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Latest updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Published: 2 May 2020
From: Department of Health

Changes to public health guidelines announced which will come into place on Tuesday 5 May

The changes to the public health guidelines that will come into place next Tuesday, 5 May are that:

  • people will be able to go up to 5 kilometres from their home to exercise
  • people who are cocooning can leave their homes for exercise as long as they avoid all contact with other people

These changes were announced alongside Ireland's Roadmap for reopening society and business - which lays out a timetable for lifting the current restrictions.

You can see the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business here.

The latest news as of 5.30pm on Saturday 2 May 2020

25 new deaths and 343 new cases confirmed

  • the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has been notified that 25 people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Ireland have died - bringing the total deaths to 1,265 (following closer inspection by the HPSC, 4 deaths that were reported earlier have now been removed from the totals)
  • 343 additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ireland
  • there are now 21,176 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland

Press release and county-by-county figures

Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team - Saturday 2 May.

Latest charts and maps

You can view a detailed dashboard showing the latest statistics on COVID-19 in Ireland here.

View the latest modelling data

COVID-19 modelling data - Thursday 30 April 2020.

Mortality Census of Long Term Residential Care Facilities

Mortality Census of Long Term Residential Care Facilities: 1 January - 19 April 2020.

NPHET meeting minutes

Minutes and Agendas from meetings of the National Public Health Emergency Team: COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

View information about the proposed COVID-19 App

You can read more about the National App for COVID-19 here.

View the latest information given by NPHET to Government

Advice provided by NPHET to the Minister for Health about lifting restrictions.

Older updates

View all the updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) since January 2020 here.