충청북도 Chung-cheong bukdo
45 45
(0) (0)
확진자 Confirmer
14,886 14,886
의사환자 Doctor
119 119
검사중 Under examination
14,767 14,767
검사결과 (음성) Inspection result (voice)
3,679 3,679
자가격리자 Self-container
1,260 1,260
격리중 In containment
2,419 2,419
격리해제 Isolation
34 34
(-3) (-3)
퇴원 Discharge
충청북도 확진자 이동경로 Chungcheongbuk-do Confirmation Path
※ 확진자 이동동선은 수정, 보완될 수 있습니다. ※ The moving line of confirmed persons can be modified or supplemented.
- 확진일 Confirmation date
- 확진자 Confirmer
- 주요 이동 지역 Main moving area
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
04.06. 04.06.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
평택-36 Pyeongtaek-36
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
○ 3.29(일) 11:00~15:00 청주방문(A장례식장, 자차) ○ March 29th (Sun) 11: 00 ~ 15: 00 Visit Cheongju (A funeral hall, chacha) ※ 이동동선에 따른 접촉자 조사 및 방역조치가 완료되었기에 이동경로 공개하지 않음 ※ Since the investigation of the contact and quarantine measures according to the movement line has been completed, the movement path is not disclosed.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
04.02. 04.02.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-45 Chungbuk-45
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
○ 3.30.(월) 17:20~20:31 인천공항→자택(목행동), 자차이용 ○ 3.30. (Mon) 17: 20 ~ 20: 31 Incheon Airport → Home (Mokhaeng-dong), own car ○ 3.31.(화) 자택 ○ 3.31. (Tue) Home ○ 4.1.(수) 09:11~10:36 충주시보건소 선별진료소 ○ 4.1. (Wed) 09: 11 ~ 10: 36 Chungju Public Health Center Selected Clinic
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.29. 03.29.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-44 Chungbuk-44
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.29. 03.29.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-43 Chungbuk-43
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.29. 03.29.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-42 Chungbuk-42
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
○ 유럽 다녀온 40번 확진자의 모친, 자가격리 중으로 밀접 접촉자 및 이동동선 없음 ○ There is no close contact and movement line among mothers and self-isolations of 40 confirmed patients who have been to Europe.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.26. 03.26.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-41 Chungbuk-41
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
- 유럽 다녀온 40번 확진자의 부친, 자가격리 중으로 밀접 접촉자 및 이동동선 없음 -There is no close contact or moving traffic due to the self-isolation of the father of the 40 confirmed patients who have been to Europe.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.26. 03.26.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-40 Chungbuk-40
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
○ 유럽 여행 후, 자가격리(흥덕구) 중 발병하여 부모님 외 다른 접촉자 및 이동동선 없음 ○ After traveling to Europe, there was an outbreak of self-isolation (Heungdeok-gu), and there was no other contact person or moving line except parents.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.25. 03.25.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-39 Chungbuk-39
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.22. 03.22.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-38 Chungbuk-38
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.22. 03.22.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-37 Chungbuk-37
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.22. 03.22.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-36 Chungbuk-36
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.21. 03.21.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-35 Chungbuk-35
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.20. 03.20.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-34 Chungbuk-34
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.18. 03.18.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
태안-1 Taean-1
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
타시도 확진자 도내 이동경로(진천) Transit route in the metropolitan area (Jincheon)
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.18. 03.18.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-33 Chungbuk-33
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.17. 03.17.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-32 Chungbuk-32
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
- -
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.14. 03.14.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-31 Chungbuk-31
