Daejeon Metropolitan City Corona 19-Current Status

대전 현황 자치구별 확진환자 '20. Status of Daejeon Confirmed Patients by Autonomous Region '20. 3. 28. 16시 기준 3. 28. 16:00

  • 확진환자 A confirmed patient
    총계 격리해제 격리중 사망 31 14 17 0 Total Detainment Quarantine 31 people 14 people 17 people 0 people
  • 의사환자 및 유증상자 Doctor patient and bequest box
    검사중 결과음성 109 8,210 Results during the test 109 people 8,210 people
  • 접촉자 Contact
    격리중 격리해제 169 504 Quarantine 169 persons 504 persons

전국 현황 중앙방역대책본부 '20. National Status Central Defense Countermeasures Headquarters '20. 3. 28. 00시 기준 3. As of 28:00

  • 확진환자 A confirmed patient
    9,478 9,478 people
  • 격리해제자 Quarantine
    4,811 4,811 people
  • 사망자 dead
    144 144 people