About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Press Conference

March 19, 2020

Press Conference held by Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, KATO Katsunobu, Tuesday, March 19, 2020, 10:13 a.m. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

※Please click the "subtitles" in the video button, and you click the “Settings” afterwards, and choose English among "Subtitles/cc" to see English subtitles.

Past Ministerial Conference

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation within and outside the country

As of 12:00, Mar. 23, 1,089 cases have been confirmed.

○Confirmed cases in Japan


Hospitalization and discharge

○Confirmed cases in Japan

The situation of occurrence of patients with COVID-19(map)

This shows the number of the novel coronavirus infectious cases reported in Japan on a map by prefecture. Date is confirmed date.
The number of patients on charter flight and cruise ship is not included.

According to official government reports from other counties, as of 12:00, Mar. 23, 324,823 infectious cases and 14,461 deaths were confirmed.

○Confirmed cases outside Japan
Country / Region Confirmed Cases Deaths
China 81,093 3,270
Hong Kong 317
Macau 21
Japan 1,089 41
South Korea 8,961 111
Taiwan 169
Singapore 455
Thailand 599 1
Vietnam 113
Malaysia 1,306 10
Australia 1,098
US 32,644 411
Canada 1,430 20
France 16,018 674
Germany 18,610 55
Cambodia 84
Sri Lanka 82
United Arab Emirates 153
Finland 626
Philippines 380 25
India 376
Italy 59,138 5,476
UK 5,683 281
Russia 367
Sweden 1,906 21
Spain 28,572 1,720
Belgium 3,401 75
Egypt 294 10
Iran 21,638 1,685
Israel 945
Lebanon 248
Kuwait 188
Bahrain 332
Oman 55
Afghanistan 34
Iraq 233 20
Algeria 201 17
Austria 3,244 16
Switzerland 6,216 60
Croatia 254
Brazil 1,209 18
Georgia 54
Pakistan 730
North Macedonia 114
Greece 624 15
Norway 2,132
Romania 433
Kingdom of Denmark 1,512 13
Republic of Estonia 326
Kingdom of the Netherlands 4,204 179
Republic of San Marino 160 20
Lithuania 131
Nigeria 27
Iceland 568
Azerbaijan 65
Belarus 76
New Zealand 66
Mexico 251
Qatar 481
Luxembourg 798
Monaco 11
Ecuador 532
Ireland 785
Czech Republic 1,047
Armenia 190
Dominican Republic 202
Republic of Indonesia 514 48
Principality of Andorra 113
Portuguese Republic 1,600 14
Republic of Latvia 139
Republic of Senegal 56
Saudi Arabia 511
Jordan 99
Argentina 225
Chile 632
Ukraine 47
Morocco 104
Tunisia 75
Hungary 131
Liechtenstein 37
Poland 563
Slovenia 414
Palestine 52
Bosnia and Herzegovina 93
Republic of South Africa 240
Gibraltar 10
Cameroon 40
Togo 16
Serbia 188
Slovakia 178
Colombia 231
Peru 318
Costa Rica 117
Malta 90
Paraguay 22
Bangladesh 27
Moldova 94
Bulgaria 185
Maldives 13
Brunei 88
Cyprus 95
Albania 89
Burkina Faso 75
Channel Islands 1
Mongolia 10
Panama 245
Bolivia 24
Honduras 26
Democratic Republic of the Congo 30
Jamaica 16
Republic of Turkey 947 21
Ivory Coast 14
Jersey 12
Cayman Islands
Cuba 21
Trinidad and Tobago 50
Ethiopia 11
Kenya 15
Guatemala 17
Venezuela 70
Ghana 21
Antigua and Barbuda
Kazakhstan 57
Uruguay 135
Saint Lucia
Rwanda 17
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Central African Republic
Uzbekistan 43
Equatorial Guinea
Puerto rico 21
Tanzania 12
Montenegro 16
Barbados 14
Kyrgyz Republic 14
Mauritius 18
El Salvador
Papua New Guinea
Cabo Verde
East Timor
Isle of Man
New Caledonia
Other 712
Total 325,535 14,469

※ China: New definition in use to diagnose since February 13(Clinically  diagnosed cases are now included in Hubei)  

Government measures


1.The Basic Policies

On February 25, “Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control” decided by the Headquarters for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control. This policy summarizes the measures that are currently being taken and the perspectives of possible future measures to be taken to respond to future development.
Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control[151KB]
(Summary Version) Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control[103KB]