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
- -
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.14. 03.14.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-30 Chungbuk-30
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.14. 03.14.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-29 Chungbuk-29
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.13. 03.13.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-28 Chungbuk-28
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.10. 03.10.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
고양시-11 Goyang-si-11
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
타시도 확진자 도내 이동경로 (진천) Pathway of Tashido confirmed person in Tokyo (Jincheon)
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.10. 03.10.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
동대문구-13 Dongdaemun-gu-13
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
타시도 확진자 도내 이동경로(청주) Transit route in the metropolitan area (Cheongju)
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.10. 03.10.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
동대문구-12 Dongdaemun-gu-12
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
타시도 확진자 도내 이동경로(청주) Transit route in the metropolitan area (Cheongju)
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.10. 03.10.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-27 Chungbuk-27
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.09. 03.09.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-26 Chungbuk-26
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.08. 03.08.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-25 Chungbuk-25
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.07. 03.07.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-24 Chungbuk-24
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.07. 03.07.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-23 Chungbuk-23
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.07. 03.07.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-22 Chungbuk-22
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.07. 03.07.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-21 Chungbuk-21
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.06. 03.06.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-20 Chungbuk-20
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.06. 03.06.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-19 Chungbuk-19
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.06. 03.06.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-18 Chungbuk-18
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.06. 03.06.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-17 Chungbuk-17
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.06. 03.06.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-16 Chungbuk-16
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.05. 03.05.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-15 Chungbuk-15
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
청주 Rice wine
4.6.(월) 19:17~19:50 금천동 oo빵집(자차) 4.6. (Mon) 19: 17 ~ 19: 50 Geumcheon-dong oo Bakery (jacha) 4.6.(월) 20:10~20:40 용담동 잡화점(자차) 4.6. (Mon) 20: 10 ~ 20: 40 Yongdam-dong general store (Own car) 4.7.(화) 13:39~14:55 용암동 oo마트(자차) 4.7. (Tue) 13: 39 ~ 14: 55 Yongam-dong oo Mart (Own car)
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.05. 03.05.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-14 Chungbuk-14
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.05. 03.05.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-13 Chungbuk-13
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
03.04. 03.04.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-12 Chungbuk-12
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.29. 02.29.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-11 Chungbuk-11
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------- 4.3.(금) 퇴원 후 자택격리 4.3. (Fri) Home separation after discharge
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.27. 02.27.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-10 Chungbuk-10
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.27. 02.27.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-9 Chungbuk-9
