The latest news as of 5.30pm on Wednesday 6 May 2020
37 new deaths and 265 new cases confirmed
- the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has been notified that 37 people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Ireland have died - bringing the total deaths to 1,375
- 265 additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ireland
- there are now 22,248 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland
Breakdown of the 1375 deaths
- 550 occurred in hospital (40%)
- 66 occurred in Intensive Care Units (4.8%)
- 1176 were reported as having underlying health conditions (85.5%)
- 683 male and 653 female
- the median age was 84
- the mean age was 82
Update on the situation in community residential settings and nursing homes
- 400 clusters have been identified in community residential settings, 232 of which were in nursing homes
- 5370 cases have been identified in community residential settings, 4268 of which were in nursing homes
- there have been 857 COVID-19-related deaths in community residential settings (62.3% of all COVID-19-related deaths), 740 of which were in nursing homes (53.8% of all COVID-19-related deaths)
Update on the underlying conditions of the first 327 COVID-19 admissions
(*this was earlier reported incorrectly as as relating to deaths - it actually refers to admissions to ICU)
- 165 people (50% of the total) had chronic heart disease
- 76 people (23.2%) had chronic respiratory disease
- 74 people (22.6%) had diabetes
- 53 people (16.2%) had a Body Mass Index of more than 40
- 34 people (10.4%) had asthma requiring medicine
- 31 people (9.5%) had cancer
- 20 people (6.1%) had chronic renal disease
*People may present with one or more underlying conditions
Press release and county-by-county figures
Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team - Wednesday 6 May.
Amárach public opinion survey
View the Amárach Public Opinion Survey.
Latest charts and maps
You can view a detailed dashboard showing the latest statistics on COVID-19 in Ireland here.
View the roadmap for easing COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland
You can view the roadmap for easing the COVID-19 restrictions here.
View information about the proposed COVID-19 App
You can read more about the National App for COVID-19 here.
NPHET meeting minutes
Minutes and Agendas from meetings of the National Public Health Emergency Team: COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
View the latest advice given by NPHET to government
Advice provided by NPHET to the Minister for Health about lifting restrictions.
View the latest modelling data
COVID-19 modelling data - Thursday 30 April 2020.
Mortality Census of Long Term Residential Care Facilities
Mortality Census of Long Term Residential Care Facilities: 1 January - 19 April 2020.
Older updates
View all the updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) since January 2020 here.
S.I. No. 153 of 2020 Health Act 1947 (Section 31A-Temporary Restrictions) (COVID-19 (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2020
S.I. No. 153 of 2020 Health Act 1947 (Section 31A-Temporary Restrictions) (Covid-19 (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2020