【Press Conference】Basic Policies for Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus

On March 2, Government Officials and Experts held a press conference on the case of the coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Conducted by:
 SAHARA Yasuyuki Senior Assistant Minister for Globel Health, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
 SUZUKI Tadaki M.D., Ph.D. Director, Department of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
 OSUMI Yo Deputy Director-General/ Deputy Assistant Minister, Consular Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
 KAMOSHIDA Naoaki Assistant Press Secretary/ Director, International Press Division, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
 INATSU Toshinobu Immigration Services Agency/ Deputy Director, Border Management Division
 NODA Hiroyuki M.D., Ph.D. Councilor, Coordination Office of Measures on Emerging Infectious Diseases Office for Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response, Cabinet Secretariat
 Please refer to the YouTube video as follows;
 YouTube video:Basic Policies for Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus


2.Understanding the situation of infection

By notification by physicians under the Infections Diseases Control Law, grasp suspected disease carrier and conduct examination if it is deemed necessary by physicians.
If carrier is confirmed, conduct active epidemiological investigation based on the law and identify those who have been in close contact with the infected person.
For those who have been in close contact with infected person, the measures for preventing from spreading infection are being conducted by requesting to monitor own health condition and to refrain from leaving residence, etc..

We decided to apply medical insurance to the PCR test (on March 6). This makes it possible for medical institutions to request directory to private laboratories without going through public health centers, and further utilization of the examination capabilities of private laboratories will be achieved.

【Press Conference】The case of the coronavirus


March 17,2020

On March 17, Government Officials held a press conference on the case of the coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Please refer to the YouTube video as follows:
YouTube video:Part1,Part2,Part3

March 10,2020

YouTube video:Part1,Part2,Part3

On March 10, Government Officials held a press conference on the case of the coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Please refer to the YouTube video and figures used in their explanation as follows;
YouTube video:Part1,Part2,Part3
Figure 1:COVID-19 Clusters in Japan[463KB]
Figure 2:Overview of the Act on Special Measures[416KB]
Figure 3:PCR Testing system[431KB]
Figure 4:Screenshot_COVID19Map_MHLW[1,848KB]
Figure 5:Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act[120KB]


3.Measures for preventing outbreaks

In Japan, sporadic cases of small numbers of patients have been observed.
At this stage, the spread of infection can be prevented by tracing the route of transmission, especially for close contacts.
The important thing is to minimize the spread of infection in the country by preventing one cluster of patients from creating another cluster.
Please refer to the handout below;
Preventing Outbreaks of the Novel Coronavirus [148KB]

Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control "Views on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control" (As of March 9)

The Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control released "Views on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control" summarizing the results of the study based on the analysis of the Cluster Response Team of MHLW.
In the Views, Japanese situation as of today (March 9) is not moving toward an explosive spread of infections, and appears to be somewhat holding steady. In addition, regarding measures in Hokkaido, it is difficult to estimate the effect about at least two weeks after the declaration of state of emergency in Hokkaido, and thereafter, the analysis of the effects of this measures is scheduled to be announced around March 19.

"Views on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control" (As of March 9) [217KB]

Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control :
Analysis of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Recommendations (Exerpt)(As of March 19)

”Views Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(As of March 19)"(PDF)




4.Border Control Measures


In order to prevent 2019-nCoV from entering Japan via foreign aircraft and ships and take necessary measures related to aircraft, etc., inthe Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare classifies 2019-nCoV infection as “Type of infectious disease of Quarantine law article 34”.
This means that government is able to take measures such as inquiry and medical consultation for people entering Japan from abroad, isolation and detention of patients, disinfection for aircrafts, etc.
Based on the epidemic of this infection in other countries, as a border control measure in Japan, for arriving flights and ships from some countries , take measures to reduce the risk of domestic secondary infections by interviewing for all passengers using questionnaires, calling for self-reports by displaying posters, distributing health cards.
In the meantime, foreigners who have stayed in some areas of some countries within 14 days will be refused entering Japan under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, with or without symptoms, unless there are special circumstances.

Anyone who has boarded an airplane or ships arriving from China or republic of Korea and not be isolated or stopped is required to stay 14days at a location designated by the quarantine station chief and not to use public transportation in Japan. (from March 9)
To the people arriving in Japan from China and republic of Korea.
Notice by quarantine station to the persons entering Japan[440KB]


5.The Cruise ship

All passengers and  crews disembarked from the Cruise ship "Diamond Princess" on March 1st.