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.27. 02.27.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-8 Chungbuk-8
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.26. 02.26.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-7 Chungbuk-7
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.25. 02.25.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-6 Chungbuk-6
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.25. 02.25.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-5 Chungbuk-5
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.25. 02.25.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-4 Chungbuk-4
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.22. 02.22.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-3 Chungbuk-3
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.22. 02.22.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-2 Chungbuk-2
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- -
중앙방역대책본부-2979(20.4.12.)호와 관련, In relation to Central Defense Response Headquarters-2979 (20.4.12.), 확진환자의 이동동선은 정보확인시~확진자가 마지막 접촉자와 접촉한 날로부터 14일까지 공개합니다. The movement line of confirmed patients will be disclosed from the time of confirmation of information to the 14th from the date the confirmed contact person has reached the last contact.
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
02.20. 02.20.
- 인적사항: Personal Information:
충북-1 Chungbuk-1
- 주요이동지역: Main moving areas:
- 확진일: Confirmation date:
충청북도 확진자 현황 Chungcheongbuk-do Confirmation Status
확진자 현황 - 순번, 확진일, 인적사항, 치료병원 및 조치사항, 퇴원(완치) Status of confirming persons-sequence number, confirming date, personal information, treatment hospital and measures, discharged (cured) 확진자 Confirmer 확진일 Confirmation date 성별(나이) Gender (age) 거주지 residence 감염경로 Infection route 조치사항 Action 충북-45 Chungbuk-45 04.02. 04.02. 여 (6) Female (6) 충주시 Chungju 미국 입국자 US immigrants 충주의료원 Chungju Medical Center 충북-44 Chungbuk-44 03.29. 03.29. 남 (29) Male (29) 음성군 Eumseong 필리핀 방문 Philippines Visit 청주의료원 Cheongju Medical Center 충북-43 Chungbuk-43 03.29. 03.29. 여 (62) Female (62) 충주시 Chungju 미국 방문 United States visit 충주의료원 Chungju Medical Center 충북-42 Chungbuk-42 03.29. 03.29. 여 (59) Female (59) 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 충북40의 접촉자 40 contacts in Chungbuk 청주의료원 Cheongju Medical Center 충북-41 Chungbuk-41 03.26. 03.26. 남 (61) Male (61) 청주시 Cheongju 충북40의 접촉자 40 contacts in Chungbuk 청주의료원 Cheongju Medical Center 충북-40 Chungbuk-40 03.26. 03.26. 남 (21) Male (21) 청주시 Cheongju 유럽(영국,프랑스) 여행 Travel to Europe (UK, France) 병원격리해제(4.12) Release of hospital quarantine (4.12) 충북-39 Chungbuk-39 03.25. 03.25. 여 (60) Female (60) 증평군 Jeungpyeong 미국(뉴욕) 방문 Visit to the United States (New York) 병원격리해제(4.12) Release of hospital quarantine (4.12) 충북-38 Chungbuk-38 03.22. 03.22. 여 (57) Female (57) 충주시 Chungju 충북-35의 배우자 Spouse of Chungbuk-35 병원격리해제(4.15.) Release of hospital isolation (4.15.) 충북-37 Chungbuk-37 03.22. 03.22. 여 (51) Female (51) 진천군 Jincheon-gun 조사중 Under investigation 병원격리해제(3.26) Release of hospital isolation (3.26) 충북-36 Chungbuk-36 03.22. 03.22. 여 (33) Female (33) 충주시 Chungju 충북-35의 자녀 Children of Chungbuk-35 병원격리해제(4.15.) Release of hospital isolation (4.15.) 충북-35 Chungbuk-35 03.21. 03.21. 남 (59) Male (59) 충주시 Chungju - - 병원격리해제(4.11.) Release of hospital isolation (4.11.) 충북-34 Chungbuk-34 03.20. 03.20. 여 (66) Female (66) 충주시 Chungju - - 병원격리해제(4.3.) Release of hospital isolation (4.3.) 충북-33 Chungbuk-33 03.18. 03.18. 남 (30) Male (30) 충주시 Chungju 병원격리해제(3.27) Release of hospital isolation (3.27) 충북-32 Chungbuk-32 03.17. 03.17. 남 (25) Male (25) 충주시 Chungju 충북-26의 자녀 Children of Chungbuk-26 병원격리해제(4.15.) Release of hospital isolation (4.15.) 충북-31 Chungbuk-31 03.14. 03.14. 여 (17) Female (17) 음성군 Eumseong 충북-28의 자녀 Children of Chungbuk-28 병원격리해제(3.23.) Release of hospital isolation (3.23.) 충북-30 Chungbuk-30 03.14. 03.14. 여 (20) Female (20) 음성군 Eumseong 충북-28의 자녀 Children of Chungbuk-28 충주의료원 Chungju Medical Center 충북-29 Chungbuk-29 03.14. 03.14. 남 (48) Male (48) 음성군 Eumseong 충북-28의 배우자 Spouse of Chungbuk-28 병원격리해제(4.2.) Release of hospital isolation (4.2.) 충북-28 Chungbuk-28 03.13. 03.13. 여 (46) Female (46) 음성군 Eumseong 조사중 Under investigation 병원격리해제(4.8.) Release of hospital isolation (4.8.) 충북-27 Chungbuk-27 03.10. 03.10. 