID Question & Answer
If you have any question on COVID-19 in Nagaland, Click Here to go to COVID Q&A Page
nCOVID-19 Nagaland Visitors App

For revised guideline: Revised Guideline on use of nCOVID-19 Nagaland App
To download:
- Android users: Google PlayStore
- iOS users:Call the Toll Free Helpline 1800 345 0019 and Select Option 3
Materials on COVID-19 awareness :
Advisories, SOPs, Directives, Press Release, Circulars etc
(Arranged by month / date)
November 2020
- Revised SOP for Returnees and Travelers entering Nagaland (25th November, 2020)
- Order – Ministry of Home Affairs (25th November, 2020)
- Weekly Bulletin (21st November, 2020)
- Advisory for Weddings, Marriages, and Social Events (17th November, 2020)
- Weekly Bulletin (14th November, 2020)
- Weekly Bulletin (7th November, 2020)