The infection control measures taken at the Cruise ship “Diamond Princess”(provisional translation)

The infection control measures taken at the Cruise ship “Diamond Princess”(provisional translation)


【Press Conference】Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease Control

On February 24, Experts held a press conference on the case of the novel coronavirus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Conducted by:
Members of Expert Meeting on the Novel Coronavirus Disease
- OMI Shigeru,M.D.,Ph.D., President, Japan Community Health care Organization
- OHMAGARI Norio,M.D.,Ph.D., Director, Disease Control & Prevention Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
- KITA Yosuke, Senior Coordinator for Global Health Cooperation, International Affairs Division, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Please refer to the YouTube video clips and figures used in their explanation as follows;
YouTube video clips:Part1,Part2,Part3,Part4,Part5,Part6,Part7
Figure:Number of new symptomatic coronavirus infektion cases and fever reports,by date of onset,Cruise Ship DP,as of February 23,2020[68KB]

Press Conference:Situation of the COVID-19 in the Cruise Ship "Diamond Princess"

Press Conference on the Situation of the novel Coronavirus Disease in the Cruise Ship off the coast of Yokohama was held in the MOFA Press Conference Room from 20:40 to 21:40 on Friday 21 February 2020.
Professor, SUZUKI Motoi, M.D., MSc., PHDC, Ph.D., of Infectious Disease Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Disease and Professor, NISHIURA Hiroshi, M.D., Ph.D., DTM&H, of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University explained the situation based on their analysis using the data obtained on the cruise ship.
Please refer to the YouTube video clips and figures used in their explanation as follows;
YouTube video clips:Part1,Part2,Part3,Part4
Figure 1: Changes in the number of new coronavirus infection cases and fever reports on the cruise ship (as of February 19) [374KB]
Figure 2: Number of COVID-19 cases with symptoms among the passengers on the Cruise ship (by close contact status, as of 02/19/2020) [412KB]
Figure 3: Number of predicted infections from one patient, by generation (Reproduction rate)[182KB]


Message to the people in Japan



1.Characteristics of new coronavirus infections ascertained at present (As of February 25)

<The routes of transmission>
The routes of transmission are generally through droplets and contacts. It is not thought to be caused by airborne infections.
  In addition, under certain circumstances, such as when talking to many people at a short distance in confined spaces, there is the risk of spreading the infection even without coughing or sneezing.

<About infectivity>
 Infectivity varies from case to case. There have been suspected cases which spread the infection to many people. Meanwhile, there are many cases where the virus did not transmit to those surrounding the infected person.

< Common symptoms and risk of developing severe>
Often, fevers or respiratory symptoms may persist for around one week, and many patients complain of strong fatigue. It has been reported that the period of hospitalization tends to be longer than that of seasonal influenza.
Those infected often present only mild symptoms, which will heal in many cases. The severity of the novel coronavirus disease is not as great as infectious diseases with extremely high mortality rates, but it does have the higher risk than seasonal influenza. The risks of developing severe symptoms are particularly high among the elderly and patients with underlying diseases.

2.Prevention Measures and Guide of Consultation

It is important to wash your hands frequently and to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or with the crook of your arm if a tissue is unavailable, when coughing or sneezing. To protect yourself and others from the virus, just as you do for the common cold or the flu. We strongly recommend everyday preventive actions to help keep the virus from spreading.

If you have any of the following symptoms, please consult with the consultation center for people with potential exposure to COVID-19:
- You have had cold symptoms or a fever of 37.5°C or over for four days or more.
(including when you need to continue to take an antipyretic)
- You have a strong feeling of weariness (fatigue) or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing).
* Please also consult with the consultation center if you are a senior citizen or have an underlying disease, and you have had the symptoms mentioned above for about two days.
If the consultation center suspects that you have been infected with the virus, it will introduce you to a medical institution where medical services for people with potential exposure to COVID-19 are available. Please visit the medical institution, wearing a facemask, and refrain from using public transportation.

※  Prevention Measures COVID-19 (February 25, 2020 version) [464KB] 

※  Eight-point list of precautions to take at home [549KB]
※  Measures against infectious diseases[994KB]
※  Washing Hands[910KB]
※  Coughing Manners[951KB]


3.Q & A on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Q & A on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) as of March 14, 2020