여 (71) Female (71) 괴산 장연면 Goesan Jangyeon-myeon 충북-23의 배우자 Spouse of Chungbuk-23 병원격리해제(3.25) Release of hospital isolation (3.25) 충북-26 Chungbuk-26 03.09. 03.09. 여 (55) Female (55) 충주시 Chungju 서울 확진자의 가족 Family of Seoul Confirmation 병원격리해제(4.5.) Release of hospital isolation (4.5.) 충북-25 Chungbuk-25 03.08. 03.08. 여 (58) Female (58) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun 충북-24의 배우자 Spouse of Chungbuk-24 병원격리해제(3.21) Release of hospital isolation (3.21) 충북-24 Chungbuk-24 03.07. 03.07. 남 (64) Male (64) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun - - 병원격리해제(3.26) Release of hospital isolation (3.26) 충북-23 Chungbuk-23 03.07. 03.07. 남 (75) Male (75) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun - - 병원격리해제(3.26) Release of hospital isolation (3.26) 충북-22 Chungbuk-22 03.07. 03.07. 남 (46) Male (46) 단양군 단양읍 Danyang-gun Danyang-eup 충북-9의 접촉자 Contact person of Chungbuk-9 병원격리해제(3.30) Release of hospital isolation (3.30) 충북-21 Chungbuk-21 03.07. 03.07. 여 (91) Female (91) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun - - 병원격리해제(3.27.) Release of hospital isolation (3.27.) 충북-20 Chungbuk-20 03.06. 03.06. 여 (84) Female (84) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun 충북12의 접촉자 Contacts of Chungbuk 12 병원격리해제(4.3.) Release of hospital isolation (4.3.) 충북-19 Chungbuk-19 03.06. 03.06. 여 (78) Female (78) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun 충북12의 접촉자 Contacts of Chungbuk 12 국립중앙의료원 National Medical Center 충북-18 Chungbuk-18 03.06. 03.06. 여 (67) Female (67) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun 충북12의 접촉자 Contacts of Chungbuk 12 병원격리해제(3.31.) Release of hospital isolation (3.31.) 충북-17 Chungbuk-17 03.06. 03.06. 여 (77) Female (77) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun 충북12의 접촉자 Contacts of Chungbuk 12 병원격리해제(4.1.) Release of hospital isolation (4.1.) 충북-16 Chungbuk-16 03.06. 03.06. 남 (77) Male (77) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun 충북12의 접촉자 Contacts of Chungbuk 12 청주의료원 Cheongju Medical Center 충북-15 Chungbuk-15 03.05. 03.05. 남 (4) M (4) 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 재확진 Reconfirmation 청주의료원 Cheongju Medical Center 충북-14 Chungbuk-14 03.05. 03.05. 여 (57) Female (57) 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 충북2의 모 Chungbuk 2 Mo 병원격리해제(3.24) Release of hospital quarantine (3.24) 충북-13 Chungbuk-13 03.05. 03.05. 남 (58) Male (58) 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 충북2의 부 Department of Chungbuk 2 병원격리해제(3.24) Release of hospital quarantine (3.24) 충북-12 Chungbuk-12 03.04. 03.04. 여 (82) Female (82) 괴산군 장연면 Jangyeon-myeon, Goesan-gun - - 병원격리해제(3.27) Release of hospital isolation (3.27) 충북-11 Chungbuk-11 02.29. 02.29. 남 (25) Male (25) 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 재확진 Reconfirmation 청주의료원 Cheongju Medical Center 충북-10 Chungbuk-10 02.27. 02.27. 남 (23) Male (23) 청주시 청원구 Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si - - 병원격리해제(3.23.) Release of hospital isolation (3.23.) 충북-9 Chungbuk-9 02.27. 02.27. 남 (47) Male (47) 충주시 Chungju - - 국립중앙의료원 National Medical Center 충북-8 Chungbuk-8 02.27. 02.27. 남 (23) Male (23) 청주시 청원구 Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si 대구방문 Visit Daegu 병원격리해제(3.11.) Release of hospital isolation (3.11.) 충북-7 Chungbuk-7 02.26. 02.26. 여 (38) Female (38) 충주시 Chungju - - 병원격리해제(3.27) Release of hospital isolation (3.27) 충북-6 Chungbuk-6 02.25. 02.25. 여 (24) Female (24) 청주시 서원구 Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si - - 병원격리해제(3.4.) Release of hospital isolation (3.4.) 충북-5 Chungbuk-5 02.25. 02.25. 여 (35) Female (35) 충주시 중앙탑면 Chungju City Central Tower - - 병원격리해제(3.8.) Release of hospital isolation (3.8.) 충북-4 Chungbuk-4 02.25. 02.25. 남 (51) Male (51) 음성군 감곡면 Eumseong-gun Gamgok-myeon - - 병원격리해제(3.19.) Release of hospital isolation (3.19.) 충북-3 Chungbuk-3 02.22. 02.22. 여 (35) Female (35) 청주시 청원구 Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si 전주 확진자의 가족 Jeonju Confirmed Family 병원격리해제(3.20.) Release of hospital isolation (3.20.) 충북-2 Chungbuk-2 02.22. 02.22. 남 (36) Male (36) 청주시 청원구 Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si 전주 확진자의 가족 Jeonju Confirmed Family 병원격리해제(3.7.) Release of hospital isolation (3.7.) 충북-1 Chungbuk-1 02.20. 02.20. 남 (31) Male (31) 증평군 Jeungpyeong 지인 신천지 신도 Acquaintance Shincheonji Shindo 병원격리해제(3.14.) Release of hospital isolation (3.14.)
충청북도 선별진료소 및 검사기관 현황 Chungcheongbuk-do Selected Clinic and Inspection Institution
◆ 충청북도 선별진료소 ◆ Chungcheongbuk-do Selected Clinic
구분 division 시·군·구 City, county, district 의료기관명 Medical institution name 대표번호 Representative number 비고 Remark 보건소 Public Health 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 청주시상당보건소 Cheongju City Health Center 201-3143 201-3143 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 보건소 Public Health 청주시 서원구 Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si 청주시서원보건소 Cheongju City Seowon Public Health Center 201-3242 201-3242 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 보건소 Public Health 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 청주시흥덕보건소 Cheongju Siheungdeok Health Center 201-3342 201-3342 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 보건소 Public Health 청주시 청원구 Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si 청주시청원보건소 Cheongju City Cheongwon Public Health Center 201-3442 201-3442 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 보건소 Public Health 충주시 Chungju 충주시보건소 Chungju Public Health Center 850-3431 850-3431 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 보건소 Public Health 제천시 Jecheon 제천시보건소 Jecheon Public Health Center 641-3154 641-3154 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 보건소 Public Health 보은군 Boeun-gun 보은군보건소 Boeun-gun Public Health Center 540-5613 540-5613 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 보건소 Public Health 옥천군 Okcheon-gun 옥천군보건소 Okcheon County Public Health Center 730-2112 730-2112 보건소 Public Health 영동군 Yeongdong-gun 영동군보건소 Yeongdong-gun Public Health Center 740-5612 740-5612 보건소 Public Health 증평군 Jeungpyeong 증평군보건소 Jeungpyeong-gun Public Health Center 835-4252 835-4252 보건소 Public Health 진천군 Jincheon-gun 진천군보건소 Jincheon County Public Health Center 539-7333 539-7333 보건소 Public Health 괴산군 Goesan-gun 괴산군보건소 Goesan County Public Health Center 830-2352 830-2352 보건소 Public Health 음성군 Eumseong 음성군보건소 Eumseong County Public Health Center 871-2182 871-2182 보건소 Public Health 단양군 Danyang-gun 단양군보건소 Danyang County Public Health Center 420-3263 420-3263 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 한국병원 Korea Hospital 222-7000 222-7000 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 효성병원 Hyosung Hospital 221-5000 221-5000 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 서원구 Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si 충북대학교병원 Chungbuk National University Hospital 269-6992 269-6992 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 서원구 Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si 청주의료원 Cheongju Medical Center 279-0400 279-0400 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 하나병원 Hana Hospital 230-6326 230-6326 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 베스티안병원 Vestian Hospital 910-7575 910-7575 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 청원구 Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si 청주성모병원 Cheongju St. Mary's Hospital 219-8119 219-8119 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 충주시 Chungju 충주의료원 Chungju Medical Center 871-0118 871-0118 드라이브스루 선별진료 가능 Drive-through screening available 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 충주시 Chungju 건국대학교 충주병원 Konkuk University Chungju Hospital 840-8330 840-8330 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 제천시 Jecheon 제천서울병원 Jecheon Seoul Hospital 642-7609 642-7609 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 제천시 Jecheon 제천명지병원 Jecheon Myeongji Hospital 640-8114 640-8114 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 보은군 Boeun-gun 보은한양병원 Boeun Hanyang Hospital 544-1500 544-1500 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 옥천군 Okcheon-gun 옥천성모병원 Okcheon St. Mary's Hospital 730-7000 730-7000 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 영동군 Yeongdong-gun 영동병원 Yeongdong Hospital 740-9000 740-9000 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 진천군 Jincheon-gun 진천성모병원 Jincheon St. Mary's Hospital 533-1710 533-1710 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 괴산군 Goesan-gun 괴산성모병원 Goesan St. Mary's Hospital 830-5411 830-5411 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 음성군 Eumseong 금왕태성병원 Geumwang Taeseong Hospital 883-8800 883-8800 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 단양군 Danyang-gun 단양군립노인요양병원 Danyang County Elderly Care Hospital 423-8844 423-8844 ◆ 코로나19 검사기관 ◆ Corona 19 Inspection Agency
구분 division 시·군·구 City, county, district 기관명 Institution name 대표번호 Representative number 비고 Remark 검체검사기관 Sample inspection agency 청주시 서원구 Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si 충북대병원 Chungbuk National University Hospital 269-6992 269-6992 검체검사기관 Sample inspection agency 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 충북보건환경연구원 Chungbuk Health Environment Research Institute 220-5904 220-5904 검체검사기관 Sample inspection agency 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 한국건강관리협회 Korea Health Management Association 297-1100 297-1100 검체검사기관 Sample inspection agency 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 결핵연구원 Tuberculosis Research Institute 249-4981 249-4981
국민안심병원 지정·운영 Designated and operated by National Safety Hospital
※ 호흡기 전용 외래구역만 운영 ※ Only respiratory outpatient areas are operated
국민안심병원 지정·운영 표 National Safety Hospital Designation and Operation Table 구분 division 시·군·구 City, county, district 의료기관명 Medical institution name 대표번호 Representative number 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 한국병원 Korea Hospital 222-7000 222-7000 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 상당구 Cheongju City 효성병원 Hyosung Hospital 221-5000 221-5000 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 하나병원 Hana Hospital 230-6326 230-6326 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 청주시 흥덕구 Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju 베스티안병원 Vestian Hospital 910-7575 910-7575 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 충주시 Chungju 건국대학교 충주병원 Konkuk University Chungju Hospital 840-8330 840-8330 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 제천시 Jecheon 제천서울병원 Jecheon Seoul Hospital 642-7609 642-7609 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 제천시 Jecheon 제천명지병원 Jecheon Myeongji Hospital 640-8114 640-8114 민간의료기관 Private medical institutions 진천군 Jincheon-gun 진천성모병원 Jincheon St. Mary's Hospital 533-1710 533-1710